/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import Promise from 'bluebird'; import React from 'react'; import Matrix from "matrix-js-sdk"; import Analytics from "../../Analytics"; import UserSettingsStore from '../../UserSettingsStore'; import MatrixClientPeg from "../../MatrixClientPeg"; import PlatformPeg from "../../PlatformPeg"; import SdkConfig from "../../SdkConfig"; import * as RoomListSorter from "../../RoomListSorter"; import dis from "../../dispatcher"; import Modal from "../../Modal"; import Tinter from "../../Tinter"; import sdk from '../../index'; import * as Rooms from '../../Rooms'; import linkifyMatrix from "../../linkify-matrix"; import * as Lifecycle from '../../Lifecycle'; // LifecycleStore is not used but does listen to and dispatch actions require('../../stores/LifecycleStore'); import RoomViewStore from '../../stores/RoomViewStore'; import PageTypes from '../../PageTypes'; import createRoom from "../../createRoom"; import * as UDEHandler from '../../UnknownDeviceErrorHandler'; import KeyRequestHandler from '../../KeyRequestHandler'; import { _t, getCurrentLanguage } from '../../languageHandler'; /** constants for MatrixChat.state.view */ const VIEWS = { // a special initial state which is only used at startup, while we are // trying to re-animate a matrix client or register as a guest. LOADING: 0, // we are showing the login view LOGIN: 1, // we are showing the registration view REGISTER: 2, // completeing the registration flow POST_REGISTRATION: 3, // showing the 'forgot password' view FORGOT_PASSWORD: 4, // we have valid matrix credentials (either via an explicit login, via the // initial re-animation/guest registration, or via a registration), and are // now setting up a matrixclient to talk to it. This isn't an instant // process because (a) we need to clear out indexeddb, and (b) we need to // talk to the team server; while it is going on we show a big spinner. LOGGING_IN: 5, // we are logged in with an active matrix client. LOGGED_IN: 6, }; module.exports = React.createClass({ // we export this so that the integration tests can use it :-S statics: { VIEWS: VIEWS, }, displayName: 'MatrixChat', propTypes: { config: React.PropTypes.object, ConferenceHandler: React.PropTypes.any, onNewScreen: React.PropTypes.func, registrationUrl: React.PropTypes.string, enableGuest: React.PropTypes.bool, // the queryParams extracted from the [real] query-string of the URI realQueryParams: React.PropTypes.object, // the initial queryParams extracted from the hash-fragment of the URI startingFragmentQueryParams: React.PropTypes.object, // called when we have completed a token login onTokenLoginCompleted: React.PropTypes.func, // Represents the screen to display as a result of parsing the initial // window.location initialScreenAfterLogin: React.PropTypes.shape({ screen: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, params: React.PropTypes.object, }), // displayname, if any, to set on the device when logging // in/registering. defaultDeviceDisplayName: React.PropTypes.string, // A function that makes a registration URL makeRegistrationUrl: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, }, childContextTypes: { appConfig: React.PropTypes.object, }, AuxPanel: { RoomSettings: "room_settings", }, getChildContext: function() { return { appConfig: this.props.config, }; }, getInitialState: function() { const s = { // the master view we are showing. view: VIEWS.LOADING, // a thing to call showScreen with once login completes. screenAfterLogin: this.props.initialScreenAfterLogin, // What the LoggedInView would be showing if visible page_type: null, // The ID of the room we're viewing. This is either populated directly // in the case where we view a room by ID or by RoomView when it resolves // what ID an alias points at. currentRoomId: null, // If we're trying to just view a user ID (i.e. /user URL), this is it viewUserId: null, collapse_lhs: false, collapse_rhs: false, ready: false, width: 10000, leftOpacity: 1.0, middleOpacity: 1.0, rightOpacity: 1.0, version: null, newVersion: null, hasNewVersion: false, newVersionReleaseNotes: null, checkingForUpdate: null, // Parameters used in the registration dance with the IS register_client_secret: null, register_session_id: null, register_hs_url: null, register_is_url: null, register_id_sid: null, }; return s; }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { realQueryParams: {}, startingFragmentQueryParams: {}, config: {}, onTokenLoginCompleted: () => {}, }; }, getCurrentHsUrl: function() { if (this.state.register_hs_url) { return this.state.register_hs_url; } else if (MatrixClientPeg.get()) { return MatrixClientPeg.get().getHomeserverUrl(); } else if (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem("mx_hs_url")) { return window.localStorage.getItem("mx_hs_url"); } else { return this.getDefaultHsUrl(); } }, getDefaultHsUrl() { return this.props.config.default_hs_url || "https://matrix.org"; }, getFallbackHsUrl: function() { return this.props.config.fallback_hs_url; }, getCurrentIsUrl: