Merge pull request #3386 from matrix-org/bwindels/cider-formatbar
New composer: show format bar on selection
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 458 additions and 55 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ limitations under the License.
.mx_BasicMessageComposer {
position: relative;
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_inputEmpty > :first-child::before {
content: var(--placeholder);
opacity: 0.333;
@ -71,4 +73,69 @@ limitations under the License.
position: relative;
height: 0;
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatBar {
display: none;
width: calc(26px * 5);
height: 24px;
position: absolute;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: $message-action-bar-bg-color;
user-select: none;
&.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatBar_shown {
display: block;
> * {
white-space: nowrap;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid $message-action-bar-border-color;
margin-left: -1px;
&:hover {
border-color: $message-action-bar-hover-border-color;
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton {
width: 27px;
height: 24px;
box-sizing: border-box;
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-position: center;
background-color: $message-action-bar-fg-color;
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatBold::after {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/format/bold.svg');
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatItalic::after {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/format/italics.svg');
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatStrikethrough::after {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/format/strikethrough.svg');
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatQuote::after {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/format/quote.svg');
.mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatCode::after {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/format/code.svg');
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 340 B |
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@ -20,8 +20,13 @@ import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import EditorModel from '../../../editor/model';
import HistoryManager from '../../../editor/history';
import {setCaretPosition} from '../../../editor/caret';
import {getCaretOffsetAndText} from '../../../editor/dom';
import {setSelection} from '../../../editor/caret';
import {
} from '../../../editor/operations';
import {getCaretOffsetAndText, getRangeForSelection} from '../../../editor/dom';
import Autocomplete from '../rooms/Autocomplete';
import {autoCompleteCreator} from '../../../editor/parts';
import {renderModel} from '../../../editor/render';
@ -30,6 +35,7 @@ import TypingStore from "../../../stores/TypingStore";
import EMOJIBASE from 'emojibase-data/en/compact.json';
import SettingsStore from "../../../settings/SettingsStore";
import EMOTICON_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/emoticon';
import { _t } from '../../../languageHandler';
const REGEX_EMOTICON_WHITESPACE = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)(' + EMOTICON_REGEX.source + ')\\s$');
@ -74,8 +80,10 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
this._editorRef = null;
this._autocompleteRef = null;
this._formatBarRef = null;
this._modifiedFlag = false;
this._isIMEComposing = false;
this._hasTextSelected = false;
_replaceEmoticon = (caretPosition, inputType, diff) => {
@ -108,11 +116,11 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
_updateEditorState = (caret, inputType, diff) => {
_updateEditorState = (selection, inputType, diff) => {
renderModel(this._editorRef, this.props.model);
if (caret) {
if (selection) { // set the caret/selection
try {
setCaretPosition(this._editorRef, this.props.model, caret);
setSelection(this._editorRef, this.props.model, selection);
} catch (err) {
@ -126,7 +134,7 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
this.setState({autoComplete: this.props.model.autoComplete});
this.historyManager.tryPush(this.props.model, caret, inputType, diff);
this.historyManager.tryPush(this.props.model, selection, inputType, diff);
TypingStore.sharedInstance().setSelfTyping(, !this.props.model.isEmpty);
if (this.props.onChange) {
@ -239,6 +247,37 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
_onSelectionChange = () => {
const selection = document.getSelection();
if (this._hasTextSelected && selection.isCollapsed) {
this._hasTextSelected = false;
if (this._formatBarRef) {
} else if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
this._hasTextSelected = true;
if (this._formatBarRef) {
const selectionRect = selection.getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect();
let leftOffset = 0;
let node = this._formatBarRef;
while (node.offsetParent) {
node = node.offsetParent;
leftOffset += node.offsetLeft;
let topOffset = 0;
node = this._formatBarRef;
while (node.offsetParent) {
node = node.offsetParent;
topOffset += node.offsetTop;
|||| = `${selectionRect.left - leftOffset}px`;
// 12 is half the height of the bar (e.g. to center it) and 16 is an offset that felt ok.
|||| = `${ - topOffset - 16 - 12}px`;
_onKeyDown = (event) => {
@ -392,6 +431,42 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
return caretPosition;
_wrapSelectionAsInline(prefix, suffix = prefix) {
const range = getRangeForSelection(
formatInline(range, prefix, suffix);
_formatBold = () => {
_formatItalic = () => {
_formatStrikethrough = () => {
this._wrapSelectionAsInline("<del>", "</del>");
_formatQuote = () => {
const range = getRangeForSelection(
_formatCode = () => {
const range = getRangeForSelection(
render() {
let autoComplete;
if (this.state.autoComplete) {
@ -413,6 +488,13 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component {
return (<div className={classes}>
{ autoComplete }
<div className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatBar" ref={ref => this._formatBarRef = ref}>
<span aria-label={_t("Bold")} role="button" onClick={this._formatBold} className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatBold"></span>
<span aria-label={_t("Italics")} role="button" onClick={this._formatItalic} className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatItalic"></span>
<span aria-label={_t("Strikethrough")} role="button" onClick={this._formatStrikethrough} className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatStrikethrough"></span>
<span aria-label={_t("Code block")} role="button" onClick={this._formatCode} className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatCode"></span>
<span aria-label={_t("Quote")} role="button" onClick={this._formatQuote} className="mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatButton mx_BasicMessageComposer_formatQuote"></span>
@ -16,12 +16,39 @@ limitations under the License.
