2019-04-21 23:27:36 +02:00

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* FrontControllerTest class.
namespace Alltube\Test;
use Alltube\Config;
use Alltube\Controller\FrontController;
use Alltube\LocaleManager;
use Alltube\ViewFactory;
use Exception;
use Slim\Container;
use Slim\Http\Environment;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
* Unit tests for the FrontController class.
class FrontControllerTest extends BaseTest
* Slim dependency container.
* @var Container
private $container;
* Mock HTTP request.
* @var Request
private $request;
* Mock HTTP response.
* @var Response
private $response;
* FrontController instance used in tests.
* @var FrontController
private $controller;
* Prepare tests.
protected function setUp()
$this->container = new Container();
$this->request = Request::createFromEnvironment(Environment::mock());
$this->response = new Response();
$this->container['view'] = ViewFactory::create($this->container, $this->request);
$this->container['locale'] = new LocaleManager();
$this->controller = new FrontController($this->container);
$this->container['router']->map(['GET'], '/', [$this->controller, 'index'])
$this->container['router']->map(['GET'], '/video', [$this->controller, 'video'])
$this->container['router']->map(['GET'], '/extractors', [$this->controller, 'extractors'])
$this->container['router']->map(['GET'], '/redirect', [$this->controller, 'redirect'])
$this->container['router']->map(['GET'], '/locale', [$this->controller, 'locale'])
* Run controller function with custom query parameters and return the result.
* @param string $request Controller function to call
* @param array $params Query parameters
* @return Response HTTP response
private function getRequestResult($request, array $params)
return $this->controller->$request(
* Assert that calling controller function with these parameters returns a 200 HTTP response.
* @param string $request Controller function to call
* @param array $params Query parameters
* @return void
private function assertRequestIsOk($request, array $params = [])
$this->assertTrue($this->getRequestResult($request, $params)->isOk());
* Assert that calling controller function with these parameters returns an HTTP redirect.
* @param string $request Controller function to call
* @param array $params Query parameters
* @return void
private function assertRequestIsRedirect($request, array $params = [])
$this->assertTrue($this->getRequestResult($request, $params)->isRedirect());
* Assert that calling controller function with these parameters returns an HTTP 500 error.
* @param string $request Controller function to call
* @param array $params Query parameters
* @return void
private function assertRequestIsServerError($request, array $params = [])
$this->assertTrue($this->getRequestResult($request, $params)->isServerError());
* Assert that calling controller function with these parameters returns an HTTP 400 error.
* @param string $request Controller function to call
* @param array $params Query parameters
* @return void
private function assertRequestIsClientError($request, array $params = [])
$this->assertTrue($this->getRequestResult($request, $params)->isClientError());
* Test the constructor.
* @return void
public function testConstructor()
$this->assertInstanceOf(FrontController::class, new FrontController($this->container));
* Test the constructor with streams enabled.
* @return void
public function testConstructorWithStream()
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
$this->assertInstanceOf(FrontController::class, new FrontController($this->container));
* Test the index() function.
* @return void
public function testIndex()
* Test the index() function with a custom URI.
* @return void
public function testIndexWithCustomUri()
$result = $this->controller->index(
Environment::mock(['REQUEST_URI' => '/foo', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'foo=bar'])
* Test the extractors() function.
* @return void
public function testExtractors()
* Test the password() function.
* @return void
public function testPassword()
* Test the video() function without the url parameter.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithoutUrl()
* Test the video() function.
* @return void
public function testVideo()
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '']);
* Test the video() function with audio conversion.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithAudio()
Config::setOptions(['convert' => true]);
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '', 'audio' => true]);
* Test the video() function with audio conversion from a Vimeo video.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithVimeoAudio()
if (getenv('CI')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Travis is blacklisted by Vimeo.');
Config::setOptions(['convert' => true]);
// So we can test the fallback to default format
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '', 'audio' => true]);
* Test the video() function with audio enabled and an URL that doesn't need to be converted.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithUnconvertedAudio()
Config::setOptions(['convert' => true]);
'url' => '',
'audio' => true,
* Test the video() function with a password.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithPassword()
if (getenv('CI')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Travis is blacklisted by Vimeo.');
$result = $this->controller->video(
$this->request->withQueryParams(['url' => ''])
->withParsedBody(['password' => 'youtube-dl']),
* Test the video() function with a missing password.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithMissingPassword()
if (getenv('CI')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Travis is blacklisted by Vimeo.');
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '']);
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '', 'audio' => true]);
* Test the video() function with streams enabled.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithStream()
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
$this->assertRequestIsOk('video', ['url' => '']);
['url' => '', 'audio' => true]
* Test the video() function with a playlist.
* @return void
public function testVideoWithPlaylist()
['url' => '']
* Test the error() function.
* @return void
public function testError()
$result = $this->controller->error($this->request, $this->response, new Exception('foo'));
* Test the redirect() function without the URL parameter.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithoutUrl()
* Test the redirect() function.
* @return void
public function testRedirect()
$this->assertRequestIsRedirect('redirect', ['url' => '']);
* Test the redirect() function with a specific format.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithFormat()
['url' => '', 'format' => 'worst']
* Test the redirect() function with streams enabled.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithStream()
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
['url' => '']
* Test the redirect() function with an M3U stream.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithM3uStream()
if (getenv('CI')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Twitter returns a 429 error when the test is ran too many times.');
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
'url' => '',
'format' => 'hls-2176',
* Test the redirect() function with an RTMP stream.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithRtmpStream()
$this->markTestIncomplete('We need to find another RTMP video.');
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
['url' => '', 'format' => 'rtmp-264']
* Test the redirect() function with a remuxed video.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithRemux()
Config::setOptions(['remux' => true]);
'url' => '',
'format' => 'bestvideo+bestaudio',
* Test the redirect() function with a remuxed video but remux disabled.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithRemuxDisabled()
'url' => '',
'format' => 'bestvideo+bestaudio',
* Test the redirect() function with a missing password.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithMissingPassword()
if (getenv('CI')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Travis is blacklisted by Vimeo.');
$this->assertRequestIsRedirect('redirect', ['url' => '']);
* Test the redirect() function with an error.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithError()
$this->assertRequestIsServerError('redirect', ['url' => '']);
* Test the redirect() function with an video that returns an empty URL.
* This can be caused by trying to redirect to a playlist.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithEmptyUrl()
['url' => '']
* Test the redirect() function with a playlist stream.
* @return void
* @requires OS Linux
public function testRedirectWithPlaylist()
Config::setOptions(['stream' => true]);
['url' => '']
* Test the redirect() function with an advanced conversion.
* @return void
public function testRedirectWithAdvancedConversion()
Config::setOptions(['convertAdvanced' => true]);
'url' => '',
'format' => 'best',
'customConvert' => 'on',
'customBitrate' => 32,
'customFormat' => 'flv',
* Test the json() function without the URL parameter.
* @return void
public function testJsonWithoutUrl()
* Test the json() function.
* @return void
public function testJson()
$this->assertRequestIsOk('json', ['url' => '']);
* Test the json() function with an error.
* @return void
public function testJsonWithError()
$this->assertRequestIsServerError('json', ['url' => '']);
* Test the locale() function.
* @return void
public function testLocale()
['locale' => 'fr_FR']