Shamim Rezaie 6400e587d8 Added support for having right margin and width limit for each element
In addition to width and height, each page can have an
optional (right) margin attribute. Also, each element
can have an optional width attribute.
2015-08-05 14:16:56 -05:00

759 lines
25 KiB

// This file is part of the customcert module for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Customcert module internal API.
* @package mod_customcert
* @copyright 2013 Mark Nelson <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* @var string the print protection variable
define('PROTECTION_PRINT', 'print');
* @var string the modify protection variable
define('PROTECTION_MODIFY', 'modify');
* @var string the copy protection variable
define('PROTECTION_COPY', 'copy');
* @var int the number of issues that will be displayed on each page in the report
* If you want to display all customcerts on a page set this to 0.
define('CUSTOMCERT_PER_PAGE', 20);
* @var int the max number of issues to display
* Handles setting the protection field for the customcert
* @param stdClass $data
* @return string the value to insert into the protection field
function customcert_set_protection($data) {
$protection = array();
if (!empty($data->protection_print)) {
$protection[] = PROTECTION_PRINT;
if (!empty($data->protection_modify)) {
$protection[] = PROTECTION_MODIFY;
if (!empty($data->protection_copy)) {
$protection[] = PROTECTION_COPY;
// Return the protection string.
return implode(', ', $protection);
* Handles uploading an image for the customcert module.
* @param int $draftitemid the draft area containing the files
* @param int $contextid the context we are storing this image in
function customcert_upload_imagefiles($draftitemid, $contextid) {
// Save the file if it exists that is currently in the draft area.
file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $contextid, 'mod_customcert', 'image', 0);
* Return the list of possible elements to add.
* @return array the list of images that can be used.
function customcert_get_elements() {
global $CFG;
// Array to store the element types.
$options = array();
// Check that the directory exists.
$elementdir = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/customcert/element";
if (file_exists($elementdir)) {
// Get directory contents.
$elementfolders = new DirectoryIterator($elementdir);
// Loop through the elements folder.
foreach ($elementfolders as $elementfolder) {
// If it is not a directory or it is '.' or '..', skip it.
if (!$elementfolder->isDir() || $elementfolder->isDot()) {
// Check that the standard class file exists, if not we do
// not want to display it as an option as it will not work.
$foldername = $elementfolder->getFilename();
$classfile = "$elementdir/$foldername/lib.php";
if (file_exists($classfile)) {
// Need to require this file in case if we choose to add this element.
$component = "customcertelement_{$foldername}";
$options[$foldername] = get_string('pluginname', $component);
return $options;
* Return the list of possible fonts to use.
function customcert_get_fonts() {
global $CFG;
// Array to store the available fonts.
$options = array();
// Location of fonts in Moodle.
$fontdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib/tcpdf/fonts";
// Check that the directory exists.
if (file_exists($fontdir)) {
// Get directory contents.
$fonts = new DirectoryIterator($fontdir);
// Loop through the font folder.
foreach ($fonts as $font) {
// If it is not a file, or either '.' or '..', or
// the extension is not php, or we can not open file,
// skip it.
if (!$font->isFile() || $font->isDot() || ($font->getExtension() != 'php')) {
// Set the name of the font to null, the include next should then set this
// value, if it is not set then the file does not include the necessary data.
$name = null;
// Some files include a display name, the include next should then set this
// value if it is present, if not then $name is used to create the display name.
$displayname = null;
// Some of the TCPDF files include files that are not present, so we have to
// suppress warnings, this is the TCPDF libraries fault, grrr.
// If no $name variable in file, skip it.
if (is_null($name)) {
// Remove the extension of the ".php" file that contains the font information.
$filename = basename($font, ".php");
// Check if there is no display name to use.
if (is_null($displayname)) {
// Format the font name, so "FontName-Style" becomes "Font Name - Style".
$displayname = preg_replace("/([a-z])([A-Z])/", "$1 $2", $name);
$displayname = preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z])-([a-zA-Z])/", "$1 - $2", $displayname);
$options[$filename] = $displayname;
return $options;
* Return the list of possible font sizes to use.
function customcert_get_font_sizes() {
// Array to store the sizes.
$sizes = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 60; $i++) {
$sizes[$i] = $i;
return $sizes;
* Handles saving page data.
* @param stdClass $data the customcert data
function customcert_save_page_data($data) {
global $DB;
// Set the time to a variable.
$time = time();
// Get the existing pages and save the page data.
if ($pages = $DB->get_records('customcert_pages', array('customcertid' => $data->id))) {
// Loop through existing pages.
foreach ($pages as $page) {
// Get the name of the fields we want from the form.
$width = 'pagewidth_' . $page->id;
$height = 'pageheight_' . $page->id;
$margin = 'pagemargin_' . $page->id;
// Create the page data to update the DB with.
$p = new stdClass();
$p->id = $page->id;
$p->width = $data->$width;
$p->height = $data->$height;
$p->margin = $data->$margin;
$p->timemodified = $time;
// Update the page.
$DB->update_record('customcert_pages', $p);
* Returns an instance of the element class.
