You are going to download title; ?>.
thumbnail, '" alt="" />'; ?>* @license GNU General Public License * @link * */ require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'common.php'; require_once 'download.php'; if (isset($_GET["url"])) { if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $video = VideoDownload::getJSON($_GET["url"], $_GET["format"]); if (isset($video->url)) { //Vimeo needs a correct user-agent $UA = VideoDownload::getUA(); ini_set( 'user_agent', $UA ); $url_info = parse_url($video->url); if ($url_info['scheme'] == 'rtmp') { header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. html_entity_decode( pathinfo( VideoDownload::getFilename( $video->webpage_url ), PATHINFO_FILENAME ).'.mp3', ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1' ).'"' ); header("Content-Type: audio/mpeg"); passthru( '/usr/bin/rtmpdump -q -r '.escapeshellarg($video->url). ' | /usr/bin/avconv -v quiet -i - -f mp3 pipe:1' ); exit; } else { header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. html_entity_decode( pathinfo( VideoDownload::getFilename( $video->webpage_url ), PATHINFO_FILENAME ).'.mp3', ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1' ).'"' ); header("Content-Type: audio/mpeg"); passthru( '/usr/bin/wget -q --user-agent='.escapeshellarg($UA). ' -O - '.escapeshellarg($video->url). ' | /usr/bin/avconv -v quiet -i - -f mp3 pipe:1' ); exit; } } else { $error=true; } } else { $video = VideoDownload::getJSON($_GET["url"]); if (isset($video->webpage_url)) { include 'head.php'; ?>
You are going to download title; ?>.
thumbnail, '" alt="" />'; ?>