Introduces XLSX export functionality to the user grades report. Adds a checkbox for selecting XLSX export in the form interface. Uses PhpSpreadsheet to generate and download detailed Excel files containing user grades and quiz attempts. Enhancement enables convenient data export for offline analysis and sharing.
191 lines
9.8 KiB
191 lines
9.8 KiB
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/formslib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/selector/lib.php');
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
admin_externalpage_setup('report_usergrades_details', '', null, '', array('capability' => 'report/usergrades:view'));
// Instantiate the form
$mform = new usergrades_form();
// Check if form data is submitted
if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$userid = $data->userid;
if (!empty($userid)) {
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$courses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, true);
$questions = $DB->get_records('question');
if (isset($data->exportxls)) { // Assume a form field named 'exportxls' for Excel export action
// Create a new Spreadsheet object
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$row = 1;
// Add the user details
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('username', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, $user->username);
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('firstname', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, $user->firstname);
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('lastname', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, $user->lastname);
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('email', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, $user->email);
$row += 2; // Extra space before courses
// Start iterating the courses
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('course', 'report_usergrades') . ': ' . $course->fullname);
$quizzes = $DB->get_records('quiz', array('course' => $course->id));
if ($quizzes) {
foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
$quiz_attempts = $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id));
if ($quiz_attempts) {
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('quiz', 'report_usergrades') . ': ' . $quiz->name);
foreach ($quiz_attempts as $attempt) {
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('attempt', 'report_usergrades') . ' ' . $attempt->attempt);
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('question', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, get_string('response', 'report_usergrades'));
$sheet->setCellValue('C' . $row, get_string('grade', 'report_usergrades'));
$question_usages = $DB->get_records('question_usages', array('id' => $attempt->uniqueid));
foreach ($question_usages as $question_usage) {
$question_attempts = $DB->get_records('question_attempts', array('questionusageid' => $question_usage->id));
foreach ($question_attempts as $question_attempt) {
$question = $questions[$question_attempt->questionid];
$response = $question_attempt->responsesummary;
$question_grades = $DB->get_records('question_attempt_steps', array('questionattemptid' => $question_attempt->id));
foreach ($question_grades as $question_grade) {
if ($question_grade->fraction) {
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, $question->name . ': ' . $question->questiontext);
$sheet->setCellValue('B' . $row, $response);
$sheet->setCellValue('C' . $row, $question_grade->fraction);
$total_grade = $DB->get_record('quiz_grades', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id));
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . $row, get_string('totalgrade', 'report_usergrades') . ': ' . $total_grade->grade . ' / ' . $quiz->grade);
$row += 2; // Extra space before next attempt or quiz
$row += 2; // Extra space between courses
// Create writer and output the file
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);
$filename = 'user_grades_' . $user->id . '.xlsx';
// Redirect output to a client’s web browser (Excel2007)
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
} else {
// HTML output if not exporting
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('usergradesreport', 'report_usergrades'));
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('userdetails', 'report_usergrades'), 3);
$user_table = new html_table();
$user_table->head = array(get_string('field', 'report_usergrades'), get_string('value', 'report_usergrades'));
$user_table->data[] = array(get_string('username', 'report_usergrades'), $user->username);
$user_table->data[] = array(get_string('firstname', 'report_usergrades'), $user->firstname);
$user_table->data[] = array(get_string('lastname', 'report_usergrades'), $user->lastname);
$user_table->data[] = array(get_string('email', 'report_usergrades'), $user->email);
echo html_writer::table($user_table);
foreach ($courses as $course) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading($course->fullname, 3);
$quizzes = $DB->get_records('quiz', array('course' => $course->id));
if ($quizzes) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('quizzes', 'report_usergrades'), 4);
foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
$quiz_questions = $DB->get_records('quiz_slots', array('quizid' => $quiz->id));
$quiz_attempts = $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id));
if ($quiz_attempts) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading($quiz->name, 5);
foreach ($quiz_attempts as $attempt) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('attempt', 'report_usergrades') . ' ' . $attempt->attempt, 6);
$attempt_table = new html_table();
$attempt_table->head = array(get_string('question', 'report_usergrades'), get_string('response', 'report_usergrades'), get_string('grade', 'report_usergrades'));
$question_usages = $DB->get_records('question_usages', array('id' => $attempt->uniqueid));
foreach ($question_usages as $question_usage) {
$question_attempts = $DB->get_records('question_attempts', array('questionusageid' => $question_usage->id));
foreach ($question_attempts as $question_attempt) {
$question = $questions[$question_attempt->questionid];
$response = $question_attempt->responsesummary;
$question_grades = $DB->get_records('question_attempt_steps', array('questionattemptid' => $question_attempt->id));
foreach ($question_grades as $question_grade) {
if ($question_grade->fraction) {
$attempt_table->data[] = array($question->name . ': ' . $question->questiontext, $response, $question_grade->fraction);
echo html_writer::table($attempt_table);
$total_grade = $DB->get_record('quiz_grades', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id));
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('totalgrade', 'report_usergrades') . ': ' . $total_grade->grade . ' / ' . $quiz->grade, 6);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nouserselected', 'report_usergrades'), 'notifyproblem');
} else {
// Show the form
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();