* @param stdClass $element the element
* @return stdClass|bool returns the instance of the element class, or false if element
* class does not exists.
function customcert_get_element_instance($element) {
global $CFG;
$classfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/customcert/element/{$element->element}/lib.php";
// Ensure this necessary file exists.
if (file_exists($classfile)) {
$classname = "customcert_element_{$element->element}";
return new $classname($element);
return false;
* Handles adding another page to the customcert.
* @param stdClass $data the form data
function customcert_add_page($data) {
global $DB;
// Set the page number to 1 to begin with.
$pagenumber = 1;
// Get the max page number.
$sql = "SELECT MAX(pagenumber) as maxpage
FROM {customcert_pages} cp
WHERE cp.customcertid = :customcertid";
if ($maxpage = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array('customcertid' => $data->id))) {
$pagenumber = $maxpage->maxpage + 1;
// Store time in a variable.
$time = time();
// New page creation.
$page = new stdClass();
$page->customcertid = $data->id;
$page->width = '210';
$page->height = '297';
$page->pagenumber = $pagenumber;
$page->timecreated = $time;
$page->timemodified = $time;
// Insert the page.
$DB->insert_record('customcert_pages', $page);
* Handles deleting an element from the customcert.
* @param int $elementid the customcert page
function customcert_delete_element($elementid) {
global $DB;
// Ensure element exists and delete it.
$element = $DB->get_record('customcert_elements', array('id' => $elementid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Get an instance of the element class.
if ($e = customcert_get_element_instance($element)) {
} else {
// The plugin files are missing, so just remove the entry from the DB.
$DB->delete_records('customcert_elements', array('id' => $elementid));
// Now we want to decrease the sequence numbers of the elements
// that are greater than the element we deleted.
$sql = "UPDATE {customcert_elements}
SET sequence = sequence - 1
WHERE pageid = :pageid
AND sequence > :sequence";
$DB->execute($sql, array('pageid' => $element->pageid, 'sequence' => $element->sequence));
* Handles deleting a page from the customcert.
* @param int $pageid the customcert page
function customcert_delete_page($pageid) {
global $DB;
// Get the page.
$page = $DB->get_record('customcert_pages', array('id' => $pageid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Delete this page.
$DB->delete_records('customcert_pages', array('id' => $page->id));
// The element may have some extra tasks it needs to complete to completely delete itself.
if ($elements = $DB->get_records('customcert_elements', array('pageid' => $page->id))) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
// Get an instance of the element class.
if ($e = customcert_get_element_instance($element)) {
} else {
// The plugin files are missing, so just remove the entry from the DB.
$DB->delete_records('customcert_elements', array('id' => $element->id));
// Now we want to decrease the page number values of
// the pages that are greater than the page we deleted.
$sql = "UPDATE {customcert_pages}
SET pagenumber = pagenumber - 1
WHERE customcertid = :customcertid
AND pagenumber > :pagenumber";
$DB->execute($sql, array('customcertid' => $page->customcertid, 'pagenumber' => $page->pagenumber));
* Returns a list of all the templates.
* @return bool returns true if success, false otherwise
function customcert_get_templates() {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_records_menu('customcert_template', array(), 'name ASC', 'id, name');
* Get the time the user has spent in the course.
* @param int $courseid
* @return int the total time spent in seconds
function customcert_get_course_time($courseid) {
global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
$logmanager = get_log_manager();
$readers = $logmanager->get_readers();
$enabledreaders = get_config('tool_log', 'enabled_stores');
$enabledreaders = explode(',', $enabledreaders);
// Go through all the readers until we find one that we can use.
foreach ($enabledreaders as $enabledreader) {
$reader = $readers[$enabledreader];
if ($reader instanceof \logstore_legacy\log\store) {
$logtable = 'log';
$coursefield = 'course';
$timefield = 'time';
} else if ($reader instanceof \core\log\sql_internal_reader) {
$logtable = $reader->get_internal_log_table_name();
$coursefield = 'courseid';
$timefield = 'timecreated';
// If we didn't find a reader then return 0.
if (!isset($logtable)) {
return 0;
$sql = "SELECT id, $timefield
FROM {{$logtable}}
WHERE userid = :userid
AND $coursefield = :courseid
ORDER BY $timefield ASC";
$params = array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid);
$totaltime = 0;
if ($logs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params)) {
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if (!isset($login)) {
// For the first time $login is not set so the first log is also the first login
$login = $log->$timefield;
$lasthit = $log->$timefield;
$totaltime = 0;
$delay = $log->$timefield - $lasthit;
if ($delay > ($CFG->sessiontimeout * 60)) {
// The difference between the last log and the current log is more than
// the timeout Register session value so that we have found a session!
$login = $log->$timefield;
} else {
$totaltime += $delay;
// Now the actual log became the previous log for the next cycle
$lasthit = $log->$timefield;
return $totaltime;
return 0;
* Returns a list of issued customcerts.
