/* * Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {MatrixClientPeg} from "../MatrixClientPeg"; import {IMediaEventContent, IPreparedMedia, prepEventContentAsMedia} from "./models/IMediaEventContent"; import {ResizeMethod} from "../Avatar"; // Populate this class with the details of your customisations when copying it. // Implementation note: The Media class must complete the contract as shown here, though // the constructor can be whatever is relevant to your implementation. The mediaForX // functions below create an instance of the Media class and are used throughout the // project. /** * A media object is a representation of a "source media" and an optional * "thumbnail media", derived from event contents or external sources. */ export class Media { // Per above, this constructor signature can be whatever is helpful for you. constructor(private prepared: IPreparedMedia) { } /** * True if the media appears to be encrypted. Actual file contents may vary. */ public get isEncrypted(): boolean { return !!this.prepared.file; } /** * The MXC URI of the source media. */ public get srcMxc(): string { return this.prepared.mxc; } /** * The MXC URI of the thumbnail media, if a thumbnail is recorded. Null/undefined * otherwise. */ public get thumbnailMxc(): string | undefined | null { return this.prepared.thumbnail?.mxc; } /** * Whether or not a thumbnail is recorded for this media. */ public get hasThumbnail(): boolean { return !!this.thumbnailMxc; } /** * The HTTP URL for the source media. */ public get srcHttp(): string { return MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp(this.srcMxc); } /** * The HTTP URL for the thumbnail media (without any specified width, height, etc). Null/undefined * if no thumbnail media recorded. */ public get thumbnailHttp(): string | undefined | null { if (!this.hasThumbnail) return null; return MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp(this.thumbnailMxc); } /** * Gets the HTTP URL for the thumbnail media with the requested characteristics, if a thumbnail * is recorded for this media. Returns null/undefined otherwise. * @param {number} width The desired width of the thumbnail. * @param {number} height The desired height of the thumbnail. * @param {"scale"|"crop"} mode The desired thumbnailing mode. Defaults to scale. * @returns {string} The HTTP URL which points to the thumbnail. */ public getThumbnailHttp(width: number, height: number, mode: ResizeMethod = "scale"): string | null | undefined { if (!this.hasThumbnail) return null; return MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp(this.thumbnailMxc, width, height, mode); } /** * Gets the HTTP URL for a thumbnail of the source media with the requested characteristics. * @param {number} width The desired width of the thumbnail. * @param {number} height The desired height of the thumbnail. * @param {"scale"|"crop"} mode The desired thumbnailing mode. Defaults to scale. * @returns {string} The HTTP URL which points to the thumbnail. */ public getThumbnailOfSourceHttp(width: number, height: number, mode: ResizeMethod = "scale"): string { return MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp(this.srcMxc, width, height, mode); } /** * Creates a square thumbnail of the media. If the media has a thumbnail recorded, that MXC will * be used, otherwise the source media will be used. * @param {number} dim The desired width and height. * @returns {string} An HTTP URL for the thumbnail. */ public getSquareThumbnailHttp(dim: number): string { if (this.hasThumbnail) { return this.getThumbnailHttp(dim, dim, 'crop'); } return this.getThumbnailOfSourceHttp(dim, dim, 'crop'); } /** * Downloads the source media. * @returns {Promise} Resolves to the server's response for chaining. */ public downloadSource(): Promise { return fetch(this.srcHttp); } } /** * Creates a media object from event content. * @param {IMediaEventContent} content The event content. * @returns {Media} The media object. */ export function mediaFromContent(content: IMediaEventContent): Media { return new Media(prepEventContentAsMedia(content)); } /** * Creates a media object from an MXC URI. * @param {string} mxc The MXC URI. * @returns {Media} The media object. */ export function mediaFromMxc(mxc: string): Media { return mediaFromContent({url: mxc}); }