function() { if (this.state.register_is_url) { return this.state.register_is_url; } else if (MatrixClientPeg.get()) { return MatrixClientPeg.get().getIdentityServerUrl(); } else if (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem("mx_is_url")) { return window.localStorage.getItem("mx_is_url"); } else { return this.getDefaultIsUrl(); } }, getDefaultIsUrl() { return this.props.config.default_is_url || "https://vector.im"; }, componentWillMount: function() { SdkConfig.put(this.props.config); this._roomViewStoreToken = RoomViewStore.addListener(this._onRoomViewStoreUpdated); this._onRoomViewStoreUpdated(); if (!UserSettingsStore.getLocalSetting('analyticsOptOut', false)) Analytics.enable(); // Used by _viewRoom before getting state from sync this.firstSyncComplete = false; this.firstSyncPromise = q.defer(); if (this.props.config.sync_timeline_limit) { MatrixClientPeg.opts.initialSyncLimit = this.props.config.sync_timeline_limit; } // To enable things like riot.im/geektime in a nicer way than rewriting the URL // and appending a team token query parameter, use the first path segment to // indicate a team, with "public" team tokens stored in the config teamTokenMap. let routedTeamToken = null; if (this.props.config.teamTokenMap) { const teamName = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; if (teamName && this.props.config.teamTokenMap.hasOwnProperty(teamName)) { routedTeamToken = this.props.config.teamTokenMap[teamName]; } } // Persist the team token across refreshes using sessionStorage. A new window or // tab will not persist sessionStorage, but refreshes will. if (this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams.team_token) { window.sessionStorage.setItem( 'mx_team_token', this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams.team_token, ); } // Use the locally-stored team token first, then as a fall-back, check to see if // a referral link was used, which will contain a query parameter `team_token`. this._teamToken = routedTeamToken || window.localStorage.getItem('mx_team_token') || window.sessionStorage.getItem('mx_team_token'); // Some users have ended up with "undefined" as their local storage team token, // treat that as undefined. if (this._teamToken === "undefined") { this._teamToken = undefined; } if (this._teamToken) { console.info(`Team token set to ${this._teamToken}`); } // Set a default HS with query param `hs_url` const paramHs = this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams.hs_url; if (paramHs) { console.log('Setting register_hs_url ', paramHs); this.setState({ register_hs_url: paramHs, }); } }, componentDidMount: function() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); UDEHandler.startListening(); this.focusComposer = false; // this can technically be done anywhere but doing this here keeps all // the routing url path logic together. if (this.onAliasClick) { linkifyMatrix.onAliasClick = this.onAliasClick; } if (this.onUserClick) { linkifyMatrix.onUserClick = this.onUserClick; } if (this.onGroupClick) { linkifyMatrix.onGroupClick = this.onGroupClick; } window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); this.handleResize(); const teamServerConfig = this.props.config.teamServerConfig || {}; Lifecycle.initRtsClient(teamServerConfig.teamServerURL); // the first thing to do is to try the token params in the query-string Lifecycle.attemptTokenLogin(this.props.realQueryParams).then((loggedIn) => { if(loggedIn) { this.props.onTokenLoginCompleted(); // don't do anything else until the page reloads - just stay in // the 'loading' state. return; } // if the user has followed a login or register link, don't reanimate // the old creds, but rather go straight to the relevant page const firstScreen = this.state.screenAfterLogin ? this.state.screenAfterLogin.screen : null; if (firstScreen === 'login' || firstScreen === 'register' || firstScreen === 'forgot_password') { this.setState({loading: false}); this._showScreenAfterLogin(); return; } // the extra q() ensures that synchronous exceptions hit the same codepath as // asynchronous ones. return q().then(() => { return Lifecycle.loadSession({ fragmentQueryParams: this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams, enableGuest: this.props.enableGuest, guestHsUrl: this.getCurrentHsUrl(), guestIsUrl: this.getCurrentIsUrl(), defaultDeviceDisplayName: this.props.defaultDeviceDisplayName, }); }).catch((e) => { console.error(`Error attempting to load session: ${e}`); return false; }).then((loadedSession) => { if (!loadedSession) { // fall back to showing the login screen dis.dispatch({action: "start_login"}); } }); }).done(); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { Lifecycle.stopMatrixClient(); dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); UDEHandler.stopListening(); window.removeEventListener("focus", this.onFocus); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); this._roomViewStoreToken.remove(); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (this.focusComposer) { dis.dispatch({action: 