import {needsCaretNodeBefore, needsCaretNodeAfter} from "./render";
import Range from "./range";
export function setSelection(editor, model, selection) {
if (selection instanceof Range) {
setDocumentRangeSelection(editor, model, selection);
} else {
setCaretPosition(editor, model, selection);
function setDocumentRangeSelection(editor, model, range) {
const sel = document.getSelection();
const selectionRange = document.createRange();
const start = getNodeAndOffsetForPosition(editor, model, range.start);
selectionRange.setStart(start.node, start.offset);
const end = getNodeAndOffsetForPosition(editor, model, range.end);
selectionRange.setEnd(end.node, end.offset);
export function setCaretPosition(editor, model, caretPosition) {
const sel = document.getSelection();
const range = document.createRange();
const {offset, lineIndex, nodeIndex} = getLineAndNodePosition(model, caretPosition);
const {node, offset} = getNodeAndOffsetForPosition(editor, model, caretPosition);
range.setStart(node, offset);
function getNodeAndOffsetForPosition(editor, model, position) {
const {offset, lineIndex, nodeIndex} = getLineAndNodePosition(model, position);
const lineNode = editor.childNodes[lineIndex];
let focusNode;
@ -35,9 +62,7 @@ export function setCaretPosition(editor, model, caretPosition) {
focusNode = focusNode.firstChild;
range.setStart(focusNode, offset);
return {node: focusNode, offset};
export function getLineAndNodePosition(model, caretPosition) {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import {CARET_NODE_CHAR, isCaretNode} from "./render";
import DocumentOffset from "./offset";
export function walkDOMDepthFirst(rootNode, enterNodeCallback, leaveNodeCallback) {
let node = rootNode.firstChild;
@ -40,26 +41,62 @@ export function walkDOMDepthFirst(rootNode, enterNodeCallback, leaveNodeCallback
export function getCaretOffsetAndText(editor, sel) {
let {focusNode, focusOffset} = sel;
// sometimes focusNode is an element, and then focusOffset means
// the index of a child element ... - 1 🤷
if (focusNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && focusOffset !== 0) {
focusNode = focusNode.childNodes[focusOffset - 1];
focusOffset = focusNode.textContent.length;
const {offset, text} = getSelectionOffsetAndText(editor, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
return {caret: offset, text};
const {text, focusNodeOffset} = getTextAndFocusNodeOffset(editor, focusNode, focusOffset);
const caret = getCaret(focusNode, focusNodeOffset, focusOffset);
return {caret, text};
function tryReduceSelectionToTextNode(selectionNode, selectionOffset) {
// if selectionNode is an element, the selected location comes after the selectionOffset-th child node,
// which can point past any childNode, in which case, the end of selectionNode is selected.
// we try to simplify this to point at a text node with the offset being
// a character offset within the text node
// Also see
while (selectionNode && selectionNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const childNodeCount = selectionNode.childNodes.length;
if (childNodeCount) {
if (selectionOffset >= childNodeCount) {
selectionNode = selectionNode.lastChild;
if (selectionNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
selectionOffset = selectionNode.textContent.length;
} else {
// this will select the last child node in the next iteration
selectionOffset = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
} else {
selectionNode = selectionNode.childNodes[selectionOffset];
// this will select the first child node in the next iteration
selectionOffset = 0;
} else {
// here node won't be a text node,
// but characterOffset should be 0,
// this happens under some circumstances
// when the editor is empty.
// In this case characterOffset=0 is the right thing to do
return {
node: selectionNode,
characterOffset: selectionOffset,
function getSelectionOffsetAndText(editor, selectionNode, selectionOffset) {
const {node, characterOffset} = tryReduceSelectionToTextNode(selectionNode, selectionOffset);
const {text, offsetToNode} = getTextAndOffsetToNode(editor, node);
const offset = getCaret(node, offsetToNode, characterOffset);
return {offset, text};
// gets the caret position details, ignoring and adjusting to
// the ZWS if you're typing in a caret node
function getCaret(focusNode, focusNodeOffset, focusOffset) {
let atNodeEnd = focusOffset === focusNode.textContent.length;
if (focusNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isCaretNode(focusNode.parentElement)) {
const zwsIdx = focusNode.nodeValue.indexOf(CARET_NODE_CHAR);
if (zwsIdx !== -1 && zwsIdx < focusOffset) {
focusOffset -= 1;
function getCaret(node, offsetToNode, offsetWithinNode) {
let atNodeEnd = offsetWithinNode === node.textContent.length;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isCaretNode(node.parentElement)) {
const zwsIdx = node.nodeValue.indexOf(CARET_NODE_CHAR);
if (zwsIdx !== -1 && zwsIdx < offsetWithinNode) {
offsetWithinNode -= 1;
// if typing in a caret node, you're either typing before or after the ZWS.
