2023-03-24 14:03:54 +00:00

154 lines
4.9 KiB

from authlib.integrations.flask_client import OAuth
from flask import Flask, jsonify, redirect, url_for, request
import requests
import secrets
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
config = ConfigParser() / "settings.ini")
app = Flask(__name__)
# Set a secret key for the Flask app
# This is used to encrypt the session cookie
# As we don't need to store any session data, we use a random string
app.secret_key = secrets.token_hex(32)
plesk_url = config["PLESK"].get(
"Domain", fallback=os.environ.get("PLESK_DOMAIN"))
# Configure Authlib with OIDC provider details
# Will use environment variables if values are not set in config
oauth = OAuth(app)
client_id = config["OIDC"].get(
"ClientID", fallback=os.environ.get("OIDC_CLIENT_ID"))
client_secret = config["OIDC"].get(
"ClientSecret", fallback=os.environ.get("OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"))
token_url = config["OIDC"].get(
"TokenURL", fallback=os.environ.get("OIDC_TOKEN_URL"))
authorize_url = config["OIDC"].get(
"AuthorizeURL", fallback=os.environ.get("OIDC_AUTHORIZE_URL"))
jwks_url = config["OIDC"].get(
"JWKSURL", fallback=os.environ.get("OIDC_JWKS_URL"))
'scope': config["OIDC"].get("Scope", fallback="openid profile email"),
'token_endpoint_auth_method': 'client_secret_basic',
'token_placement': 'header'
# Define a route for the "home page"
# This will redirect to the OIDC provider's login page
def home():
redirect_uri = url_for('oidc_callback', _external=True)
return oauth.oidc.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri)
# Define a route for the OIDC provider's callback URL
# This will be called after the user has logged in
# It will then create a Plesk session for the user and redirect to the Plesk login page
def oidc_callback():
# Get user information from OIDC provider
token = oauth.oidc.authorize_access_token()
user_info = token["userinfo"]
# Display user's preferred_username
username = user_info.get('preferred_username')
# Get the user's IP address
# This needs to be the IP address the Plesk server sees
# Check if "SourceIP" is set in config
source_ip = config["OIDC"].get("SourceIP", fallback="auto")
# If "SourceIP" is set to "auto", get the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For header
# If the header is not set, use the remote address as seen by Flask
if source_ip == "auto":
source_ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For", request.remote_addr)
# If "SourceIP" is set to "public", get the plesklogin host's public IPv4 from
if source_ip == "public":
source_ip = requests.get("").text
# Otherwise, just use the value of "SourceIP" as the IP address
# Prepare a request to the Plesk API to create a session for the user
xml_data = f"""
<packet version="">
headers = {
"Content-Type": "text/xml",
"HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT": "TRUE", # Hey, it's pretty!
# Add the username and password to the request headers
plesk_login = config["PLESK"].get(
"Username", fallback=os.environ.get("PLESK_USERNAME"))
plesk_password = config["PLESK"].get(
"Password", fallback=os.environ.get("PLESK_PASSWORD"))
headers["HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN"] = plesk_login
headers["HTTP_AUTH_PASSWD"] = plesk_password
# If "VerifySSL" is set to "False" in the configuration, disable SSL verification
verify = config["PLESK"].getboolean("VerifySSL", fallback=True)
response =
f"https://{plesk_url}/enterprise/control/agent.php", headers=headers, data=xml_data, verify=verify)
# Extract the session ID from the response XML or raise an exception if the request failed
if response.status_code == 200:
response_xml = response.content.decode()
# Extract the session ID from the response XML
session_id = response_xml.split("<id>")[1].split("</id>")[0]
print("Error:", response.status_code, response.content.decode())
raise Exception()
# Redirect to the Plesk login page with the session ID
return redirect(f"https://{plesk_url}/enterprise/rsession_init.php?PLESKSESSID={session_id}")
if __name__ == '__main__':["FLASK"].getboolean(
"Debug", fallback=bool(os.environ.get("FLASK_DEBUG", False))))