'focus_composer'}); this.focusComposer = false; } }, setStateForNewView: function(state) { if (state.view === undefined) { throw new Error("setStateForNewView with no view!"); } const newState = { viewUserId: null, }; Object.assign(newState, state); this.setState(newState); }, onAction: function(payload) { // console.log(`MatrixClientPeg.onAction: ${payload.action}`); const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); switch (payload.action) { case 'logout': Lifecycle.logout(); break; case 'start_registration': this._startRegistration(payload.params || {}); break; case 'start_login': this.setStateForNewView({ view: VIEWS.LOGIN, }); this.notifyNewScreen('login'); break; case 'start_post_registration': this.setState({ view: VIEWS.POST_REGISTRATION, }); break; case 'start_password_recovery': this.setStateForNewView({ view: VIEWS.FORGOT_PASSWORD, }); this.notifyNewScreen('forgot_password'); break; case 'start_chat': createRoom({ dmUserId: payload.user_id, }); break; case 'leave_room': this._leaveRoom(payload.room_id); break; case 'reject_invite': Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, { title: _t('Reject invitation'), description: _t('Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?'), onFinished: (confirm) => { if (confirm) { // FIXME: controller shouldn't be loading a view :( const Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner"); const modal = Modal.createDialog(Loader, null, 'mx_Dialog_spinner'); MatrixClientPeg.get().leave(payload.room_id).done(() => { modal.close(); if (this.state.currentRoomId === payload.room_id) { dis.dispatch({action: 'view_next_room'}); } }, (err) => { modal.close(); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: _t('Failed to reject invitation'), description: err.toString(), }); }); } }, }); break; case 'view_user': // FIXME: ugly hack to expand the RightPanel and then re-dispatch. if (this.state.collapse_rhs) { setTimeout(()=>{ dis.dispatch({ action: 'show_right_panel', }); dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_user', member: payload.member, }); }, 0); } break; case 'view_room': // Takes either a room ID or room alias: if switching to a room the client is already // known to be in (eg. user clicks on a room in the recents panel), supply the ID // If the user is clicking on a room in the context of the alias being presented // to them, supply the room alias. If both are supplied, the room ID will be ignored. this._viewRoom(payload); break; case 'view_prev_room': this._viewNextRoom(-1); break; case 'view_next_room': this._viewNextRoom(1); break; case 'view_indexed_room': this._viewIndexedRoom(payload.roomIndex); break; case 'view_user_settings': if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'do_after_sync_prepared', deferred_action: { action: 'view_user_settings', }, }); dis.dispatch({action: 'view_set_mxid'}); break; } this._setPage(PageTypes.UserSettings); this.notifyNewScreen('settings'); break; case 'view_create_room': this._createRoom(); break; case 'view_room_directory': this._setPage(PageTypes.RoomDirectory); this.notifyNewScreen('directory'); break; case 'view_my_groups': this._setPage(PageTypes.MyGroups); this.notifyNewScreen('groups'); break; case 'view_group': { const groupId = payload.group_id; this.setState({currentGroupId: groupId}); this._setPage(PageTypes.GroupView); this.notifyNewScreen('group/' + groupId); } break; case 'view_home_page': this._setPage(PageTypes.HomePage); this.notifyNewScreen('home'); break; case 'view_set_mxid': this._setMxId(payload); break; case 'view_start_chat_or_reuse': this._chatCreateOrReuse(payload.user_id, payload.go_home_on_cancel); break; case 'view_create_chat': this._createChat(); break; case 'view_invite': this._invite(payload.roomId); break; case 'notifier_enabled': this.forceUpdate(); break; case 'hide_left_panel': this.setState({ collapse_lhs: true, }); break; case 'show_left_panel': this.setState({ collapse_lhs: false, }); break; case 'hide_right_panel': this.setState({ collapse_rhs: true, }); break; case 'show_right_panel': this.setState({ collapse_rhs: false, }); break; case 'ui_opacity': { const sideDefault = payload.sideOpacity >= 0.0 ? payload.sideOpacity : 1.0; this.setState({ leftOpacity: payload.leftOpacity >= 0.0 ? payload.leftOpacity : sideDefault, middleOpacity: payload.middleOpacity || 1.0, rightOpacity: payload.rightOpacity >= 0.0 ? payload.rightOpacity : sideDefault, }); break; } case 'set_theme': this._onSetTheme(payload.value); break; case 'on_logging_in': // We are now logging in, so set the state to reflect that // NB. This does not touch 'ready' since if our dispatches // are delayed, the sync could already have completed this.setStateForNewView({ view: VIEWS.LOGGING_IN, }); break; case 'on_logged_in': this._onLoggedIn(payload.teamToken); break; case 'on_logged_out': this._onLoggedOut(); break; case 'will_start_client': this.setState({ready: false}, () => { // if the client is about to start, we are, by definition, not ready. // Set ready to false now, then it'll be set to true when the sync // listener we set