// In both cases, you should be considered at node end because the ZWS is
@ -67,21 +104,21 @@ function getCaret(focusNode, focusNodeOffset, focusOffset) {
// that caret node will be removed.
atNodeEnd = true;
return {offset: focusNodeOffset + focusOffset, atNodeEnd};
return new DocumentOffset(offsetToNode + offsetWithinNode, atNodeEnd);
// gets the text of the editor as a string,
// and the offset in characters where the focusNode starts in that string
// and the offset in characters where the selectionNode starts in that string
// all ZWS from caret nodes are filtered out
function getTextAndFocusNodeOffset(editor, focusNode, focusOffset) {
let focusNodeOffset = 0;
let foundCaret = false;
function getTextAndOffsetToNode(editor, selectionNode) {
let offsetToNode = 0;
let foundNode = false;
let text = "";
function enterNodeCallback(node) {
if (!foundCaret) {
if (node === focusNode) {
foundCaret = true;
if (!foundNode) {
if (node === selectionNode) {
foundNode = true;
// usually newlines are entered as new DIV elements,
@ -89,13 +126,15 @@ function getTextAndFocusNodeOffset(editor, focusNode, focusOffset) {
// converted to BRs, so also take these into account when they
// are not the last element in the DIV.
if (node.tagName === "BR" && node.nextSibling) {
if (!foundNode) {
offsetToNode += 1;
text += "\n";
focusNodeOffset += 1;
const nodeText = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && getTextNodeValue(node);
if (nodeText) {
if (!foundCaret) {
focusNodeOffset += nodeText.length;
if (!foundNode) {
offsetToNode += nodeText.length;
text += nodeText;
@ -109,15 +148,15 @@ function getTextAndFocusNodeOffset(editor, focusNode, focusOffset) {
// whereas you just want it to be appended to the current line
if (node.tagName === "DIV" && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.tagName === "DIV") {
text += "\n";
if (!foundCaret) {
focusNodeOffset += 1;
if (!foundNode) {
offsetToNode += 1;
walkDOMDepthFirst(editor, enterNodeCallback, leaveNodeCallback);
return {text, focusNodeOffset};
return {text, offsetToNode};
// get text value of text node, ignoring ZWS if it's a caret node
@ -137,3 +176,19 @@ function getTextNodeValue(node) {
return nodeText;
export function getRangeForSelection(editor, model, selection) {
const focusOffset = getSelectionOffsetAndText(
const anchorOffset = getSelectionOffsetAndText(
const focusPosition = focusOffset.asPosition(model);
const anchorPosition = anchorOffset.asPosition(model);
return model.startRange(focusPosition, anchorPosition);
@ -388,21 +388,25 @@ export default class EditorModel {
currentOffset += partLen;
return false;
if (index === -1) {
return this.getPositionAtEnd();
} else {
return new DocumentPosition(index, totalOffset - currentOffset);
* Starts a range, which can span across multiple parts, to find and replace text.
* @param {DocumentPosition} position where to start the range
* @param {DocumentPosition} positionA a boundary of the range
* @param {DocumentPosition?} positionB the other boundary of the range, optional
* @return {Range}
startRange(position) {
return new Range(this, position);
startRange(positionA, positionB = positionA) {
return new Range(this, positionA, positionB);
//mostly internal, called from Range.replace
replaceRange(startPosition, endPosition, parts) {
// called from Range.replace
_replaceRange(startPosition, endPosition, parts) {
// convert end position to offset, so it is independent of how the document is split into parts
// which we'll change when splitting up at the start position
const endOffset = endPosition.asOffset(this);
@ -429,7 +433,12 @@ export default class EditorModel {
transform(callback) {
const pos = callback();
const acPromise = this._setActivePart(pos, true);
let acPromise = null;
if (!(pos instanceof Range)) {
acPromise = this._setActivePart(pos, true);
} else {
acPromise = Promise.resolve();
return acPromise;
@ -15,12 +15,16 @@ limitations under the License.
