php-shellcommand =========== [![GitHub Tests](]( [![Packagist Version](]( [![Packagist Downloads](]( [![GitHub license](]( [![Packagist PHP Version Support](]( php-shellcommand provides a simple object oriented interface to execute shell commands. ## Installing ### Prerequisites Your php version must be `5.4` or later. ### Installing with composer This package can be installed easily using composer. ``` composer require mikehaertl/php-shellcommand ``` ## Features * Catches `stdOut`, `stdErr` and `exitCode` * Handle argument escaping * Pass environment vars and other options to `proc_open()` ## Examples ### Basic Example ```php execute()) { echo $command->getOutput(); } else { echo $command->getError(); $exitCode = $command->getExitCode(); } ``` ### Advanced Features ```php // Create command with options array $command = new Command(array( 'command' => '/usr/local/bin/mycommand', // Will be passed as environment variables to the command 'procEnv' => array( 'DEMOVAR' => 'demovalue' ), // Will be passed as options to proc_open() 'procOptions' => array( 'bypass_shell' => true, ), )); // Add arguments with correct escaping: // results in --name='d'\''Artagnan' $command->addArg('--name=', "d'Artagnan"); // Add argument with several values // results in --keys key1 key2 $command->addArg('--keys', array('key1','key2')); // Add string to pipe to command on standard input $command->setStdIn('string'); ``` ## API ### Properties * `$escapeArgs`: Whether to escape any argument passed through `addArg()`. Default is `true`. * `$escapeCommand`: Whether to escape the command passed to `setCommand()` or the constructor. This is only useful if `$escapeArgs` is `false`. Default is `false`. * `$useExec`: Whether to use `exec()` instead of `proc_open()`. This is a workaround for OS which have problems with `proc_open()`. Default is `false`. * `$captureStdErr`: Whether to capture stderr when `useExec` is set. This will try to redirect the otherwhise unavailable `stderr` to `stdout`, so that both have the same content on error. Default is `true`. * `$procCwd`: The initial working dir passed to `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for current PHP working dir. * `$procEnv`: An array with environment variables to pass to `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for none. * `$procOptions`: An array of `other_options` for `proc_open()`. Default is `null` for none. * `$nonBlockingMode`: Whether to set the stdin/stdout/stderr streams to non-blocking mode when `proc_open()` is used. This allows to have huge inputs/outputs without making the process hang. The default is `null` which will enable the feature on Non-Windows systems. Set it to `true` or `false` to manually enable/disable it. Note that it doesn't work on Windows. * `$timeout`: The time in seconds after which the command should be terminated. This only works in non-blocking mode. Default is `null` which means the process is never terminated. * `$locale`: The locale to (temporarily) set with `setlocale()` before running the command. This can be set to e.g. `en_US.UTF-8` if you have issues with UTF-8 encoded arguments. You can configure all these properties via an array that you pass in the constructor. You can also pass `command`, `execCommand` and `args` as options. This will call the respective setter (`setCommand()`, `setExecCommand()`, etc.). ### Methods * `__construct($options = null)` * `$options`: either a command string or an options array (see `setOptions()`) * `setOptions($options)`: Set command options * `$options`: array of name => value options that should be applied to the object. You can also pass options that use a setter, e.g. you can pass a `command` option which will be passed to `setCommand().` * `setCommand($command)`: Set command * `$command`: The command or full command string to execute, like `gzip` or `gzip -d`. You can still call `addArg()` to add more arguments to the command. If `$escapeCommand` was set to `true`, the command gets escaped through `escapeshellcmd()`. * `getCommand()`: The command that was set through `setCommand()` or passed to the constructor. * `getExecCommand()`: The full command string to execute. * `setArgs($args)`: Set argument as string * `$args`: The command arguments as string. Note, that these will not get escaped! * `getArgs()`: The command arguments that where set through `setArgs()` or `addArg()`, as string * `addArg($key, $value=null, $escape=null)`: Add argument with correct escaping * `$key`: The argument key to add e.g. `--feature` or `--name=`. If the key does not end with and `=`, the `$value` will be separated by a space, if any. Keys are not escaped unless `$value` is null and `$escape` is `true`. * `$value`: The optional argument value which will get escaped if `$escapeArgs` is true. An array can be passed to add more than one value for a key, e.g. `addArg('--exclude', array('val1','val2'))` which will create the option "--exclude 'val1' 'val2'". * `$escape`: If set, this overrides the `$escapeArgs` setting and enforces escaping/no escaping * `setStdIn()`: String or resource to supply to command via standard input. * `getOutput()`: The command output as string. Empty if none. * `getError()`: The error message, either stderr or internal message. Empty if no error. * `getStdErr()`: The stderr output. Empty if none. * `getExitCode()`: The exit code. * `getExecuted()`: Whether the command was successfully executed. * `execute()`: Executes the command and returns `true` on success, `false` otherwhise. > **Note:** `getError()`, `getStdErr()` and `getOutput()` return the trimmed output. > You can pass `false` to these methods if you need any possible line breaks at the end.