Kumi ba08266351
feat(krpano): support directional image downloads
Enhanced the KRPanoDownloader and KRPanoConverter classes to handle downloads and conversions for directional images specified by characters (e.g., 'f' for front, 'r' for right, etc.) in addition to the existing numeric tile-based system. This update adds a new regex pattern to match directional images and updates the URL schema logic to accommodate character-based tile descriptions, improving support for a wider range of image types in panoramic views. This change allows for more flexible and intuitive handling of different image naming conventions, making the module more adaptable to various krpano configurations.
2024-04-12 12:10:57 +02:00

254 lines
8.4 KiB

from pix360core.classes import DownloaderModule, HTTPRequest, DownloadError, DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_TO_EQUIRECTANGULAR_STITCHER, DEFAULT_STITCHER
from pix360core.models import Conversion, File
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
import re
import logging
import uuid
class KRPanoDownloader(DownloaderModule):
name: str = "KRPano Downloader"
identifier: str = "systems.kumi.pix360.krpano"
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("pix360")
REGEX_FULL: List[Tuple[str, int, Dict[str, str]]] = [
(r"\d+/\d+/\d+_\d+\.jpg", DownloaderModule.CERTAINTY_PROBABLE, {}),
(r"[frblud]/\d+/\d+_\d+\.jpg", DownloaderModule.CERTAINTY_PROBABLE, {}),
REGEX_SIMPLE: List[Tuple[str, int, Dict[str, str]]] = [
(r"\_[frblud].jpg", DownloaderModule.CERTAINTY_PROBABLE, {}),
(r"^\d.jpg", DownloaderModule.CERTAINTY_POSSIBLE, {"tiles": "012345"}),
def test_url(cls, url: str) -> int:
"""Test if URL looks like this module can handle it
url (str): URL to test
int: Certainty level of the URL being supported by this module
CERTAINTY_UNSUPPORTED if the URL is not supported at all
CERTAINTY_POSSIBLE if the URL may be supported
CERTAINTY_PROBABLE if the URL is probably supported
for regex, certainty, kwargs in cls.REGEX_FULL:
if bool(re.search(regex, url)):
return certainty
for regex, certainty, kwargs in cls.REGEX_SIMPLE:
if bool(re.search(regex, url)):
return certainty
return DownloaderModule.CERTAINTY_UNSUPPORTED
def process_conversion(self, conversion: Conversion) -> File:
"""Download content from the given URL
conversion (Conversion): Conversion object to process
DownloadError: If an error occurred while downloading content
File: File object containing the downloaded file
self.logger.debug(f"Processing conversion {conversion.id} with URL {conversion.url}")
converter = KRPanoConverter(conversion)
result = converter.to_equirectangular()
self.logger.debug(f"Finished processing conversion {conversion.id} with URL {conversion.url}. Result: {result.id}")
return result
class KRPanoConverter:
def __init__(self, conversion):
self.conversion = conversion
self.logger = logging.getLogger("pix360")
self.stitcher = DEFAULT_STITCHER()
def url_normalize(self, url):
Takes the URL of any image in a krpano panorama and returns a string
with substitutable variables for image IDs.
:param url: URL of an image contained in a krpano panorama
:return: string with substitutable variables or False if URL invalid
with HTTPRequest(url).open() as res:
assert res.getcode() == 200
parts = url.split("/")
assert "_" in parts[-1]
parts[-1] = "%i_%i.jpg"
parts[-2] = "%i"
if not parts[-3].isnumeric():
parts[-3] = parts[-3].rstrip("frblud") + "%s"
parts[-3] = parts[-3].rstrip("0123456789") + "%i"
return "/".join(parts)
except Exception as e:
return False
def get_max_zoom(self, schema):
Takes a normalized string from krpano_normalize() and returns the maximum
zoom level available.
:param schema: normalized URL format output by krpano_normalize()
:return: int value of largest available zoom level
self.logger.debug(f"Entering get_max_zoom for {schema}")
l = 0
while True:
url = schema % (0, l+1, 0, 0)
with HTTPRequest(url).open() as res:
assert res.getcode() == 200
l += 1
self.logger.debug(f"Max zoom is {l}")
return l
def export(self, schema):
Takes a normalized string from krpano_normalize() and returns a list of
lists of lists containing all images fit for passing into stitch().
:param schema: normalized URL format output by krpano_normalize()
:return: list of lists of lists of PIL.Image() objects for multistitch()
self.logger.debug(f"Entering export for {schema}")
maxzoom = self.get_max_zoom(schema)
output = []
for tile in range(6):
t_array = []
y = 0
while True:
r_array = []
x = 0
while True:
if "%s" in schema.split("/")[-3]:
tile_char = "frblud"[tile]
tile_char = tile
res = HTTPRequest(schema % (tile_char, maxzoom, y, x)).open()
assert res.getcode() == 200
content = res.read()
fo = ContentFile(content, name=f"{tile}_{maxzoom}_{y}_{x}.jpg")
file = File.objects.create(conversion=self.conversion, file=fo, mime_type="image/jpeg")
x += 1
except Exception as e:
self.logger.debug(f"Error: {e}")
if not r_array:
y += 1
return output
def export_simple(self, url, tiles="frblud"):
Exports krpano panoramas which only consist of six complete tiles. Takes
the URL of one of these images and returns a list of PIL.Image objects
:param url: URL of one of the images
:return: list of PIL.Image objects
self.logger.debug(f"Entering export_simple for {url}")
output = []
for i in tiles:
cur = url[:-5] + i + url[-4:]
res = HTTPRequest(cur).open()
assert res.getcode() == 200
fo = ContentFile(res.read(), name="{i}.jpg")
file = File.objects.create(conversion=self.conversion, file=fo, mime_type="image/jpeg")
output += [file]
return output
def export_full(self, url: str) -> File:
self.logger.debug(f"Entering export_full for {url}")
schema = self.url_normalize(url)
images = self.export(schema)
return self.stitcher.multistitch(images)
def make_tiles(self, url):
Determines the type of processing needed to build the six tiles, then
creates and returns them.
:param url: URL of any image in a krpano panorama
:return: list of stitched PIL.Image objects (back, right, front, left, top,
self.logger.debug(f"Entering make_tiles for {url}")
for regex, certainty, kwargs in KRPanoDownloader.REGEX_FULL:
if bool(re.search(regex, url)):
return self.export_full(url, **kwargs)
for regex, certainty, kwargs in KRPanoDownloader.REGEX_SIMPLE:
if bool(re.search(regex, url)):
return self.export_simple(url, **kwargs)
raise ValueError("%s does not seem to be a valid krpano URL." % url)
def to_equirectangular(self):
Takes the URL of any image in a krpano panorama and returns a finished
stitched image.
:param url: Image URL
:return: PIL.Image object containing the final image
self.logger.debug(f"Entering to_equirectangular for {self.conversion.url}")
stitched = self.make_tiles(self.conversion.url)
self.logger.debug(f"Calling cubemap_to_equirectangular for {self.conversion.url}")
if self.conversion.properties:
rotation = self.conversion.properties.get("rotation", (0,0,0))
rotation = (0,0,0)
function = self.cubemap_stitcher.cubemap_to_equirectangular
return function(stitched, rotation)