below fires. this._onWillStartClient(); }); break; case 'new_version': this.onVersion( payload.currentVersion, payload.newVersion, payload.releaseNotes, ); break; case 'check_updates': this.setState({ checkingForUpdate: payload.value }); break; case 'send_event': this.onSendEvent(payload.room_id, payload.event); break; } }, _onRoomViewStoreUpdated: function() { this.setState({ currentRoomId: RoomViewStore.getRoomId() }); }, _setPage: function(pageType) { this.setState({ page_type: pageType, }); }, _startRegistration: function(params) { this.setStateForNewView({ view: VIEWS.REGISTER, // these params may be undefined, but if they are, // unset them from our state: we don't want to // resume a previous registration session if the // user just clicked 'register' register_client_secret: params.client_secret, register_session_id: params.session_id, register_hs_url: params.hs_url, register_is_url: params.is_url, register_id_sid: params.sid, }); this.notifyNewScreen('register'); }, // TODO: Move to RoomViewStore _viewNextRoom: function(roomIndexDelta) { const allRooms = RoomListSorter.mostRecentActivityFirst( MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms(), ); // If there are 0 rooms or 1 room, view the home page because otherwise // if there are 0, we end up trying to index into an empty array, and // if there is 1, we end up viewing the same room. if (allRooms.length < 2) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_home_page', }); return; } let roomIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < allRooms.length; ++i) { if (allRooms[i].roomId == this.state.currentRoomId) { roomIndex = i; break; } } roomIndex = (roomIndex + roomIndexDelta) % allRooms.length; if (roomIndex < 0) roomIndex = allRooms.length - 1; dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room', room_id: allRooms[roomIndex].roomId, }); }, // TODO: Move to RoomViewStore _viewIndexedRoom: function(roomIndex) { const allRooms = RoomListSorter.mostRecentActivityFirst( MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms(), ); if (allRooms[roomIndex]) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room', room_id: allRooms[roomIndex].roomId, }); } }, // switch view to the given room // // @param {Object} roomInfo Object containing data about the room to be joined // @param {string=} roomInfo.room_id ID of the room to join. One of room_id or room_alias must be given. // @param {string=} roomInfo.room_alias Alias of the room to join. One of room_id or room_alias must be given. // @param {boolean=} roomInfo.auto_join If true, automatically attempt to join the room if not already a member. // @param {boolean=} roomInfo.show_settings Makes RoomView show the room settings dialog. // @param {string=} roomInfo.event_id ID of the event in this room to show: this will cause a switch to the // context of that particular event. // @param {boolean=} roomInfo.highlighted If true, add event_id to the hash of the URL // and alter the EventTile to appear highlighted. // @param {Object=} roomInfo.third_party_invite Object containing data about the third party // we received to join the room, if any. // @param {string=} roomInfo.third_party_invite.inviteSignUrl 3pid invite sign URL // @param {string=} roomInfo.third_party_invite.invitedEmail The email address the invite was sent to // @param {Object=} roomInfo.oob_data Object of additional data about the room // that has been passed out-of-band (eg. // room name and avatar from an invite email) _viewRoom: function(roomInfo) { this.focusComposer = true; const newState = { page_type: PageTypes.RoomView, thirdPartyInvite: roomInfo.third_party_invite, roomOobData: roomInfo.oob_data, autoJoin: roomInfo.auto_join, }; if (roomInfo.room_alias) { console.log( `Switching to room alias ${roomInfo.room_alias} at event ` + roomInfo.event_id, ); } else { console.log(`Switching to room id ${roomInfo.room_id} at event ` + roomInfo.event_id, ); } // Wait for the first sync to complete so that if a room does have an alias, // it would have been retrieved. let waitFor = q(null); if (!this.firstSyncComplete) { if (!this.firstSyncPromise) { console.warn('Cannot view a room before first sync. room_id:', roomInfo.room_id); return; } waitFor = this.firstSyncPromise.promise; } waitFor.done(() => { let presentedId = roomInfo.room_alias || roomInfo.room_id; const room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(roomInfo.room_id); if (room) { const theAlias = Rooms.getDisplayAliasForRoom(room); if (theAlias) presentedId = theAlias; // Store this as the ID of the last room accessed. This is so that we can // persist which room is being stored across refreshes and browser quits. if (localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('mx_last_room_id', room.roomId); } } if (roomInfo.event_id && roomInfo.highlighted) { presentedId += "/" + roomInfo.event_id; } this.notifyNewScreen('room/' + presentedId); newState.ready = true; this.setState(newState); }); }, _setMxId: function(payload) { const SetMxIdDialog = sdk.getComponent('views.dialogs.SetMxIdDialog'); const