/* Copyright 2022 Mikhail Aheichyk Copyright 2022 Nordeck IT + Consulting GmbH. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// import { IWidget } from "matrix-widget-api/src/interfaces/IWidget"; import type {MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, Room} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { SynapseInstance } from "../../plugins/synapsedocker"; import { UserCredentials } from "../../support/login"; const DEMO_WIDGET_ID = "demo-widget-id"; const DEMO_WIDGET_NAME = "Demo Widget"; const DEMO_WIDGET_TYPE = "demo"; const ROOM_NAME = "Demo"; const DEMO_WIDGET_HTML = ` Demo Widget `; function waitForRoom(win: Cypress.AUTWindow, roomId: string, predicate: (room: Room) => boolean): Promise { const matrixClient = win.mxMatrixClientPeg.get(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const room = matrixClient.getRoom(roomId); if (predicate(room)) { resolve(); return; } function onEvent(ev: MatrixEvent) { if (ev.getRoomId() !== roomId) return; if (predicate(room)) { matrixClient.removeListener(win.matrixcs.ClientEvent.Event, onEvent); resolve(); } } matrixClient.on(win.matrixcs.ClientEvent.Event, onEvent); }); } describe("Widget Events", () => { let synapse: SynapseInstance; let user: UserCredentials; let bot: MatrixClient; let demoWidgetUrl: string; beforeEach(() => { cy.startSynapse("default").then(data => { synapse = data; cy.initTestUser(synapse, "Mike").then(_user => { user = _user; }); cy.getBot(synapse, { displayName: "Bot", autoAcceptInvites: true }).then(_bot => { bot = _bot; }); }); cy.serveHtmlFile(DEMO_WIDGET_HTML).then(url => { demoWidgetUrl = url; }); }); afterEach(() => { cy.stopSynapse(synapse); cy.stopWebServers(); }); it('should be updated if user is re-invited into the room with updated state event', () => { cy.createRoom({ name: ROOM_NAME, invite: [bot.getUserId()], }).then(roomId => { // setup widget via state event cy.getClient().then(async matrixClient => { const content: IWidget = { id: DEMO_WIDGET_ID, creatorUserId: 'somebody', type: DEMO_WIDGET_TYPE, name: DEMO_WIDGET_NAME, url: demoWidgetUrl, }; await matrixClient.sendStateEvent(roomId, 'im.vector.modular.widgets', content, DEMO_WIDGET_ID); }).as('widgetEventSent'); // set initial layout cy.getClient().then(async matrixClient => { const content = { widgets: { [DEMO_WIDGET_ID]: { container: 'top', index: 1, width: 100, height: 0, }, }, }; await matrixClient.sendStateEvent(roomId, 'io.element.widgets.layout', content, ""); }).as('layoutEventSent'); // open the room cy.viewRoomByName(ROOM_NAME); // approve capabilities cy.contains('.mx_WidgetCapabilitiesPromptDialog button', 'Approve').click(); cy.all([ cy.get("@widgetEventSent"), cy.get("@layoutEventSent"), ]).then(async () => { // bot creates a new room with 'net.metadata_invite_shared' state event const { room_id: roomNew } = await bot.createRoom({ name: "New room", initial_state: [ { type: 'net.metadata_invite_shared', state_key: '', content: { value: "initial", }, }, ], }); await bot.invite(roomNew, user.userId); // widget should receive 'net.metadata_invite_shared' event after invite cy.window().then(async win => { await waitForRoom(win, roomId, (room) => { const events = room.getLiveTimeline().getEvents(); return events.some(e => e.getType() === 'net.widget_echo' && e.getContent().type === 'net.metadata_invite_shared' && e.getContent().content.value === 'initial'); }); }); await bot.sendStateEvent(roomNew, 'net.metadata_invite_shared', { value: "new_value", }, ''); await bot.invite(roomNew, user.userId, 'something changed in the room'); // widget should receive updated 'net.metadata_invite_shared' event after re-invite cy.window().then(async win => { await waitForRoom(win, roomId, (room) => { const events = room.getLiveTimeline().getEvents(); return events.some(e => e.getType() === 'net.widget_echo' && e.getContent().type === 'net.metadata_invite_shared' && e.getContent().content.value === 'new_value'); }); }); }); }); }); });