i18n & prunei18n
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 0 additions and 17 deletions
@ -203,7 +203,6 @@
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Невалиден файл с ключ за Riot",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Неуспешна автентикация: неправилна парола?",
"Failed to join room": "Неуспешно присъединяване към стаята",
"Message Replies": "Отговори на съобщението",
"Message Pinning": "Функция за закачане на съобщения",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Изключване на предложенията за емотиконите при писане",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Използване на компактно оформление за списъка със съобщения",
@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "El fitxer no és un fitxer de claus de Riot valid",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Ha fallat l'autenticació: heu introduït correctament la contrasenya?",
"Failed to join room": "No s'ha pogut entrar a la sala",
"Message Replies": "Respostes del missatge",
"Message Pinning": "Fixació de missatges",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Desactiva els suggeriments d'Emoji mentre s'escriu",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Utilitza el disseny compacte de la línia de temps",
@ -946,7 +946,6 @@
"Your homeserver's URL": "Die URL deines Homeservers",
"Your identity server's URL": "Die URL deines Identitätsservers",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s",
"Message Replies": "Antworten auf Nachrichten",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, die Änderung zurückzusetzen, da du dich degradierst. Wenn du der letze Nutzer mit Berechtigungen bist, wird es unmöglich sein die Privilegien zurückzubekommen.",
"Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Community-IDs können nicht leer sein.",
"<showDevicesText>Show devices</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>send anyway</sendAnywayText> or <cancelText>cancel</cancelText>.": "<showDevicesText>Geräte anzeigen</showDevicesText>, <sendAnywayText>trotzdem senden</sendAnywayText> oder <cancelText>abbrechen</cancelText>.",
@ -186,7 +186,6 @@
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Not a valid Riot keyfile",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Authentication check failed: incorrect password?",
"Failed to join room": "Failed to join room",
"Message Replies": "Message Replies",
"Message Pinning": "Message Pinning",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Use compact timeline layout",
@ -932,7 +932,6 @@
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Zure mezua ez da bidali.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|other": "<resendText>Birbidali guztiak</resendText> edo <cancelText>baztertu guztiak</cancelText> orain. Mezuak banaka birbidali edo baztertu ditzakezu ere.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|one": "<resendText>Birbidali mezua</resendText> edo <cancelText>baztertu mezua</cancelText> orain.",
"Message Replies": "Mezuei erantzunak",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Bidali zifratutako erantzun bat…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Bidali erantzun bat (zifratu gabea)…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Bidali zifratutako mezu bat…",
@ -932,7 +932,6 @@
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Votre message n'a pas été envoyé.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|other": "<resendText>Tout renvoyer</resendText> ou <cancelText>tout annuler</cancelText> maintenant. Vous pouvez aussi choisir des messages individuels à renvoyer ou annuler.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|one": "<resendText>Renvoyer le message</resendText> ou <cancelText>annuler le message</cancelText> maintenant.",
"Message Replies": "Réponses",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Envoyer une réponse chiffrée…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Envoyer une réponse (non chiffrée)…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Envoyer un message chiffré…",
@ -232,7 +232,6 @@
"Disable Notifications": "Deshabilitar notificacións",
"Enable Notifications": "Habilitar notificacións",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
"Message Replies": "Respostas a mensaxe",
"Mirror local video feed": "Copiar fonte de vídeo local",
"Cannot add any more widgets": "Non pode engadir máis widgets",
"The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "Xa se engadeu o número máximo de widgets a esta sala.",
@ -932,7 +932,6 @@
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Az üzeneted nem lett elküldve.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|other": "<resendText>Újraküldöd mind</resendText> vagy <cancelText>elveted mind</cancelText>. Az üzeneteket egyenként is elküldheted vagy elvetheted.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|one": "<resendText>Üzenet újraküldése</resendText> vagy <cancelText>üzenet elvetése</cancelText> most.",
