defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')||die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.');
$string['completiondate']='Completion date';
$string['courseenddate']='Course end date';
$string['coursegradedate']='Course grade date';
$string['coursestartdate']='Course start date';
$string['dateitem']='Date item';
$string['dateitem_help']='This will be the date that is printed on the certificate';
$string['fallbackstring']='Fallback string';
$string['fallbackstring_help']='This string will be displayed if no daterange applied to a date. If Fallback string is not set, then there will be no output at all.';
$string['help']='Configure a string representation for each daterange. Set start and end dates as well as a string you would like to transform each range to. Make sure your ranges do not overlap, otherwise the first detected daterange will be applied. If no daterange applied to a date, then Fallback string will be displayed. If Fallback string is not set, then there will be no output at all. If you mark a date range as Recurring, then the configured year will not be considerred and the current year will be used. Also there is {{current_year}} placeholder that could be used in the string representation. The placeholder will be replaced by the current year value in the certificate.';