close = Modal.createDialog(SetMxIdDialog, { homeserverUrl: MatrixClientPeg.get().getHomeserverUrl(), onFinished: (submitted, credentials) => { if (!submitted) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'cancel_after_sync_prepared', }); if (payload.go_home_on_cancel) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_home_page', }); } return; } this.onRegistered(credentials); }, onDifferentServerClicked: (ev) => { dis.dispatch({action: 'start_registration'}); close(); }, onLoginClick: (ev) => { dis.dispatch({action: 'start_login'}); close(); }, }).close; }, _createChat: function() { if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'do_after_sync_prepared', deferred_action: { action: 'view_create_chat', }, }); dis.dispatch({action: 'view_set_mxid'}); return; } const ChatInviteDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ChatInviteDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ChatInviteDialog, { title: _t('Start a chat'), description: _t("Who would you like to communicate with?"), placeholder: _t("Email, name or matrix ID"), button: _t("Start Chat"), }); }, _createRoom: function() { if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'do_after_sync_prepared', deferred_action: { action: 'view_create_room', }, }); dis.dispatch({action: 'view_set_mxid'}); return; } const TextInputDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.TextInputDialog"); Modal.createDialog(TextInputDialog, { title: _t('Create Room'), description: _t('Room name (optional)'), button: _t('Create Room'), onFinished: (shouldCreate, name) => { if (shouldCreate) { const createOpts = {}; if (name) createOpts.name = name; createRoom({createOpts}).done(); } }, }); }, _chatCreateOrReuse: function(userId, goHomeOnCancel) { if (goHomeOnCancel === undefined) goHomeOnCancel = true; const ChatCreateOrReuseDialog = sdk.getComponent( 'views.dialogs.ChatCreateOrReuseDialog', ); // Use a deferred action to reshow the dialog once the user has registered if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) { // No point in making 2 DMs with welcome bot. This assumes view_set_mxid will // result in a new DM with the welcome user. if (userId !== this.props.config.welcomeUserId) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'do_after_sync_prepared', deferred_action: { action: 'view_start_chat_or_reuse', user_id: userId, }, }); } dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_set_mxid', // If the set_mxid dialog is cancelled, view /home because if the browser // was pointing at /user/@someone:domain?action=chat, the URL needs to be // reset so that they can revisit /user/.. // (and trigger // `_chatCreateOrReuse` again) go_home_on_cancel: true, }); return; } const close = Modal.createDialog(ChatCreateOrReuseDialog, { userId: userId, onFinished: (success) => { if (!success && goHomeOnCancel) { // Dialog cancelled, default to home dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_home_page' }); } }, onNewDMClick: () => { dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_chat', user_id: userId, }); // Close the dialog, indicate success (calls onFinished(true)) close(true); }, onExistingRoomSelected: (roomId) => { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room', room_id: roomId, }); close(true); }, }).close; }, _invite: function(roomId) { const ChatInviteDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ChatInviteDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ChatInviteDialog, { title: _t('Invite new room members'), description: _t('Who would you like to add to this room?'), button: _t('Send Invites'), placeholder: _t("Email, name or matrix ID"), roomId: roomId, }); }, _leaveRoom: function(roomId) { const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); const roomToLeave = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(roomId); Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Leave room"), description: ( {_t("Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?", {roomName: roomToLeave.name})} ), onFinished: (shouldLeave) => { if (shouldLeave) { const d = MatrixClientPeg.get().leave(roomId); // FIXME: controller shouldn't be loading a view :( const Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner"); const modal = Modal.createDialog(Loader, null, 'mx_Dialog_spinner'); d.then(() => { modal.close(); if (this.state.currentRoomId === roomId) { dis.dispatch({action: 'view_next_room'}); } }, (err) => { modal.close(); console.error("Failed to leave room " + roomId + " " + err); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Failed to leave room"), description: (err && err.message ? err.message : _t("Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.")), }); }); } }, }); }, /** * Called whenever someone changes the theme * * @param {string} theme new theme */ _onSetTheme: function(theme) { if (!theme) { theme = 'light'; } // look for the stylesheet elements. // styleElements is a map from style name to HTMLLinkElement. const styleElements = Object.create(null); let a; for (let i = 0; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) { const href = a.getAttribute("href"); // shouldn't we be using the 'title' tag rather than the href? const match = href.match(/^bundles\/.