This is required to be able to specify the highlight language in fenced
blocks like the following:
Signed-off-by: Johannes Löthberg <>
This makes the following changes:
- Improve CountryDropdown by allowing all countries to be displayed at once and using PNGs for performance (trading of quality - the pngs are scaled down from 32px to 25px)
- "I want to sign in with" dropdown to select login method
- MXID login field that suffixes HS domain (whether custom or and prefixes "@"
- Email field which is secretly the same as the username field but with a different placeholder
- No more login flickering when changing ServerConfig (!) fixes
This implements most of the design in but neglects the phone number login:

This will be updated in another PR to implement desired things:
- Country code visible once a country has been selected (propbably but as a prefix to the phone number input box.
- Use square flags
- Move CountryDropdown above phone input and make it show the full country name when not expanded
- Auto-select country based on IP
* WIP msisdn sign in
* A mostly working country picker
* Fix bug where you'dbe logged out after registering
Stop the guest sync, otherwise it gets 401ed for using a guest
access token for a non-guest, causing us to beliebe we've been
logged out.
* Use InteractiveAuth component for registration
* Fix tests
* Remove old signup code
* Signup -> Login
Now that Signup contains no code whatsoever related to signing up,
rename it to Login. Get rid of the Signup class.
* Stray newline
* Fix more merge failing
* Get phone country & number to the right place
* More-or-less working msisdn auth component
* Send the bind_msisdn param on registration
* Refinements to country dropdown
Rendering the whole lot when the component was rendered just makes
the page load really slow, so just show 2 at a time and rely on
Make type-to-search always display an exact iso2 match first
* Propagate initial inputs to the phone input
* Support msisdn login
* semicolon
* Fix PropTypes
* Oops, use the 1qst element of the array
Not the array of object keys which has no particular order
* Make dropdown/countrydropdown controlled
* Unused line
* Add note on DOM layout
* onOptionChange is required
* More docs
* Add missing propTypes
* Don't resume promise on error
* Use React.Children to manipulate children
* Make catch less weird
* Fix null dereference
Assuming [0] of an empty list == undefined doesn't work if you're
then taking a property of it.
This has the benefit of not needing a spec for custom CSS. Instead we rigourously sanitise the values for custom data attributes that are transformed to CSS equivalents. `data-mx-color` translates to CSS `color` for example.
Instead of dropping the style attribute on `<font>` tags entirely, sanitise aggressively and only keep `background-color` and `color` keys, and also sanitise the values to prevent `url(XXXXXX)` and `expression(XXXXXX)` type XSS attacks.
Move the very minimal logic of highlightDOM into TextualBody
because then we can avoid scheduling a lot of timeouts which
would ultimately do nothing (ie. any messages that don't have code
Switch to using a normal <a href="..."> link for search result
clickthrough. Apart from generally giving a better experience, this means that
it also works on html messages. The problem there was that we were attaching
onClick handlers to <span>s which we were then flattening into HTML with
ReactDOMServer (which meant the onClick handlers were never attached to React's
list of listeners).
To make this work without jumping through React hoops, the highlighter now
returns either a list of strings or a list of nodes, depending on whether we
are dealing with an HTML event or a text one. We therefore have a separate
HtmlHighlighter and TextHighlighter.
Factor out a Highlighter class to avoid passing round the static state
Add an optional 'opts' argument which can take an 'onHighlightClick' member.