. /** * Strings for component 'customcertelement_grade', language 'en'. * * @package customcertelement_grade * @copyright Mark Nelson * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['gradeformelements'] = 'Grade form elements'; $string['gradeformelements_help'] = 'These are the most common attributes shared between multiple customcert elements.

Grade: The grade item you wish to display the grade of.
Grade Format: The format you wish to use when displaying the grade.
Font Size: This is the size of the font in points.
Colour: This is the colour of the font.
Position x: This is the position in pixels from the top left corner you wish the element to display in the x direction.
Position Y: This is the position in pixels from the top left corner you wish the element to display in the y direction.
'; $string['gradeformat'] = 'Grade format'; $string['gradeitem'] = 'Grade item'; $string['gradepercent'] = 'Percentage Grade'; $string['gradepoints'] = 'Points Grade'; $string['gradeletter'] = 'Letter Grade'; $string['coursegrade'] = 'Course grade'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Grade';