"Message Replies": "Üzenet válaszok",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Titkosított válasz küldése…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Válasz küldése (titkosítatlanul)…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Titkosított üzenet küldése…",
@ -717,7 +717,6 @@
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s vidžets, kuru mainīja %(senderName)s",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|other": "%(names)s un %(count)s citi raksta",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|one": "%(names)s un vēl kāds raksta",
"Message Replies": "Atbildes uz ziņām",
"Message Pinning": "Ziņu piekabināšana",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Atspējot Emoji ieteikumus teksta rakstīšanas laikā",
"Hide avatar changes": "Slēpt avatara izmaiņas",
@ -705,7 +705,6 @@
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|one": "%(names)s en iemand anders is aan het typen",
"Send": "Verstuur",
"Message Pinning": "Boodschap vastpinnen",
"Message Replies": "Antwoorden op bericht",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Emoji suggesties tijdens het typen uitzetten",
"Hide avatar changes": "Avatar veranderingen verbergen",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
@ -681,7 +681,6 @@
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|other": "%(names)s e %(count)s outras pessoas estão escrevendo",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|one": "%(names)s e uma outra pessoa estão escrevendo",
"Send": "Enviar",
"Message Replies": "Respostas",
"Message Pinning": "Fixar mensagem",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Desativar sugestões de emojis enquanto estiver escrevendo",
"Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Ocultar mensagens de entrada e de saída (não afeta convites, expulsões e banimentos)",
@ -932,7 +932,6 @@
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Ваше сообщение не было отправлено.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|other": "<resendText>Отправить все</resendText> или <cancelText>отменить все</cancelText> сейчас. Можно также выбрать отдельные сообщения для отправки или отмены.",
"%(count)s <resendText>Resend all</resendText> or <cancelText>cancel all</cancelText> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|one": "<resendText>Отправить</resendText> или <cancelText>отменить</cancelText> сообщение сейчас.",
"Message Replies": "Сообщения-ответы",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Отправить зашифрованный ответ…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Отправить ответ (нешифрованный)…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Отправить зашифрованное сообщение…",
@ -929,7 +929,6 @@
"Flair will not appear": "Príslušnosť ku komunite nebude zobrazená",
"Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Zobrazovať vašu príslušnosť ku komunite v miestnostiach, ktoré sú nastavené na zobrazovanie tejto príslušnosti.",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
"Message Replies": "Odpovede na správy",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Túto zmenu nebudete môcť vrátiť späť pretože znižujete vašu vlastnú úroveň moci. Ak ste jediný poverený používateľ v miestnosti, nebudete môcť znovu získať úroveň, akú máte teraz.",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Odoslať šifrovanú odpoveď…",
"Send a reply (unencrypted)…": "Odoslať odpoveď (nešifrovanú)…",
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Није исправана Riot кључ-датотека",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Провера идентитета није успела: нетачна лозинка?",
"Failed to join room": "Нисам успео да уђем у собу",
"Message Replies": "Одговори",
"Message Pinning": "Закачене поруке",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Онемогући предлагање емоџија приликом куцања",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Користи збијени распоред временске линије",
@ -1019,7 +1019,6 @@
"Add rooms to the community": "Lägg till rum i communityn",
"Add to community": "Lägg till i community",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Det gick inte att bjuda in användare till communityn",
"Message Replies": "Meddelandesvar",
"Mirror local video feed": "Spegelvänd lokal video",
"Disable Community Filter Panel": "Inaktivera community-filterpanel",
"Community Invites": "Community-inbjudningar",
@ -741,7 +741,6 @@
"Add rooms to the community": "添加聊天室到社区",
"Add to community": "添加到社区",
"Failed to invite users to community": "邀请用户到社区失败",
"Message Replies": "消息回复",
"Disable Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "在一对一通话中禁用 P2P 对等网络",
"Enable inline URL previews by default": "默认启用网址预览",
"Disinvite this user?": "取消邀请此用户?",
@ -700,7 +700,6 @@
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|other": "%(names)s 與其他 %(count)s 個人正在輸入",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing|one": "%(names)s 與另一個人正在輸入",
"Send": "傳送",
"Message Replies": "訊息回覆",
"Message Pinning": "訊息釘選",
"Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "在輸入時停用繪文字建議",
"Hide avatar changes": "隱藏大頭貼變更",
Reference in a new issue