diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e94b9f6fa2..8d019fb5af 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -202,6 +202,12 @@ docker build -t \
+Running in Kubernetes
+The provided element-web docker image can also be run from within a Kubernetes cluster.
+See the [Kubernetes example](docs/kubernetes.md) for more details.
@@ -298,8 +304,8 @@ yarn start
 Wait a few seconds for the initial build to finish; you should see something like:
-[element-js] <s> [webpack.Progress] 100% 
+[element-js] <s> [webpack.Progress] 100%
 [element-js] ℹ 「wdm」:    1840 modules
 [element-js] ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
diff --git a/docs/kubernetes.md b/docs/kubernetes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37f65da465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/kubernetes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Running in Kubernetes
+In case you would like to deploy element-web in a kubernetes cluster you can use
+the provided Kubernetes example below as a starting point. Note that this example assumes the
+Nginx ingress to be installed.
+Note that the content of the required `config.json` is defined inside this yaml because it needs
+to be put in your Kubernetes cluster as a `ConfigMap`.
+So to use it you must create a file with this content as a starting point and modify it so it meets
+the requirements of your environment.
+Then you can deploy it to your cluster with something like `kubectl apply -f my-element-web.yaml`.
+    # This is an example of a POSSIBLE config for deploying a single element-web instance in Kubernetes
+    # Use the element-web namespace to put it all in.
+    apiVersion: v1
+    kind: Namespace
+    metadata:
+      name: element-web
+    ---
+    # The config.json file is to be put into Kubernetes as a config file in such a way that
+    # the element web instance can read it.
+    # The code below shows how this can be done with the config.sample.json content.
+    apiVersion: v1
+    kind: ConfigMap
+    metadata:
+      name: element-config
+      namespace: element-web
+    data:
+      config.json: |
+        {
+            "default_server_config": {
+                "m.homeserver": {
+                    "base_url": "https://matrix-client.matrix.org",
+                    "server_name": "matrix.org"
+                },
+                "m.identity_server": {
+                    "base_url": "https://vector.im"
+                }
+            },
+            "disable_custom_urls": false,
+            "disable_guests": false,
+            "disable_login_language_selector": false,
+            "disable_3pid_login": false,
+            "brand": "Element",
+            "integrations_ui_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/",
+            "integrations_rest_url": "https://scalar.vector.im/api",
+            "integrations_widgets_urls": [
+                    "https://scalar.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1",
+                    "https://scalar.vector.im/api",
+                    "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1",
+                    "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/api",
+                    "https://scalar-staging.riot.im/scalar/api"
+            ],
+            "bug_report_endpoint_url": "https://element.io/bugreports/submit",
+            "defaultCountryCode": "GB",
+            "showLabsSettings": false,
+            "features": {
+                "feature_new_spinner": false
+            },
+            "default_federate": true,
+            "default_theme": "light",
+            "roomDirectory": {
+                "servers": [
+                        "matrix.org"
+                ]
+            },
+            "piwik": {
+                "url": "https://piwik.riot.im/",
+                "whitelistedHSUrls": ["https://matrix.org"],
+                "whitelistedISUrls": ["https://vector.im", "https://matrix.org"],
+                "siteId": 1
+            },
+            "enable_presence_by_hs_url": {
+                "https://matrix.org": false,
+                "https://matrix-client.matrix.org": false
+            },
+            "settingDefaults": {
+                "breadcrumbs": true
+            },
+            "jitsi": {
+                "preferredDomain": "jitsi.riot.im"
+            }
+        }
+    ---
+    # A deployment of the element-web for a single instance
+    apiVersion: apps/v1
+    kind: Deployment
+    metadata:
+      name: element
+      namespace: element-web
+    spec:
+      selector:
+        matchLabels:
+          app: element
+      replicas: 1
+      template:
+        metadata:
+          labels:
+            app: element
+        spec:
+          containers:
+          - name: element
+            image: vectorim/element-web:latest
+            volumeMounts:
+            - name: config-volume
+              mountPath: /app/config.json
+              subPath: config.json
+            ports:
+            - containerPort: 80
+              name: element
+              protocol: TCP
+            readinessProbe:
+                httpGet:
+                    path: /
+                    port: element
+                initialDelaySeconds: 2
+                periodSeconds: 3
+            livenessProbe:
+                httpGet:
+                    path: /
+                    port: element
+                initialDelaySeconds: 10
+                periodSeconds: 10
+          volumes:
+          - name: config-volume
+            configMap:
+              name: element-config
+    ---
+    # Wrap it all in a Service
+    apiVersion: v1
+    kind: Service
+    metadata:
+      name: element
+      namespace: element-web
+    spec:
+      selector:
+        app: element
+      ports:
+        - name: default
+          protocol: TCP
+          port: 80
+          targetPort: 80
+    ---
+    # An ingress definition to expose the service via a hostname
+    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
+    kind: Ingress
+    metadata:
+      name: element
+      namespace: element-web
+      annotations:
+        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
+        nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
+          add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
+          add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
+          add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
+          add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'none'";
+    spec:
+      rules:
+        - host: element.example.nl
+          http:
+            paths:
+              - pathType: Prefix
+                path: /
+                backend:
+                  service:
+                    name: element
+                    port:
+                      number: 80
+    ---