. /** * Serves files for the mobile app. * * @package mod_htmlcert * @copyright 2018 Mark Nelson * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * AJAX_SCRIPT - exception will be converted into JSON. */ define('AJAX_SCRIPT', true); /** * NO_MOODLE_COOKIES - we don't want any cookie. */ define('NO_MOODLE_COOKIES', true); require_once('../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/lib.php'); // Allow CORS requests. header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); // Authenticate the user. $token = required_param('token', PARAM_ALPHANUM); $certificateid = required_param('certificateid', PARAM_INT); $userid = required_param('userid', PARAM_INT); $webservicelib = new webservice(); $authenticationinfo = $webservicelib->authenticate_user($token); // Check the service allows file download. $enabledfiledownload = (int) ($authenticationinfo['service']->downloadfiles); if (empty($enabledfiledownload)) { throw new webservice_access_exception('Web service file downloading must be enabled in external service settings'); } $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('htmlcert', $certificateid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $certificate = $DB->get_record('htmlcert', ['id' => $certificateid], '*', MUST_EXIST); $template = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_templates', ['id' => $certificate->templateid], '*', MUST_EXIST); // Capabilities check. require_capability('mod/htmlcert:view', \context_module::instance($cm->id)); if ($userid != $USER->id) { require_capability('mod/htmlcert:viewreport', \context_module::instance($cm->id)); } else { // Make sure the user has met the required time. if ($certificate->requiredtime) { if (\mod_htmlcert\certificate::get_course_time($certificate->course) < ($certificate->requiredtime * 60)) { exit(); } } } $issue = $DB->get_record('htmlcert_issues', ['htmlcertid' => $certificateid, 'userid' => $userid]); // If we are doing it for the logged in user then we want to issue the certificate. if (!$issue) { // If the other user doesn't have an issue, then there is nothing to do. if ($userid != $USER->id) { exit(); } \mod_htmlcert\certificate::issue_certificate($certificate->id, $USER->id); // Set the custom certificate as viewed. $completion = new completion_info($course); $completion->set_module_viewed($cm); } // Now we want to generate the PDF. $template = new \mod_htmlcert\template($template); $template->generate_pdf(false, $userid); exit();