/* Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // TODO: This component is enormous! There's several things which could stand-alone: // - Aux component // - Search results component // - Drag and drop // - File uploading - uploadFile() // - Timeline component (alllll the logic in getEventTiles()) var React = require("react"); var ReactDOM = require("react-dom"); var GeminiScrollbar = require('react-gemini-scrollbar'); var q = require("q"); var classNames = require("classnames"); var Matrix = require("matrix-js-sdk"); var MatrixClientPeg = require("../../MatrixClientPeg"); var ContentMessages = require("../../ContentMessages"); var WhoIsTyping = require("../../WhoIsTyping"); var Modal = require("../../Modal"); var sdk = require('../../index'); var CallHandler = require('../../CallHandler'); var Resend = require("../../Resend"); var dis = require("../../dispatcher"); var PAGINATE_SIZE = 20; var INITIAL_SIZE = 20; module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'RoomView', propTypes: { ConferenceHandler: React.PropTypes.any }, getInitialState: function() { var room = this.props.roomId ? MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId) : null; return { room: room, messageCap: INITIAL_SIZE, editingRoomSettings: false, uploadingRoomSettings: false, numUnreadMessages: 0, draggingFile: false, searching: false, searchResults: null, syncState: MatrixClientPeg.get().getSyncState(), hasUnsentMessages: this._hasUnsentMessages(room) } }, componentWillMount: function() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("Room.timeline", this.onRoomTimeline); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("Room.name", this.onRoomName); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("Room.receipt", this.onRoomReceipt); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("RoomMember.typing", this.onRoomMemberTyping); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("RoomState.members", this.onRoomStateMember); MatrixClientPeg.get().on("sync", this.onSyncStateChange); this.atBottom = true; }, componentWillUnmount: function() { if (this.refs.messagePanel) { var messagePanel = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.messagePanel); messagePanel.removeEventListener('drop', this.onDrop); messagePanel.removeEventListener('dragover', this.onDragOver); messagePanel.removeEventListener('dragleave', this.onDragLeaveOrEnd); messagePanel.removeEventListener('dragend', this.onDragLeaveOrEnd); } dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); if (MatrixClientPeg.get()) { MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.timeline", this.onRoomTimeline); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.name", this.onRoomName); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.receipt", this.onRoomReceipt); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("RoomMember.typing", this.onRoomMemberTyping); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("RoomState.members", this.onRoomStateMember); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("sync", this.onSyncStateChange); } }, onAction: function(payload) { switch (payload.action) { case 'message_send_failed': case 'message_sent': this.setState({ hasUnsentMessages: this._hasUnsentMessages(this.state.room) }); case 'message_resend_started': this.setState({ room: MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId) }); this.forceUpdate(); break; case 'notifier_enabled': case 'upload_failed': case 'upload_started': case 'upload_finished': this.forceUpdate(); break; case 'call_state': if (CallHandler.getCallForRoom(this.props.roomId)) { // Call state has changed so we may be loading video elements // which will obscure the message log. // scroll to bottom var scrollNode = this._getScrollNode(); if (scrollNode) { scrollNode.scrollTop = scrollNode.scrollHeight; } } // possibly remove the conf call notification if we're now in // the conf this._updateConfCallNotification(); break; case 'user_activity': this.sendReadReceipt(); break; } }, _getScrollNode: function() { var panel = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.messagePanel); if (!panel) return null; if (panel.classList.contains('gm-prevented')) { return panel; } else { return panel.children[2]; // XXX: Fragile! } }, onSyncStateChange: function(state) { this.setState({ syncState: state }); }, // MatrixRoom still showing the messages from the old room? // Set the key to the room_id. Sadly you can no longer get at // the key from inside the component, or we'd check this in code. /*componentWillReceiveProps: function(props) { },*/ onRoomTimeline: function(ev, room, toStartOfTimeline) { if (!this.isMounted()) return; // ignore anything that comes in whilst paginating: we get one // event for each new matrix event so this would cause a huge // number of UI updates. Just update the UI when the paginate // call returns. if (this.state.paginating) return; // no point handling anything while we're waiting for the join to finish: // we'll only be showing a spinner. if (this.state.joining) return; if (room.roomId != this.props.roomId) return; var currentUnread = this.state.numUnreadMessages; if (!toStartOfTimeline && (ev.getSender() !== MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId)) { // update unread count when scrolled up if (this.atBottom) { currentUnread = 0; } else { currentUnread += 1; } } this.setState({ room: MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId), numUnreadMessages: currentUnread }); if (toStartOfTimeline && !this.state.paginating) { this.fillSpace(); } }, onRoomName: function(room) { if (room.roomId == this.props.roomId) { this.setState({ room: room }); } }, onRoomReceipt: function(receiptEvent, room) { if (room.roomId == this.props.roomId) { this.forceUpdate(); } }, onRoomMemberTyping: function(ev, member) { this.forceUpdate(); }, onRoomStateMember: function(ev, state, member) { if (!this.props.ConferenceHandler) { return; } if (member.roomId !== this.props.roomId || member.userId !== this.props.ConferenceHandler.getConferenceUserIdForRoom(member.roomId)) { return; } this._updateConfCallNotification(); }, _hasUnsentMessages: function(room) { return this._getUnsentMessages(room).length > 0; }, _getUnsentMessages: function(room) { if (!room) { return []; } // TODO: It would be nice if the JS SDK provided nicer constant-time // constructs rather than O(N) (N=num msgs) on this. return room.timeline.filter(function(ev) { return ev.status === Matrix.EventStatus.NOT_SENT; }); }, _updateConfCallNotification: function() { var room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId); if (!room || !this.props.ConferenceHandler) { return; } var confMember = room.getMember( this.props.ConferenceHandler.getConferenceUserIdForRoom(this.props.roomId) ); if (!confMember) { return; } var confCall = this.props.ConferenceHandler.getConferenceCallForRoom(confMember.roomId); // A conf call notification should be displayed if there is an ongoing // conf call but this cilent isn't a part of it. this.setState({ displayConfCallNotification: ( (!confCall || confCall.call_state === "ended") && confMember.membership === "join" ) }); }, componentDidMount: function() { if (this.refs.messagePanel) { var messagePanel = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.messagePanel); messagePanel.addEventListener('drop', this.onDrop); messagePanel.addEventListener('dragover', this.onDragOver); messagePanel.addEventListener('dragleave', this.onDragLeaveOrEnd); messagePanel.addEventListener('dragend', this.onDragLeaveOrEnd); var messageWrapperScroll = this._getScrollNode(); messageWrapperScroll.scrollTop = messageWrapperScroll.scrollHeight; this.sendReadReceipt(); this.fillSpace(); } this._updateConfCallNotification(); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return; var messageWrapperScroll = this._getScrollNode(); if (this.state.paginating && !this.waiting_for_paginate) { var heightGained = messageWrapperScroll.scrollHeight - this.oldScrollHeight; messageWrapperScroll.scrollTop += heightGained; this.oldScrollHeight = undefined; if (!this.fillSpace()) { this.setState({paginating: false}); } } else if (this.atBottom) { messageWrapperScroll.scrollTop = messageWrapperScroll.scrollHeight; if (this.state.numUnreadMessages !== 0) { this.setState({numUnreadMessages: 0}); } } }, fillSpace: function() { if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return; if (this.state.searchResults) return; // TODO: paginate search results var messageWrapperScroll = this._getScrollNode(); if (messageWrapperScroll.scrollTop < messageWrapperScroll.clientHeight && this.state.room.oldState.paginationToken) { this.setState({paginating: true}); this.oldScrollHeight = messageWrapperScroll.scrollHeight; if (this.state.messageCap < this.state.room.timeline.length) { this.waiting_for_paginate = false; var cap = Math.min(this.state.messageCap + PAGINATE_SIZE, this.state.room.timeline.length); this.setState({messageCap: cap, paginating: true}); } else { this.waiting_for_paginate = true; var cap = this.state.messageCap + PAGINATE_SIZE; this.setState({messageCap: cap, paginating: true}); var self = this; MatrixClientPeg.get().scrollback(this.state.room, PAGINATE_SIZE).finally(function() { self.waiting_for_paginate = false; if (self.isMounted()) { self.setState({ room: MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(self.props.roomId) }); } // wait and set paginating to false when the component updates }); } return true; } return false; }, onResendAllClick: function() { var eventsToResend = this._getUnsentMessages(this.state.room); eventsToResend.forEach(function(event) { Resend.resend(event); }); }, onJoinButtonClicked: function(ev) { var self = this; MatrixClientPeg.get().joinRoom(this.props.roomId).then(function() { self.setState({ joining: false, room: MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(self.props.roomId) }); }, function(error) { self.setState({ joining: false, joinError: error }); }); this.setState({ joining: true }); }, onMessageListScroll: function(ev) { if (this.refs.messagePanel) { var messageWrapperScroll = this._getScrollNode(); var wasAtBottom = this.atBottom; // + 1 here to avoid fractional pixel rounding errors this.atBottom = messageWrapperScroll.scrollHeight - messageWrapperScroll.scrollTop <= messageWrapperScroll.clientHeight + 1; if (this.atBottom && !wasAtBottom) { this.forceUpdate(); // remove unread msg count } } if (!this.state.paginating) this.fillSpace(); }, onDragOver: function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'; var items = ev.dataTransfer.items; if (items.length == 1) { if (items[0].kind == 'file') { this.setState({ draggingFile : true }); ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; } } }, onDrop: function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); this.setState({ draggingFile : false }); var files = ev.dataTransfer.files; if (files.length == 1) { this.uploadFile(files[0]); } }, onDragLeaveOrEnd: function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); this.setState({ draggingFile : false }); }, uploadFile: function(file) { var self = this; ContentMessages.sendContentToRoom( file, this.props.roomId, MatrixClientPeg.get() ).done(undefined, function(error) { var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: "Failed to upload file", description: error.toString() }); }); }, getWhoIsTypingString: function() { return WhoIsTyping.whoIsTypingString(this.state.room); }, onSearch: function(term, scope) { var filter; if (scope === "Room") { filter = { // XXX: it's unintuitive that the filter for searching doesn't have the same shape as the v2 filter API :( rooms: [ this.props.roomId ] }; } var self = this; MatrixClientPeg.get().search({ body: { search_categories: { room_events: { search_term: term, filter: filter, order_by: "recent", include_state: true, groupings: { group_by: [ { key: "room_id" } ] }, event_context: { before_limit: 1, after_limit: 1, include_profile: true, } } } } }).then(function(data) { // for debugging: // data.search_categories.room_events.highlights = ["hello", "everybody"]; var highlights; if (data.search_categories.room_events.highlights && data.search_categories.room_events.highlights.length > 0) { // postgres on synapse returns us precise details of the // strings which actually got matched for highlighting. // for overlapping highlights, favour longer (more specific) terms first highlights = data.search_categories.room_events.highlights .sort(function(a, b) { b.length - a.length }); } else { // sqlite doesn't, so just try to highlight the literal search term highlights = [ term ]; } self.setState({ highlights: highlights, searchResults: data, searchScope: scope, }); }, function(error) { var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: "Search failed", description: error.toString() }); }); }, getEventTiles: function() { var DateSeparator = sdk.getComponent('messages.DateSeparator'); var cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); var ret = []; var count = 0; var EventTile = sdk.getComponent('rooms.EventTile'); var self = this; if (this.state.searchResults && this.state.searchResults.search_categories.room_events.results && this.state.searchResults.search_categories.room_events.groups) { // XXX: this dance is foul, due to the results API not directly returning sorted results var results = this.state.searchResults.search_categories.room_events.results; var roomIdGroups = this.state.searchResults.search_categories.room_events.groups.room_id; Object.keys(roomIdGroups) .sort(function(a, b) { roomIdGroups[a].order - roomIdGroups[b].order }) // WHY NOT RETURN AN ORDERED ARRAY?!?!?! .forEach(function(roomId) { // XXX: todo: merge overlapping results somehow? // XXX: why doesn't searching on name work? if (self.state.searchScope === 'All') { ret.push(