Fix React 18 strict mode breaking spotlight search
This code originally held an array of refs. But these refs were unset just before sorting leading to errors. For the fix, I've used a callback ref to add/remove the DOM elements to/from the array in state. This way there's nothing that could possibly mutate just before sort.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 151 additions and 133 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import React, {
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ import React, {
import { getKeyBindingsManager } from "../KeyBindingsManager";
import { KeyBindingAction } from "./KeyboardShortcuts";
import { FocusHandler, Ref } from "./roving/types";
import { FocusHandler } from "./roving/types";
* Module to simplify implementing the Roving TabIndex accessibility technique
@ -49,8 +48,8 @@ export function checkInputableElement(el: HTMLElement): boolean {
export interface IState {
activeRef?: Ref;
refs: Ref[];
activeNode?: HTMLElement;
nodes: HTMLElement[];
export interface IContext {
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ export interface IContext {
export const RovingTabIndexContext = createContext<IContext>({
state: {
refs: [], // list of refs in DOM order
nodes: [], // list of nodes in DOM order
dispatch: () => {},
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ export enum Type {
export interface IAction {
type: Exclude<Type, Type.Update>;
payload: {
ref: Ref;
node: HTMLElement;
@ -87,12 +86,12 @@ interface UpdateAction {
type Action = IAction | UpdateAction;
const refSorter = (a: Ref, b: Ref): number => {
const nodeSorter = (a: HTMLElement, b: HTMLElement): number => {
if (a === b) {
return 0;
const position = a.current!.compareDocumentPosition(b.current!);
const position = a.compareDocumentPosition(b);
return -1;
@ -106,54 +105,56 @@ const refSorter = (a: Ref, b: Ref): number => {
export const reducer: Reducer<IState, Action> = (state: IState, action: Action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case Type.Register: {
if (!state.activeRef) {
// Our list of refs was empty, set activeRef to this first item
state.activeRef = action.payload.ref;
if (!state.activeNode) {
// Our list of nodes was empty, set activeNode to this first item
state.activeNode = action.payload.node;
if (state.nodes.includes(action.payload.node)) return state;
// Sadly due to the potential of DOM elements swapping order we can't do anything fancy like a binary insert
return { ...state };
case Type.Unregister: {
const oldIndex = state.refs.findIndex((r) => r === action.payload.ref);
const oldIndex = state.nodes.findIndex((r) => r === action.payload.node);
if (oldIndex === -1) {
return state; // already removed, this should not happen
if (state.refs.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] === state.activeRef) {
// we just removed the active ref, need to replace it
// pick the ref closest to the index the old ref was in
if (oldIndex >= state.refs.length) {
state.activeRef = findSiblingElement(state.refs, state.refs.length - 1, true);
if (state.nodes.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] === state.activeNode) {
// we just removed the active node, need to replace it
// pick the node closest to the index the old node was in
if (oldIndex >= state.nodes.length) {
state.activeNode = findSiblingElement(state.nodes, state.nodes.length - 1, true);
} else {
state.activeRef =
findSiblingElement(state.refs, oldIndex) || findSiblingElement(state.refs, oldIndex, true);
state.activeNode =
findSiblingElement(state.nodes, oldIndex) || findSiblingElement(state.nodes, oldIndex, true);
if (document.activeElement === document.body) {
// if the focus got reverted to the body then the user was likely focused on the unmounted element
setTimeout(() => state.activeRef?.current?.focus(), 0);
setTimeout(() => state.activeNode?.focus(), 0);
// update the refs list
// update the nodes list
return { ...state };
case Type.SetFocus: {
// if the ref doesn't change just return the same object reference to skip a re-render
if (state.activeRef === action.payload.ref) return state;
// update active ref
state.activeRef = action.payload.ref;
// if the node doesn't change just return the same object reference to skip a re-render
if (state.activeNode === action.payload.node) return state;
// update active node
state.activeNode = action.payload.node;
return { ...state };
case Type.Update: {
return { ...state };
@ -174,28 +175,28 @@ interface IProps {
export const findSiblingElement = (
refs: RefObject<HTMLElement>[],
nodes: HTMLElement[],
startIndex: number,
backwards = false,
loop = false,
): RefObject<HTMLElement> | undefined => {
): HTMLElement | undefined => {
if (backwards) {
for (let i = startIndex; i < refs.length && i >= 0; i--) {
if (refs[i].current?.offsetParent !== null) {
return refs[i];
for (let i = startIndex; i < nodes.length && i >= 0; i--) {
if (nodes[i]?.offsetParent !== null) {
return nodes[i];
if (loop) {
return findSiblingElement(refs.slice(startIndex + 1), refs.length - 1, true, false);
return findSiblingElement(nodes.slice(startIndex + 1), nodes.length - 1, true, false);
} else {
for (let i = startIndex; i < refs.length && i >= 0; i++) {
if (refs[i].current?.offsetParent !== null) {
return refs[i];
for (let i = startIndex; i < nodes.length && i >= 0; i++) {
if (nodes[i]?.offsetParent !== null) {
return nodes[i];
if (loop) {
return findSiblingElement(refs.slice(0, startIndex), 0, false, false);
return findSiblingElement(nodes.slice(0, startIndex), 0, false, false);
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
}) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer<Reducer<IState, Action>>(reducer, {
refs: [],
nodes: [],
const context = useMemo<IContext>(() => ({ state, dispatch }), [state]);
@ -227,17 +228,17 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
let handled = false;
const action = getKeyBindingsManager().getAccessibilityAction(ev);
let focusRef: RefObject<HTMLElement> | undefined;
let focusNode: HTMLElement | undefined;
// Don't interfere with input default keydown behaviour
// but allow people to move focus from it with Tab.
