40 lines
931 B
40 lines
931 B
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`PictureInPictureDragger when rendering the dragger with PiP content 1 and rendering PiP content 2 should update the PiP content 1`] = `
style="transform: translateX(680px) translateY(478px);"
content 2
<br />
content 2.2
exports[`PictureInPictureDragger when rendering the dragger with PiP content 1 and rerendering PiP content 1 should not change the PiP content: pip-content-1 1`] = `
style="transform: translateX(680px) translateY(478px);"
content 1
exports[`PictureInPictureDragger when rendering the dragger with PiP content 1 should render the PiP content: pip-content-1 1`] = `
style="transform: translateX(680px) translateY(478px);"
content 1