*\/theme-(.*)\.css$/); if (match) { styleElements[match[1]] = a; } } if (!(theme in styleElements)) { throw new Error("Unknown theme " + theme); } // disable all of them first, then enable the one we want. Chrome only // bothers to do an update on a true->false transition, so this ensures // that we get exactly one update, at the right time. Object.values(styleElements).forEach((a) => { a.disabled = true; }); styleElements[theme].disabled = false; if (theme === 'dark') { // abuse the tinter to change all the SVG's #fff to #2d2d2d // XXX: obviously this shouldn't be hardcoded here. Tinter.tintSvgWhite('#2d2d2d'); } else { Tinter.tintSvgWhite('#ffffff'); } }, /** * Called when a new logged in session has started * * @param {string} teamToken */ _onLoggedIn: function(teamToken) { this.setState({ view: VIEWS.LOGGED_IN, }); if (teamToken) { // A team member has logged in, not a guest this._teamToken = teamToken; dis.dispatch({action: 'view_home_page'}); } else if (this._is_registered) { this._is_registered = false; // Set the display name = user ID localpart MatrixClientPeg.get().setDisplayName( MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserIdLocalpart(), ); if (this.props.config.welcomeUserId && getCurrentLanguage().startsWith("en")) { createRoom({ dmUserId: this.props.config.welcomeUserId, // Only view the welcome user if we're NOT looking at a room andView: !this.state.currentRoomId, }); return; } // The user has just logged in after registering dis.dispatch({action: 'view_home_page'}); } else { this._showScreenAfterLogin(); } }, _showScreenAfterLogin: function() { // If screenAfterLogin is set, use that, then null it so that a second login will // result in view_home_page, _user_settings or _room_directory if (this.state.screenAfterLogin && this.state.screenAfterLogin.screen) { this.showScreen( this.state.screenAfterLogin.screen, this.state.screenAfterLogin.params, ); // XXX: is this necessary? `showScreen` should do it for us. this.notifyNewScreen(this.state.screenAfterLogin.screen); this.setState({screenAfterLogin: null}); } else if (localStorage && localStorage.getItem('mx_last_room_id')) { // Before defaulting to directory, show the last viewed room dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room', room_id: localStorage.getItem('mx_last_room_id'), }); } else { dis.dispatch({action: 'view_home_page'}); } }, /** * Called when the session is logged out */ _onLoggedOut: function() { this.notifyNewScreen('login'); this.setStateForNewView({ view: VIEWS.LOGIN, ready: false, collapse_lhs: false, collapse_rhs: false, currentRoomId: null, page_type: PageTypes.RoomDirectory, }); this._teamToken = null; this._setPageSubtitle(); }, /** * Called just before the matrix client is started * (useful for setting listeners) */ _onWillStartClient() { const self = this; // reset the 'have completed first sync' flag, // since we're about to start the client and therefore about // to do the first sync this.firstSyncComplete = false; this.firstSyncPromise = q.defer(); const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); // Allow the JS SDK to reap timeline events. This reduces the amount of // memory consumed as the JS SDK stores multiple distinct copies of room // state (each of which can be 10s of MBs) for each DISJOINT timeline. This is // particularly noticeable when there are lots of 'limited' /sync responses // such as when laptops unsleep. // https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/3307#issuecomment-282895568 cli.setCanResetTimelineCallback(function(roomId) { console.log("Request to reset timeline in room ", roomId, " viewing:", self.state.currentRoomId); if (roomId !== self.state.currentRoomId) { // It is safe to remove events from rooms we are not viewing. return true; } // We are viewing the room which we want to reset. It is only safe to do // this if we are not scrolled up in the view. To find out, delegate to // the timeline panel. If the timeline panel doesn't exist, then we assume // it is safe to reset the timeline. if (!self.refs.loggedInView) { return true; } return self.refs.loggedInView.canResetTimelineInRoom(roomId); }); cli.on('sync', function(state, prevState) { // LifecycleStore and others cannot directly subscribe to matrix client for // events because flux only allows store state changes during flux dispatches. // So dispatch directly from here. Ideally we'd use a SyncStateStore that // would do this dispatch and expose the sync state itself (by listening to // its own dispatch). dis.dispatch({action: 'sync_state', prevState, state}); self.updateStatusIndicator(state, prevState); if (state === "SYNCING" && prevState === "SYNCING") { return; } console.log("MatrixClient sync state => %s", state); if (state !