if (!handleInputFields && checkInputableElement( as HTMLElement)) {
switch (action) {
case KeyBindingAction.Tab:
handled = true;
if (context.state.refs.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.refs.indexOf(context.state.activeRef!);
focusRef = findSiblingElement(
if (context.state.nodes.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.nodes.indexOf(context.state.activeNode!);
focusNode = findSiblingElement(
idx + (ev.shiftKey ? -1 : 1),
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
if (handleHomeEnd) {
handled = true;
// move focus to first (visible) item
focusRef = findSiblingElement(context.state.refs, 0);
focusNode = findSiblingElement(context.state.nodes, 0);
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
if (handleHomeEnd) {
handled = true;
// move focus to last (visible) item
focusRef = findSiblingElement(context.state.refs, context.state.refs.length - 1, true);
focusNode = findSiblingElement(context.state.nodes, context.state.nodes.length - 1, true);
@ -270,9 +271,9 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
(action === KeyBindingAction.ArrowRight && handleLeftRight)
) {
handled = true;
if (context.state.refs.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.refs.indexOf(context.state.activeRef!);
focusRef = findSiblingElement(context.state.refs, idx + 1, false, handleLoop);
if (context.state.nodes.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.nodes.indexOf(context.state.activeNode!);
focusNode = findSiblingElement(context.state.nodes, idx + 1, false, handleLoop);
@ -284,9 +285,9 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
(action === KeyBindingAction.ArrowLeft && handleLeftRight)
) {
handled = true;
if (context.state.refs.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.refs.indexOf(context.state.activeRef!);
focusRef = findSiblingElement(context.state.refs, idx - 1, true, handleLoop);
if (context.state.nodes.length > 0) {
const idx = context.state.nodes.indexOf(context.state.activeNode!);
focusNode = findSiblingElement(context.state.nodes, idx - 1, true, handleLoop);
@ -298,17 +299,17 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
if (focusRef) {
if (focusNode) {
// programmatic focus doesn't fire the onFocus handler, so we must do the do ourselves
type: Type.SetFocus,
payload: {
ref: focusRef,
node: focusNode,
if (scrollIntoView) {
@ -337,46 +338,57 @@ export const RovingTabIndexProvider: React.FC<IProps> = ({
// Hook to register a roving tab index
// inputRef parameter specifies the ref to use
// onFocus should be called when the index gained focus in any manner
// isActive should be used to set tabIndex in a manner such as `tabIndex={isActive ? 0 : -1}`
// ref should be passed to a DOM node which will be used for DOM compareDocumentPosition
* Hook to register a roving tab index.
* inputRef is an optional argument; when passed this ref points to the DOM element
* to which the callback ref is attached.
* Returns:
* onFocus should be called when the index gained focus in any manner.
* isActive should be used to set tabIndex in a manner such as `tabIndex={isActive ? 0 : -1}`.
* ref is a callback ref that should be passed to a DOM node which will be used for DOM compareDocumentPosition.
* nodeRef is a ref that points to the DOM element to which the ref mentioned above is attached.
