/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { Room, Beacon, BeaconEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { OwnBeaconStore, OwnBeaconStoreEvent } from "../../src/stores/OwnBeaconStore"; import { resetAsyncStoreWithClient, setupAsyncStoreWithClient } from "../test-utils"; import { makeBeaconInfoEvent } from "../test-utils/beacon"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter } from "../test-utils/client"; jest.useFakeTimers(); describe('OwnBeaconStore', () => { // 14.03.2022 16:15 const now = 1647270879403; const HOUR_MS = 3600000; const aliceId = '@alice:server.org'; const bobId = '@bob:server.org'; const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getUserId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(aliceId), getVisibleRooms: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), }); const room1Id = '$room1:server.org'; const room2Id = '$room2:server.org'; // beacon_info events // created 'an hour ago' // with timeout of 3 hours // event creation sets timestamp to Date.now() jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockReturnValue(now - HOUR_MS); const alicesRoom1BeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, room1Id, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-1'); const alicesRoom2BeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, room2Id, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room2-1'); const alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, room1Id, { isLive: false }, '$alice-room1-2'); const bobsRoom1BeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent(bobId, room1Id, { isLive: true }, '$bob-room1-1'); const bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent(bobId, room1Id, { isLive: false }, '$bob-room1-2'); // make fresh rooms every time // as we update room state const makeRoomsWithStateEvents = (stateEvents = []): [Room, Room] => { const room1 = new Room(room1Id, mockClient, aliceId); const room2 = new Room(room2Id, mockClient, aliceId); room1.currentState.setStateEvents(stateEvents); room2.currentState.setStateEvents(stateEvents); mockClient.getVisibleRooms.mockReturnValue([room1, room2]); return [room1, room2]; }; const advanceDateAndTime = (ms: number) => { // bc liveness check uses Date.now we have to advance this mock jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockReturnValue(now + ms); // then advance time for the interval by the same amount jest.advanceTimersByTime(ms); }; const makeOwnBeaconStore = async () => { const store = OwnBeaconStore.instance; await setupAsyncStoreWithClient(store, mockClient); return store; }; beforeEach(() => { mockClient.getVisibleRooms.mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockReturnValue(now); jest.spyOn(OwnBeaconStore.instance, 'emit').mockRestore(); }); afterEach(async () => { await resetAsyncStoreWithClient(OwnBeaconStore.instance); }); it('works', async () => { const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); }); describe('onReady()', () => { it('initialises correctly with no beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents(); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toEqual([]); }); it('does not add other users beacons to beacon state', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toEqual([]); }); it('adds own users beacons to state', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesRoom2BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toEqual([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo.getId(), alicesRoom2BeaconInfo.getId(), ]); }); }); describe('onNotReady()', () => { it('removes listeners', async () => { const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const removeSpy = jest.spyOn(mockClient, 'removeListener'); // @ts-ignore store.onNotReady(); expect(removeSpy.mock.calls[0]).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([BeaconEvent.LivenessChange])); expect(removeSpy.mock.calls[1]).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([BeaconEvent.New])); }); it('destroys beacons', async () => { const [room1] = makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const beacon = room1.currentState.beacons.get(alicesRoom1BeaconInfo.getId()); const destroySpy = jest.spyOn(beacon, 'destroy'); // @ts-ignore store.onNotReady(); expect(destroySpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('hasLiveBeacons()', () => { beforeEach(() => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesRoom2BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); }); it('returns true when user has live beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); }); it('returns false when user does not have live beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); }); it('returns true when user has live beacons for roomId', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons(room1Id)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false when user does not have live beacons for roomId', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons(room2Id)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('getLiveBeaconIds()', () => { beforeEach(() => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesRoom2BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); }); it('returns live beacons when user has live beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toEqual([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo.getId(), ]); }); it('returns empty array when user does not have live beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toEqual([]); }); it('returns beacon ids for room when user has live beacons for roomId', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesRoom2BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds(room1Id)).toEqual([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo.getId(), ]); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds(room2Id)).toEqual([ alicesRoom2BeaconInfo.getId(), ]); }); it('returns empty array when user does not have live beacons for roomId', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsOldRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds(room2Id)).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('on new beacon event', () => { it('ignores events for irrelevant beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const bobsLiveBeacon = new Beacon(bobsRoom1BeaconInfo); const monitorSpy = jest.spyOn(bobsLiveBeacon, 'monitorLiveness'); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.New, bobsRoom1BeaconInfo, bobsLiveBeacon); // we dont care about bob expect(monitorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); }); it('adds users beacons to state and monitors liveness', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const alicesLiveBeacon = new Beacon(alicesRoom1BeaconInfo); const monitorSpy = jest.spyOn(alicesLiveBeacon, 'monitorLiveness'); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.New, alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesLiveBeacon); expect(monitorSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons(room1Id)).toBe(true); }); it('emits a liveness change event when new beacons change live state', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'emit'); const alicesLiveBeacon = new Beacon(alicesRoom1BeaconInfo); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.New, alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesLiveBeacon); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(OwnBeaconStoreEvent.LivenessChange, true); }); it('does not emit a liveness change event when new beacons do not change live state', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom2BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); // already live expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'emit'); const alicesLiveBeacon = new Beacon(alicesRoom1BeaconInfo); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.New, alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, alicesLiveBeacon); expect(emitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('on liveness change event', () => { it('ignores events for irrelevant beacons', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'emit'); const oldLiveBeaconIds = store.getLiveBeaconIds(); const bobsLiveBeacon = new Beacon(bobsRoom1BeaconInfo); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.LivenessChange, true, bobsLiveBeacon); expect(emitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // strictly equal expect(store.getLiveBeaconIds()).toBe(oldLiveBeaconIds); }); it('updates state and when beacon liveness changes from true to false', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesRoom1BeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); // live before expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'emit'); const alicesBeacon = new Beacon(alicesRoom1BeaconInfo); // time travel until beacon is expired advanceDateAndTime(HOUR_MS * 3); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.LivenessChange, false, alicesBeacon); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons(room1Id)).toBe(false); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(OwnBeaconStoreEvent.LivenessChange, false); }); it('updates state and when beacon liveness changes from false to true', async () => { makeRoomsWithStateEvents([ alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo, ]); const store = await makeOwnBeaconStore(); // not live before expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(false); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'emit'); const alicesBeacon = new Beacon(alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo); const liveUpdate = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, room1Id, { isLive: true }, alicesOldRoomIdBeaconInfo.getId(), ); // bring the beacon back to life alicesBeacon.update(liveUpdate); mockClient.emit(BeaconEvent.LivenessChange, true, alicesBeacon); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons()).toBe(true); expect(store.hasLiveBeacons(room1Id)).toBe(true); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(OwnBeaconStoreEvent.LivenessChange, true); }); }); describe('on LivenessChange event', () => { it('ignores events for irrelevant beacons', async () => { }); }); });