== "PREPARED") { return; } self.firstSyncComplete = true; self.firstSyncPromise.resolve(); dis.dispatch({action: 'focus_composer'}); self.setState({ready: true}); }); cli.on('Call.incoming', function(call) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'incoming_call', call: call, }); }); cli.on('Session.logged_out', function(call) { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: _t('Signed Out'), description: _t('For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.'), }); dis.dispatch({ action: 'logout', }); }); cli.on("accountData", function(ev) { if (ev.getType() === 'im.vector.web.settings') { if (ev.getContent() && ev.getContent().theme) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'set_theme', value: ev.getContent().theme, }); } } }); const krh = new KeyRequestHandler(cli); cli.on("crypto.roomKeyRequest", (req) => { krh.handleKeyRequest(req); }); cli.on("crypto.roomKeyRequestCancellation", (req) => { krh.handleKeyRequestCancellation(req); }); }, showScreen: function(screen, params) { if (screen == 'register') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_registration', params: params, }); } else if (screen == 'login') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_login', params: params, }); } else if (screen == 'forgot_password') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_password_recovery', params: params, }); } else if (screen == 'new') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_create_room', }); } else if (screen == 'settings') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_user_settings', }); } else if (screen == 'home') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_home_page', }); } else if (screen == 'start') { this.showScreen('home'); dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_set_mxid', }); } else if (screen == 'directory') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room_directory', }); } else if (screen == 'groups') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_my_groups', }); } else if (screen == 'post_registration') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_post_registration', }); } else if (screen.indexOf('room/') == 0) { const segments = screen.substring(5).split('/'); const roomString = segments[0]; const eventId = segments[1]; // undefined if no event id given // FIXME: sort_out caseConsistency const thirdPartyInvite = { inviteSignUrl: params.signurl, invitedEmail: params.email, }; const oobData = { name: params.room_name, avatarUrl: params.room_avatar_url, inviterName: params.inviter_name, }; const payload = { action: 'view_room', event_id: eventId, // If an event ID is given in the URL hash, notify RoomViewStore to mark // it as highlighted, which will propagate to RoomView and highlight the // associated EventTile. highlighted: Boolean(eventId), third_party_invite: thirdPartyInvite, oob_data: oobData, }; if (roomString[0] == '#') { payload.room_alias = roomString; } else { payload.room_id = roomString; } // we can't view a room unless we're logged in // (a guest account is fine) if (this.state.view === VIEWS.LOGGED_IN) { dis.dispatch(payload); } } else if (screen.indexOf('user/') == 0) { const userId = screen.substring(5); if (params.action === 'chat') { this._chatCreateOrReuse(userId); return; } this.setState({ viewUserId: userId }); this._setPage(PageTypes.UserView); this.notifyNewScreen('user/' + userId); const member = new Matrix.RoomMember(null, userId); if (member) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_user', member: member, }); } } else if (screen.indexOf('group/') == 0) { const groupId = screen.substring(6); // TODO: Check valid group ID dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_group', group_id: groupId, }); } else { console.info("Ignoring showScreen for '%s'", screen); } }, notifyNewScreen: function(screen) { if (this.props.onNewScreen) { this.props.onNewScreen(screen); } Analytics.trackPageChange(); }, onAliasClick: function(event, alias) { event.preventDefault(); dis.dispatch({action: 'view_room', room_alias: alias}); }, onUserClick: function(event, userId) { event.preventDefault(); const member = new Matrix.RoomMember(null, userId); if (!member) { return; } dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_user', member: member, }); }, onGroupClick: function(event, groupId) { event.preventDefault(); dis.dispatch({action: 'view_group', group_id: groupId}); }, onLogoutClick: function(event) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'logout', }); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, handleResize: function(e) { const hideLhsThreshold = 1000; const showLhsThreshold = 1000; const hideRhsThreshold = 820; const showRhsThreshold = 820; if (this.state.width > hideLhsThreshold && window.innerWidth <= hideLhsThreshold) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'hide_left_panel' }); } if (this.state.width <= showLhsThreshold && window.innerWidth > showLhsThreshold) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'show_left_panel' }); } if (this.state.width > hideRhsThreshold && window.innerWidth <= hideRhsThreshold) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'hide_right_panel' }); } if (this.state.width <= showRhsThreshold && window.innerWidth > showRhsThreshold) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'show_right_panel' }); } this.setState({width: window.innerWidth}); }, onRoomCreated: function(roomId) { dis.dispatch({ action: "view_room", room_id: roomId, }); }, onRegisterClick: function() { this.showScreen("register"); }, onLoginClick: function() { this.showScreen("login"); }, onForgotPasswordClick: function() { this.showScreen("forgot_password"); }, onReturnToAppClick: function() { // treat it the same as if the user had completed the login this._onLoggedIn(null); }, // returns a promise which resolves to the new MatrixClient onRegistered: function(credentials, teamToken) { // XXX: These both should be in state or ideally store(s) because we risk not // rendering the most up-to-date view of state otherwise. // teamToken may not be truthy this._teamToken = teamToken; this._is_registered = true; return Lifecycle.setLoggedIn(credentials); }, onFinishPostRegistration: function() { // Don't confuse this with "PageType" which is the middle window to show this.setState({ view: VIEWS.LOGGED_IN, }); this.showScreen("settings"); }, onVersion: function(current, latest, releaseNotes) { this.setState({ version: current, newVersion: latest, hasNewVersion: current !== latest, newVersionReleaseNotes: releaseNotes, checkingForUpdate: null, }); }, onSendEvent: function(roomId, event) { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); if (!cli) { dis.dispatch({action: 'message_send_failed'}); return; } cli.sendEvent(roomId, event.getType(), event.getContent()).done(() => { dis.dispatch({action: 'message_sent'}); }, (err) => { if (err.name === 'UnknownDeviceError') { dis.dispatch({ action: 'unknown_device_error', err: err, room: cli.getRoom(roomId), }); } dis.dispatch({action: 'message_send_failed'}); }); }, _setPageSubtitle: function(subtitle='') { document.title = `Riot ${subtitle}`; }, updateStatusIndicator: function(state, prevState) { let notifCount = 0; const rooms = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms(); for (let i = 0; i < rooms.length; ++i) { if (rooms[i].hasMembershipState(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId, 'invite')) { notifCount++; } else if (rooms[i].getUnreadNotificationCount()) { // if we were summing unread notifs: // notifCount += rooms[i].getUnreadNotificationCount(); // instead, we just count the number of rooms with notifs. notifCount++; } } if (PlatformPeg.get()) { PlatformPeg.get().setErrorStatus(state === 'ERROR'); PlatformPeg.get().setNotificationCount(notifCount); } let subtitle = ''; if (state === "ERROR") { subtitle += `[${_t("Offline")}] `; } if (notifCount > 0) { subtitle += `[${notifCount}]`; } this._setPageSubtitle(subtitle); }, onUserSettingsClose: function() { // XXX: use browser history instead to find the previous room? // or maintain a this.state.pageHistory in _setPage()? if (this.state.currentRoomId) { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_room', room_id: this.state.currentRoomId, }); } else { dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_home_page', }); } }, _makeRegistrationUrl: function(params) { if (this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams.referrer) { params.referrer = this.props.startingFragmentQueryParams.referrer; } return this.props.makeRegistrationUrl(params); }, render: function() { // console.log(`Rendering MatrixChat with view ${this.state.view}`); if (this.state.view === VIEWS.LOADING || this.state.view === VIEWS.LOGGING_IN) { const Spinner = sdk.getComponent('elements.Spinner'); return (
); } // needs to be before normal PageTypes as you are logged in technically if (this.state.view === VIEWS.POST_REGISTRATION) { const PostRegistration = sdk.getComponent('structures.login.PostRegistration'); return ( ); } if (this.state.view === VIEWS.LOGGED_IN) { // `ready` and `view==LOGGED_IN` may be set before `page_type` (because the // latter is set via the dispatcher). If we don't yet have a `page_type`, // keep showing the spinner for now. if (this.state.ready && this.state.page_type) { /* for now, we stuff the entirety of our props and state into the LoggedInView. * we should go through and figure out what we actually need to pass down, as well * as using something like redux to avoid having a billion bits of state kicking around. */ const LoggedInView = sdk.getComponent('structures.LoggedInView'); return ( ); } else { // we think we are logged in, but are still waiting for the /sync to complete const Spinner = sdk.getComponent('elements.Spinner'); return (
{ _t('Logout') }
); } } if (this.state.view === VIEWS.REGISTER) { const Registration = sdk.getComponent('structures.login.Registration'); return ( ); } if (this.state.view === VIEWS.FORGOT_PASSWORD) { const ForgotPassword = sdk.getComponent('structures.login.ForgotPassword'); return ( ); } if (this.state.view === VIEWS.LOGIN) { const Login = sdk.getComponent('structures.login.Login'); return ( ); } console.error(`Unknown view ${this.state.view}`); }, });