Ignore multiple matches for a user-customcert combo in the customcert_issues table. In our case, the scheduled task died when: $issueid = $DB->get_field('customcert_issues', 'id', array('userid' => $enroluser->id, 'customcertid' => $customcert->id)); returned 2 rows, which shouldn't happen, but did anyway. This means in rare circumstances (i.e. the race condition) the user may get multiple certificates (e.g. one via the UI, one by email) but that is better than not getting one at all and the whole job dying.
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* A scheduled task for emailing certificates.
* @package mod_customcert
* @copyright 2017 Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_customcert\task;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* A scheduled task for emailing certificates.
* @package mod_customcert
* @copyright 2017 Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class email_certificate_task extends \core\task\scheduled_task {
* Get a descriptive name for this task (shown to admins).
* @return string
public function get_name() {
return get_string('taskemailcertificate', 'customcert');
* Execute.
public function execute() {
global $DB, $PAGE;
// Get all the certificates that have requested someone get emailed.
$emailotherslengthsql = $DB->sql_length('c.emailothers');
$sql = "SELECT c.*, ct.id as templateid, ct.name as templatename, ct.contextid, co.id as courseid,
co.fullname as coursefullname, co.shortname as courseshortname
FROM {customcert} c
JOIN {customcert_templates} ct
ON c.templateid = ct.id
JOIN {course} co
ON c.course = co.id
WHERE (c.emailstudents = :emailstudents
OR c.emailteachers = :emailteachers
OR $emailotherslengthsql >= 3)";
if (!$customcerts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('emailstudents' => 1, 'emailteachers' => 1))) {
// The renderers used for sending emails.
$htmlrenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_customcert', 'email', 'htmlemail');
$textrenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_customcert', 'email', 'textemail');
foreach ($customcerts as $customcert) {
// Get the context.
$context = \context::instance_by_id($customcert->contextid);
// Get the person we are going to send this email on behalf of.
$userfrom = \core_user::get_noreply_user();
// Store teachers for later.
$teachers = get_enrolled_users($context, 'moodle/course:update');
$courseshortname = format_string($customcert->courseshortname, true, array('context' => $context));
$coursefullname = format_string($customcert->coursefullname, true, array('context' => $context));
$certificatename = format_string($customcert->name, true, array('context' => $context));
// Used to create the email subject.
$info = new \stdClass;
$info->coursename = $courseshortname; // Added for BC, so users who have edited the string don't lose this value.
$info->courseshortname = $courseshortname;
$info->coursefullname = $coursefullname;
$info->certificatename = $certificatename;
// Get a list of all the issues.
$userfields = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
$sql = "SELECT u.id, u.username, $userfields, u.email, ci.id as issueid, ci.emailed
FROM {customcert_issues} ci
JOIN {user} u
ON ci.userid = u.id
WHERE ci.customcertid = :customcertid";
$issuedusers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('customcertid' => $customcert->id));
// Now, get a list of users who can access the certificate but have not yet.
$enrolledusers = get_enrolled_users(\context_course::instance($customcert->courseid), 'mod/customcert:view');
foreach ($enrolledusers as $enroluser) {
// Check if the user has already been issued.
if (in_array($enroluser->id, array_keys((array) $issuedusers))) {
// Now check if the certificate is not visible to the current user.
$cm = get_fast_modinfo($customcert->courseid, $enroluser->id)->instances['customcert'][$customcert->id];
if (!$cm->uservisible) {
// Don't want to email those with the capability to manage the certificate.
if (has_capability('mod/customcert:manage', $context, $enroluser->id)) {
// Check that they have passed the required time.
if (!empty($customcert->requiredtime)) {
if (\mod_customcert\certificate::get_course_time($customcert->courseid,
$enroluser->id) < ($customcert->requiredtime * 60)) {
// Ensure the cert hasn't already been issued, e.g via the UI (view.php) - a race condition.
$issueid = $DB->get_field('customcert_issues', 'id',
array('userid' => $enroluser->id, 'customcertid' => $customcert->id), IGNORE_MULTIPLE);
if (empty($issueid)) {
// Ok, issue them the certificate.
$issueid = \mod_customcert\certificate::issue_certificate($customcert->id, $enroluser->id);
// Add them to the array so we email them.
$enroluser->issueid = $issueid;
$enroluser->emailed = 0;
$issuedusers[] = $enroluser;
// Remove all the users who have already been emailed.
foreach ($issuedusers as $key => $issueduser) {
if ($issueduser->emailed) {
// If there are no users to email we can return early.
if (!$issuedusers) {
// Create a directory to store the PDF we will be sending.
$tempdir = make_temp_directory('certificate/attachment');
if (!$tempdir) {
// Now, email the people we need to.
foreach ($issuedusers as $user) {
$userfullname = fullname($user);
// Now, get the PDF.
$template = new \stdClass();
$template->id = $customcert->templateid;
$template->name = $customcert->templatename;
$template->contextid = $customcert->contextid;
$template = new \mod_customcert\template($template);
$filecontents = $template->generate_pdf(false, $user->id, true);
// Set the name of the file we are going to send.
$filename = $courseshortname . '_' . $certificatename;
$filename = \core_text::entities_to_utf8($filename);
$filename = strip_tags($filename);
$filename = rtrim($filename, '.');
$filename = str_replace('&', '_', $filename) . '.pdf';
// Create the file we will be sending.
$tempfile = $tempdir . '/' . md5(microtime() . $user->id) . '.pdf';
file_put_contents($tempfile, $filecontents);
if ($customcert->emailstudents) {
$renderable = new \mod_customcert\output\email_certificate(true, $userfullname, $courseshortname,
$coursefullname, $certificatename, $customcert->contextid);
$subject = get_string('emailstudentsubject', 'customcert', $info);
$message = $textrenderer->render($renderable);
$messagehtml = $htmlrenderer->render($renderable);
email_to_user($user, fullname($userfrom), $subject, $message, $messagehtml, $tempfile, $filename);
if ($customcert->emailteachers) {
$renderable = new \mod_customcert\output\email_certificate(false, $userfullname, $courseshortname,
$coursefullname, $certificatename, $customcert->contextid);
$subject = get_string('emailnonstudentsubject', 'customcert', $info);
$message = $textrenderer->render($renderable);
$messagehtml = $htmlrenderer->render($renderable);
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
email_to_user($teacher, fullname($userfrom), $subject, $message, $messagehtml, $tempfile,
if (!empty($customcert->emailothers)) {
$others = explode(',', $customcert->emailothers);
foreach ($others as $email) {
$email = trim($email);
if (validate_email($email)) {
$renderable = new \mod_customcert\output\email_certificate(false, $userfullname,
$courseshortname, $coursefullname, $certificatename, $customcert->contextid);
$subject = get_string('emailnonstudentsubject', 'customcert', $info);
$message = $textrenderer->render($renderable);
$messagehtml = $htmlrenderer->render($renderable);
$emailuser = new \stdClass();
$emailuser->id = -1;
$emailuser->email = $email;
email_to_user($emailuser, fullname($userfrom), $subject, $message, $messagehtml, $tempfile,
// Set the field so that it is emailed.
$DB->set_field('customcert_issues', 'emailed', 1, array('id' => $user->issueid));