# CHANGELOG ## 1.2.2 * Issue #16: Command on different drive didn't work on windows ## 1.2.1 * Issue #1: Command with spaces didn't work on windows ## 1.2.0 * Add option to return untrimmed output and error ## 1.1.0 * Issue #7: UTF-8 encoded arguments where truncated ## 1.0.7 * Issue #6: Solve `proc_open()` pipe configuration for both, Windows / Linux ## 1.0.6 * Undid `proc_open()` changes as it broke error capturing ## 1.0.5 * Improve `proc_open()` pipe configuration ## 1.0.4 * Add `$useExec` option to fix Windows issues (#3) ## 1.0.3 * Add `getExecuted()` to find out execution status of the command ## 1.0.2 * Add `$escape` parameter to `addArg()` to override escaping settings per call ## 1.0.1 * Minor fixes ## 1.0.0 * Initial release