Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2019-11-01 18:06:05 +00:00
commit 0da421e073
8 changed files with 58 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -2188,5 +2188,39 @@
"Emoji Autocomplete": "Emoji osatze automatikoa",
"Notification Autocomplete": "Jakinarazpen osatze automatikoa",
"Room Autocomplete": "Gela osatze automatikoa",
"User Autocomplete": "Erabiltzaile osatze automatikoa"
"User Autocomplete": "Erabiltzaile osatze automatikoa",
"Use the new, consistent UserInfo panel for Room Members and Group Members": "Erabili erabiltzaile-informazio panel berria gelako eta taldeko kideentzat",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Zure <b>datu pribatuak kendu</b> beharko zenituzke <idserver /> identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatu aurretik. Zoritxarrez <idserver /> identitate-zerbitzaria lineaz kanpo dago eta ezin da atzitu.",
"You should:": "Hau egin beharko zenuke:",
"check your browser plugins for anything that might block the identity server (such as Privacy Badger)": "egiaztatu zure nabigatzailearen gehigarriren batek ez duela identitate-zerbitzaria blokeatzen (esaterako Privacy Badger)",
"contact the administrators of identity server <idserver />": "<idserver /> identitate-zerbitzariko administratzaileekin kontaktuak jarri",
"wait and try again later": "itxaron eta berriro saiatu",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Erakutsi egoera-barrako ikonoa eta minimizatu leihoa itxi ordez",
"Room %(name)s": "%(name)s gela",
"Recent rooms": "Azken gelak",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "Irakurri gabeko aipamen 1.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "Irakurri gabeko mezu 1.",
"Unread messages.": "Irakurri gabeko mezuak.",
"Trust & Devices": "Fidagarritasuna eta gailuak",
"Direct messages": "Mezu zuzenak",
"Failed to deactivate user": "Huts egin du erabiltzailea desaktibatzeak",
"This client does not support end-to-end encryption.": "Bezero honek ez du muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "Gela honetako mezuak ez daude muturretik muturrera zifratuta.",
"React": "Erreakzioa",
"Frequently Used": "Maiz erabilia",
"Smileys & People": "Irribartxoak eta jendea",
"Animals & Nature": "Animaliak eta natura",
"Food & Drink": "Jana eta edana",
"Activities": "Jarduerak",
"Travel & Places": "Bidaiak eta tokiak",
"Objects": "Objektuak",
"Symbols": "Ikurrak",
"Flags": "Banderak",
"Quick Reactions": "Erreakzio azkarrak",
"Cancel search": "Ezeztatu bilaketa",
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu, beraz ezin duzu e-mail helbide bat gehitu etorkizunean pasahitza berrezartzeko.",
"Jump to first unread room.": "Jauzi irakurri gabeko lehen gelara.",
"Jump to first invite.": "Jauzi lehen gonbidapenera.",
"Command Autocomplete": "Aginduak auto-osatzea",
"DuckDuckGo Results": "DuckDuckGo emaitzak"

View file

@ -2273,5 +2273,9 @@
"Jump to first invite.": "Sauter à la première invitation.",
"Room %(name)s": "Salon %(name)s",
"Recent rooms": "Salons récents",
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Aucun serveur didentité nest configuré donc vous ne pouvez pas ajouter une adresse e-mail afin de réinitialiser votre mot de passe dans lavenir."
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Aucun serveur didentité nest configuré donc vous ne pouvez pas ajouter une adresse e-mail afin de réinitialiser votre mot de passe dans lavenir.",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "1 mention non lue.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "1 message non lu.",
"Unread messages.": "Messages non lus.",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Afficher licône dans la barre détat et minimiser la fenêtre lors de la fermeture"

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@ -2263,5 +2263,8 @@
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Azonosítási szerver nincs beállítva, így nem tudsz hozzáadni e-mail címet amivel vissza lehetne állítani a jelszót a későbbiekben.",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "1 olvasatlan megemlítés.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "1 olvasatlan üzenet.",
"Unread messages.": "Olvasatlan üzenetek."
"Unread messages.": "Olvasatlan üzenetek.",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Tálcaikon mutatása és az ablak összecsukása bezáráskor",
"This action requires accessing the default identity server <server /> to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Ez a művelet az e-mail cím vagy telefonszám ellenőrzése miatt hozzáférést igényel az alapértelmezett azonosítási szerverhez (<server />), de a szervernek nincsen semmilyen felhasználási feltétele.",
"Trust": "Megbízom benne"

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@ -2223,5 +2223,6 @@
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Nessun server di identità configurato, perciò non puoi aggiungere un indirizzo email per ripristinare la tua password in futuro.",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "1 citazione non letta.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "1 messaggio non letto.",
"Unread messages.": "Messaggi non letti."
"Unread messages.": "Messaggi non letti.",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Mostra icona in tray e usala alla chiusura della finestra"

View file

@ -2120,5 +2120,6 @@
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "설정된 ID 서버가 없어서 이후 비밀번호를 초기화하기 위한 이메일 주소를 추가할 수 없습니다.",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "1개의 읽지 않은 언급.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "1개의 읽지 않은 메시지.",
"Unread messages.": "읽지 않은 메시지."
"Unread messages.": "읽지 않은 메시지.",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "닫을 때 창을 최소화하고 트레이 아이콘으로 표시하기"

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@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
"%(count)s Members|one": "%(count)s narys",
"Developer Tools": "Programuotojo įrankiai",
"Unhide Preview": "Rodyti paržiūrą",
"Custom Server Options": "Tinkinto serverio parametrai",
"Custom Server Options": "Pasirinktiniai Serverio Nustatymai",
"Event Content": "Įvykio turinys",
"Thank you!": "Ačiū!",
"Collapse panel": "Suskleisti skydelį",
@ -997,5 +997,8 @@
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Nepriklausomai nuo to ar jūs prisijungę (mes neįrašome jūsų vartotojo vardo)",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Kalbėtis su Riot botu",
"Sign In": "Prisijungti",
"Explore rooms": "Peržiūrėti kambarius"
"Explore rooms": "Peržiūrėti kambarius",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Jūsų Riot yra neteisingai sukonfigūruotas",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Prisijunkite prie savo paskyros %(serverName)s serveryje",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Prisijunkite prie savo paskyros <underlinedServerName /> serveryje"

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@ -1812,5 +1812,7 @@
"Connect this device to Key Backup": "Anslut den här enheten till nyckelsäkerhetskopiering",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Säkerhetskopierar %(sessionsRemaining)s nycklar...",
"All keys backed up": "Alla nycklar säkerhetskopierade",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> device with ID %(deviceId)s.": "Säkerhetskopian har en signatur från <verify>okänd</verify> enhet med ID %(deviceId)s."
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> device with ID %(deviceId)s.": "Säkerhetskopian har en signatur från <verify>okänd</verify> enhet med ID %(deviceId)s.",
"Add Email Address": "Lägg till e-postadress",
"Add Phone Number": "Lägg till telefonnummer"

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@ -2269,5 +2269,6 @@
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "未設定身份識別伺服器,所以您無法新增電子郵件以在未來重設您的密碼。",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|one": "1 則未讀的提及。",
"%(count)s unread messages.|one": "1 則未讀的訊息。",
"Unread messages.": "未讀的訊息。"
"Unread messages.": "未讀的訊息。",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "顯示系統匣圖示並在關閉視窗時將其最小化至其中"