/* Copyright 2022 - 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; import { act, render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react"; import { EventType, EventStatus, MatrixEvent, MatrixEventEvent, MsgType, Room, FeatureSupport, Thread, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import MessageActionBar from "../../../../src/components/views/messages/MessageActionBar"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, mockClientMethodsUser, mockClientMethodsEvents, makeBeaconInfoEvent, } from "../../../test-utils"; import { RoomPermalinkCreator } from "../../../../src/utils/permalinks/Permalinks"; import RoomContext, { TimelineRenderingType } from "../../../../src/contexts/RoomContext"; import { IRoomState } from "../../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import dispatcher from "../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { Action } from "../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; jest.mock("../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"); describe("<MessageActionBar />", () => { const userId = "@alice:server.org"; const roomId = "!room:server.org"; const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ ...mockClientMethodsUser(userId), ...mockClientMethodsEvents(), getRoom: jest.fn(), }); const room = new Room(roomId, client, userId); const alicesMessageEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, event_id: "$alices_message", }); const bobsMessageEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "@bob:server.org", room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "I am bob", }, event_id: "$bobs_message", }); const redactedEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, }); redactedEvent.makeRedacted(redactedEvent, room); const localStorageMock = (() => { let store: Record<string, any> = {}; return { getItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key) => store[key] ?? null), setItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key, value) => { store[key] = value; }), clear: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { store = {}; }), removeItem: jest.fn().mockImplementation((key) => delete store[key]), }; })(); Object.defineProperty(window, "localStorage", { value: localStorageMock, writable: true, }); jest.spyOn(room, "getPendingEvents").mockReturnValue([]); client.getRoom.mockReturnValue(room); const defaultProps = { getTile: jest.fn(), getReplyChain: jest.fn(), toggleThreadExpanded: jest.fn(), mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent, permalinkCreator: new RoomPermalinkCreator(room), }; const defaultRoomContext = { ...RoomContext, timelineRenderingType: TimelineRenderingType.Room, canSendMessages: true, canReact: true, } as unknown as IRoomState; const getComponent = (props = {}, roomContext: Partial<IRoomState> = {}) => render( <RoomContext.Provider value={{ ...defaultRoomContext, ...roomContext }}> <MessageActionBar {...defaultProps} {...props} /> </RoomContext.Provider>, ); beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(false); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockResolvedValue(undefined); }); afterAll(() => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockRestore(); }); it("kills event listeners on unmount", () => { const offSpy = jest.spyOn(alicesMessageEvent, "off").mockClear(); const wrapper = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); act(() => { wrapper.unmount(); }); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.Status); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.Decrypted); expect(offSpy.mock.calls[2][0]).toEqual(MatrixEventEvent.BeforeRedaction); expect(client.decryptEventIfNeeded).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("decryption", () => { it("decrypts event if needed", () => { getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(client.decryptEventIfNeeded).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("updates component on decrypted event", () => { const decryptingEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessageEncrypted, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: {}, }); jest.spyOn(decryptingEvent, "isBeingDecrypted").mockReturnValue(true); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: decryptingEvent }); // still encrypted event is not actionable => no reply button expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); act(() => { // ''decrypt'' the event decryptingEvent.event.type = alicesMessageEvent.getType(); decryptingEvent.event.content = alicesMessageEvent.getContent(); decryptingEvent.emit(MatrixEventEvent.Decrypted, decryptingEvent); }); // new available actions after decryption expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("status", () => { it("updates component when event status changes", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); // pending event status, cancel action available expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); act(() => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); }); // event is sent, no longer cancelable expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("redaction", () => { // this doesn't do what it's supposed to // because beforeRedaction event is fired... before redaction // event is unchanged at point when this component updates // TODO file bug it.skip("updates component on before redaction event", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); // no pending redaction => no delete button expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeFalsy(); act(() => { const redactionEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomRedaction, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, }); redactionEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.markLocallyRedacted(redactionEvent); }); // updated with local redaction event, delete now available expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("options button", () => { it("renders options menu", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Options")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("opens message context menu on click", () => { const { getByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("Options")!); expect(getByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("reply button", () => { it("renders reply button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders reply button on others actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: bobsMessageEvent }, { canSendMessages: true }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render reply button on non-actionable event", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("does not render reply button when user cannot send messaged", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }, { canSendMessages: false }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("dispatches reply event on click", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("Reply")!); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: "reply_to_event", event: alicesMessageEvent, context: TimelineRenderingType.Room, }); }); }); describe("react button", () => { it("renders react button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders react button on others actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: bobsMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render react button on non-actionable event", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("does not render react button when user cannot react", () => { // redacted event is not actionable const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: redactedEvent }, { canReact: false }); expect(queryByLabelText("React")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("opens reaction picker on click", () => { const { queryByLabelText, getByTestId } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(queryByLabelText("React")!); expect(getByTestId("mx_EmojiPicker")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("cancel button", () => { it("renders cancel button for an event with a cancelable status", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel button for an event with a pending edit", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); event.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); const replacingEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "replacing event body", }, }); replacingEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.makeReplaced(replacingEvent); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel button for an event with a pending redaction", () => { const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "Hello", }, }); event.setStatus(EventStatus.SENT); const redactionEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomRedaction, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, }); redactionEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.QUEUED); event.markLocallyRedacted(redactionEvent); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: event }); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("renders cancel and retry button for an event with NOT_SENT status", () => { alicesMessageEvent.setStatus(EventStatus.NOT_SENT); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Retry")).toBeTruthy(); expect(queryByLabelText("Delete")).toBeTruthy(); }); it.todo("unsends event on cancel click"); it.todo("retrys event on retry click"); }); describe("thread button", () => { beforeEach(() => { Thread.setServerSideSupport(FeatureSupport.Stable); }); describe("when threads feature is enabled", () => { it("renders thread button on own actionable event", () => { const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply in thread")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("does not render thread button for a beacon_info event", () => { const beaconInfoEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(userId, roomId); const { queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: beaconInfoEvent }); expect(queryByLabelText("Reply in thread")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("opens thread on click", () => { const { getByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.click(getByLabelText("Reply in thread")); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ShowThread, rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, push: false, }); }); it("opens parent thread for a thread reply message", () => { const threadReplyEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { msgtype: MsgType.Text, body: "this is a thread reply", }, }); // mock the thread stuff jest.spyOn(threadReplyEvent, "isThreadRoot", "get").mockReturnValue(false); // set alicesMessageEvent as the root event jest.spyOn(threadReplyEvent, "getThread").mockReturnValue({ rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, } as unknown as Thread); const { getByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: threadReplyEvent }); fireEvent.click(getByLabelText("Reply in thread")); expect(dispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ShowThread, rootEvent: alicesMessageEvent, initialEvent: threadReplyEvent, highlighted: true, scroll_into_view: true, push: false, }); }); }); }); it.each([["React"], ["Reply"], ["Reply in thread"], ["Edit"]])( "does not show context menu when right-clicking", (buttonLabel: string) => { // For favourite button jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(true); const event = new MouseEvent("contextmenu", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); event.stopPropagation = jest.fn(); event.preventDefault = jest.fn(); const { queryByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent(queryByLabelText(buttonLabel)!, event); expect(event.stopPropagation).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(event.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(queryByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeFalsy(); }, ); it("does shows context menu when right-clicking options", () => { const { queryByTestId, queryByLabelText } = getComponent({ mxEvent: alicesMessageEvent }); fireEvent.contextMenu(queryByLabelText("Options")!); expect(queryByTestId("mx_MessageContextMenu")).toBeTruthy(); }); });