Stop running tests on AppVeyor

Debugging tests on Windows is too much work
This commit is contained in:
Pierre Rudloff 2019-11-30 14:55:16 +01:00
parent 9b6639168d
commit 43e6f9b25d
2 changed files with 0 additions and 28 deletions

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- sc config wuauserv start= auto
- net start wuauserv
- cinst php --version 7.3.11
- cinst composer ffmpeg phantomjs
- refreshenv
- copy C:\tools\php73\php.ini-development C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_gmp.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_gettext.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_intl.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_openssl.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_mbstring.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- echo extension=C:\tools\php73\ext\php_xsl.dll >> C:\tools\php73\php.ini
- composer install --no-dev --no-progress
- composer global require phpunit/phpunit:^8.4 --no-progress
- C:\Python36\python.exe -m pip install youtube-dl
- phpunit
build: "off"

View file

@ -118,12 +118,6 @@ class ConfigTest extends BaseTest
public function testSetOptionsWithoutUpdate()
if (getenv('APPVEYOR')) {
"This will fail on AppVeyor because it won't be able to find youtube-dl at the defaut path."
Config::setOptions(['appName' => 'foo'], false);
$config = Config::getInstance();
$this->assertEquals($config->appName, 'foo');