
58 lines
2 KiB

function timeSince(obj) {
last = new Date(obj)
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - last) / 1000);
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
out = "";
if (interval > 24) return "at " + last.toDateString().substr(4) + " " + last.toLocaleTimeString();
if (interval > 1) out = interval + " hours ";
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
if (seconds < 120) out = seconds + " seconds "
else if (interval > 1 && interval < 120) out = out + interval + " minutes ";
return out + "ago"
function styleStatus(msg, device) {
device_status = $("#" + device + "-indicator");
device_ip = $("#" + device + "-ip");
device_network = $("#" + device + "-network");
device_name = $("#" + device + "-name");
device_id = $("#" + device + "-id");
device_status.css("color", msg.status == 1 ? "green" : (msg.status == 0 ? ((new Date(msg.lastbeat) < new Date(msg.time) && (new Date() - new Date(msg.lastbeat) < 60)) ? "yellow" : "red") : "grey"));
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("ip")) {
device_ip.text(msg.ip + (msg.status == 1 ? "" :" (" + timeSince(msg.time) + ")"));
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("network")) {
device_network.text(msg.network.intip + " (" + msg.network.extip + ")");
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reboot")) {
device_id.css("font-style", msg.reboot == 1 ? "italic" : "normal")
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("name")) {
function updateStatus(device_id) {
$.getJSON( "/devices/" + device_id + "/ping/", function(json) { styleStatus(json, device_id); });
function askdelete(device_id) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this device?")) window.location.href = "/devices/" + device_id + "/delete";
function askreboot(device_id) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to reboot this device?")) window.location.href = "/devices/" + device_id + "/reboot";
function downloadnotice() {
alert("Your file is being prepared. This will take a minute, please be patient and do not leave this page. The download will start automatically.");