* nodeRef = inputRef when inputRef argument is provided.
export const useRovingTabIndex = <T extends HTMLElement>(
inputRef?: RefObject<T>,
): [FocusHandler, boolean, RefObject<T>] => {
): [FocusHandler, boolean, (node: T | null) => void, RefObject<T | null>] => {
const context = useContext(RovingTabIndexContext);
let ref = useRef<T>(null);
let nodeRef = useRef<T | null>(null);
if (inputRef) {
// if we are given a ref, use it instead of ours
ref = inputRef;
nodeRef = inputRef;
// setup (after refs)
useEffect(() => {
type: Type.Register,
payload: { ref },
// teardown
return () => {
const ref = useCallback((node: T | null) => {
if (node) {
nodeRef.current = node;
type: Type.Register,
payload: { node },
} else {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: { ref },
payload: { node: nodeRef.current! },
nodeRef.current = null;
}, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
const onFocus = useCallback(() => {
type: Type.SetFocus,
payload: { ref },
payload: { node: nodeRef.current } as { node: T },
}, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
const isActive = context.state.activeRef === ref;
return [onFocus, isActive, ref];
const isActive = context.state.activeNode === nodeRef.current;
return [onFocus, isActive, ref, nodeRef];
// re-export the semantic helper components for simplicity
@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ import { FocusHandler, Ref } from "./types";
interface IProps {
inputRef?: Ref;
children(renderProps: { onFocus: FocusHandler; isActive: boolean; ref: Ref }): ReactElement<any, any>;
children(renderProps: {
onFocus: FocusHandler;
isActive: boolean;
ref: (node: HTMLElement | null) => void;
}): ReactElement<any, any>;
// Wrapper to allow use of useRovingTabIndex outside of React Functional Components.
@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ const checkTabIndexes = (buttons: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>, expectations: number[
expect([...buttons].map((b) => b.tabIndex)).toStrictEqual(expectations);
const createButtonElement = (text: string): HTMLButtonElement => {
const button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = text;
return button;
// give the buttons keys for the fibre reconciler to not treat them all as the same
const button1 = <Button key={1}>a</Button>;
const button2 = <Button key={2}>b</Button>;
@ -123,11 +129,7 @@ describe("RovingTabIndex", () => {
{({ onFocus, isActive, ref }) => (
tabIndex={isActive ? 0 : -1}
ref={ref as React.RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>}
<button onFocus={onFocus} tabIndex={isActive ? 0 : -1} ref={ref}>
@ -147,75 +149,75 @@ describe("RovingTabIndex", () => {
describe("reducer functions as expected", () => {
it("SetFocus works as expected", () => {
const ref1 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const ref2 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const node1 = createButtonElement("Button 1");
const node2 = createButtonElement("Button 2");
activeRef: ref1,
refs: [ref1, ref2],
activeNode: node1,
nodes: [node1, node2],
type: Type.SetFocus,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: node2,
activeRef: ref2,
refs: [ref1, ref2],
activeNode: node2,
nodes: [node1, node2],
it("Unregister works as expected", () => {
const ref1 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const ref2 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const ref3 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const ref4 = React.createRef<HTMLElement>();
const button1 = createButtonElement("Button 1");
const button2 = createButtonElement("Button 2");
const button3 = createButtonElement("Button 3");
const button4 = createButtonElement("Button 4");
let state: IState = {
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4],
nodes: [button1, button2, button3, button4],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: button2,
refs: [ref1, ref3, ref4],
nodes: [button1, button3, button4],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref3,
node: button3,
refs: [ref1, ref4],
nodes: [button1, button4],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref4,
node: button4,
refs: [ref1],
nodes: [button1],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref1,
node: button1,
refs: [],
nodes: [],
@ -235,122 +237,122 @@ describe("RovingTabIndex", () => {
let state: IState = {
refs: [],
nodes: [],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref1,
node: ref1.current!,
activeRef: ref1,
refs: [ref1],
activeNode: ref1.current,
nodes: [ref1.current],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: ref2.current!,
activeRef: ref1,
refs: [ref1, ref2],
activeNode: ref1.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref3,
node: ref3.current!,
activeRef: ref1,
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3],
activeNode: ref1.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref4,
node: ref4.current!,
activeRef: ref1,
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4],
activeNode: ref1.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current],
// test that the automatic focus switch works for unmounting
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.SetFocus,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: ref2.current!,
activeRef: ref2,
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4],
activeNode: ref2.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: ref2.current!,
activeRef: ref3,
refs: [ref1, ref3, ref4],
activeNode: ref3.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref3.current, ref4.current],
// test that the insert into the middle works as expected
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref2,
node: ref2.current!,
activeRef: ref3,
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4],
activeNode: ref3.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current],
// test that insertion at the edges works
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref1,
node: ref1.current!,
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Unregister,
payload: {
ref: ref4,
node: ref4.current!,
activeRef: ref3,
refs: [ref2, ref3],
activeNode: ref3.current,
nodes: [ref2.current, ref3.current],
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref1,
node: ref1.current!,
state = reducer(state, {
type: Type.Register,
payload: {
ref: ref4,
node: ref4.current!,
activeRef: ref3,
refs: [ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4],
activeNode: ref3.current,
nodes: [ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current],
Reference in a new issue