export default class DocumentOffset {
constructor(offset, atEnd) {
constructor(offset, atNodeEnd) {
this.offset = offset;
this.atEnd = atEnd;
this.atNodeEnd = atNodeEnd;
asPosition(model) {
return model.positionForOffset(this.offset, this.atEnd);
return model.positionForOffset(this.offset, this.atNodeEnd);
add(delta, atNodeEnd = false) {
return new DocumentOffset(this.offset + delta, atNodeEnd);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Copyright 2019 The Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* Some common queries and transformations on the editor model
export function replaceRangeAndExpandSelection(model, range, newParts) {
model.transform(() => {
const oldLen = range.length;
const addedLen = range.replace(newParts);
const firstOffset = range.start.asOffset(model);
const lastOffset = firstOffset.add(oldLen + addedLen);
return model.startRange(firstOffset.asPosition(model), lastOffset.asPosition(model));
export function rangeStartsAtBeginningOfLine(range) {
const {model} = range;
const startsWithPartial = range.start.offset !== 0;
const isFirstPart = range.start.index === 0;
const previousIsNewline = !isFirstPart &&[range.start.index - 1].type === "newline";
return !startsWithPartial && (isFirstPart || previousIsNewline);
export function rangeEndsAtEndOfLine(range) {
const {model} = range;
const lastPart =[range.end.index];
const endsWithPartial = range.end.offset !== lastPart.length;
const isLastPart = range.end.index === - 1;
const nextIsNewline = !isLastPart &&[range.end.index + 1].type === "newline";
return !endsWithPartial && (isLastPart || nextIsNewline);
export function formatRangeAsQuote(range) {
const {model, parts} = range;
const {partCreator} = model;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
const part = parts[i];
if (part.type === "newline") {
parts.splice(i + 1, 0, partCreator.plain("> "));
parts.unshift(partCreator.plain("> "));
if (!rangeStartsAtBeginningOfLine(range)) {
if (!rangeEndsAtEndOfLine(range)) {
replaceRangeAndExpandSelection(model, range, parts);
export function formatRangeAsCode(range) {
const {model, parts} = range;
const {partCreator} = model;
const needsBlock = parts.some(p => p.type === "newline");
if (needsBlock) {
parts.unshift(partCreator.plain("```"), partCreator.newline());
if (!rangeStartsAtBeginningOfLine(range)) {
if (!rangeEndsAtEndOfLine(range)) {
} else {
replaceRangeAndExpandSelection(model, range, parts);
export function formatInline(range, prefix, suffix = prefix) {
const {model, parts} = range;
const {partCreator} = model;
replaceRangeAndExpandSelection(model, range, parts);
@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ limitations under the License.
export default class Range {
constructor(model, startPosition, endPosition = startPosition) {
constructor(model, positionA, positionB = positionA) {
this._model = model;
this._start = startPosition;
this._end = endPosition;
const bIsLarger = < 0;
this._start = bIsLarger ? positionA : positionB;
this._end = bIsLarger ? positionB : positionA;
moveStart(delta) {
@ -32,6 +33,10 @@ export default class Range {
this._start = this._start.backwardsWhile(this._model, predicate);
get model() {
return this._model;
get text() {
let text = "";
this._start.iteratePartsBetween(this._end, this._model, (part, startIdx, endIdx) => {
@ -53,7 +58,38 @@ export default class Range {
this._start.iteratePartsBetween(this._end, this._model, (part, startIdx, endIdx) => {
oldLength += endIdx - startIdx;
this._model.replaceRange(this._start, this._end, parts);
this._model._replaceRange(this._start, this._end, parts);
return newLength - oldLength;
* Returns a copy of the (partial) parts within the range.
* For partial parts, only the text is adjusted to the part that intersects with the range.
get parts() {
const parts = [];
this._start.iteratePartsBetween(this._end, this._model, (part, startIdx, endIdx) => {
const serializedPart = part.serialize();
serializedPart.text = part.text.substring(startIdx, endIdx);
const newPart = this._model.partCreator.deserializePart(serializedPart);
return parts;
get length() {
let len = 0;
this._start.iteratePartsBetween(this._end, this._model, (part, startIdx, endIdx) => {
len += endIdx - startIdx;
return len;
get start() {
return this._start;
get end() {
return this._end;
@ -760,6 +760,11 @@
" (unsupported)": " (unsupported)",
"Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.",
"Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s.": "Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s.",
"Bold": "Bold",
"Italics": "Italics",
"Strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"Code block": "Code block",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Some devices for this user are not trusted": "Some devices for this user are not trusted",
"Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted": "Some devices in this encrypted room are not trusted",
"All devices for this user are trusted": "All devices for this user are trusted",
@ -1404,7 +1409,6 @@
"Unhide Preview": "Unhide Preview",
"Share Permalink": "Share Permalink",
"Share Message": "Share Message",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Source URL": "Source URL",
"Collapse Reply Thread": "Collapse Reply Thread",
"End-to-end encryption information": "End-to-end encryption information",
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