* @param int $customcertid
* @param bool $groupmode are we in group mode
* @param stdClass $cm the course module
* @param int $page offset
* @param int $perpage total per page
* @return stdClass the users
function customcert_get_issues($customcertid, $groupmode, $cm, $page, $perpage) {
global $DB;
// Get the conditional SQL.
list($conditionssql, $conditionsparams) = customcert_get_conditional_issues_sql($cm, $groupmode);
// If it is empty then return an empty array.
if (empty($conditionsparams)) {
return array();
// Add the conditional SQL and the customcertid to form all used parameters.
$allparams = $conditionsparams + array('customcertid' => $customcertid);
// Return the issues.
$sql = "SELECT u.*, ci.code, ci.timecreated
FROM {user} u
INNER JOIN {customcert_issues} ci
ON = ci.userid
WHERE u.deleted = 0
AND ci.customcertid = :customcertid
ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $allparams, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
* Returns the total number of issues for a given customcert.
* @param int $customcertid
* @param stdClass $cm the course module
* @param bool $groupmode the group mode
* @return int the number of issues
function customcert_get_number_of_issues($customcertid, $cm, $groupmode) {
global $DB;
// Get the conditional SQL.
list($conditionssql, $conditionsparams) = customcert_get_conditional_issues_sql($cm, $groupmode);
// If it is empty then return 0.
if (empty($conditionsparams)) {
return 0;
// Add the conditional SQL and the customcertid to form all used parameters.
$allparams = $conditionsparams + array('customcertid' => $customcertid);
// Return the number of issues.
$sql = "SELECT COUNT( as count
FROM {user} u
INNER JOIN {customcert_issues} ci
ON = ci.userid
WHERE u.deleted = 0
AND ci.customcertid = :customcertid
return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $allparams);
* Returns an array of the conditional variables to use in the get_issues SQL query.
* @param stdClass $cm the course module
* @param bool $groupmode are we in group mode ?
* @return array the conditional variables
function customcert_get_conditional_issues_sql($cm, $groupmode) {
global $DB, $USER;
// Get all users that can manage this customcert to exclude them from the report.
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$conditionssql = '';
$conditionsparams = array();
// Get all users that can manage this certificate to exclude them from the report.
$certmanagers = array_keys(get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/certificate:manage', ''));
$certmanagers = array_merge($certmanagers, array_keys(get_admins()));
list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($certmanagers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cert');
$conditionssql .= "AND NOT $sql \n";
$conditionsparams += $params;
if ($groupmode) {
$canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm);
// If we are viewing all participants and the user does not have access to all groups then return nothing.
if (!$currentgroup && !$canaccessallgroups) {
return array('', array());
if ($currentgroup) {
if (!$canaccessallgroups) {
// Guest users do not belong to any groups.
if (isguestuser()) {
return array('', array());
// Check that the user belongs to the group we are viewing.
$usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid);
if ($usersgroups) {
if (!isset($usersgroups[$currentgroup])) {
return array('', array());
} else { // They belong to no group, so return an empty array.
return array('', array());
$groupusers = array_keys(groups_get_members($currentgroup, 'u.*'));
if (empty($groupusers)) {
return array('', array());
list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupusers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grp');
$conditionssql .= "AND $sql ";
$conditionsparams += $params;
return array($conditionssql, $conditionsparams);
* Generates a 10-digit code of random letters and numbers.
* @return string
function customcert_generate_code() {
global $DB;
$uniquecodefound = false;
$code = random_string(10);
while (!$uniquecodefound) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('customcert_issues', array('code' => $code))) {
$uniquecodefound = true;
} else {
$code = random_string(10);
return $code;
* Generate the grid PDF to show the layout of the PDF.
* @param int $pageid the customcert page
function customcert_generate_grid_pdf($pageid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pdflib.php');
// Get the page.
$page = $DB->get_record('customcert_pages', array('id' => $pageid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Set the PDF name.
$pdfname = get_string('gridpdfname', 'customcert', $page->id);
// Create the pdf object.
$pdf = new pdf();
$pdf->SetMargins(0, 0);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0);
// Add the page to the PDF.
if ($page->width > $page->height) {
$orientation = 'L';
} else {
$orientation = 'P';
$pdf->AddPage($orientation, array($page->width, $page->height));
// The cell width.
$cellwidth = 10;
$cellheight = 10;
// The increments we want to go up in.
$inc = 20;
$decpos = 4;
// Draw first lines before we increment from here.
$pdf->Line(($inc / 2) + 2, 0, ($inc / 2) + 2, $page->height);
$pdf->Line(0, ($inc / 2), $page->width, ($inc / 2));
// Now we want to start drawing the lines to make the grid.
// Draw the horizontal lines.
for ($h = $inc; $h <= $page->height; $h += $inc) {
// Dirty hack cause the printer keeps cutting off characters
// near the end of the page for some BS reason.
if (strlen($h) <= 2) {
$lmargin = 5;
} else {
$lmargin = 4;
// Write the distance we are at.
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($cellwidth, $cellheight, $lmargin, $h - $decpos, $h);
// Get the location we are going to draw the line and then draw it.
$hline = $h + ($inc / 2);
$pdf->Line(0, $hline, $page->width, $hline);
// Draw the vertical lines.
for ($w = $inc; $w <= $page->width; $w += $inc) {
// Write the distance we are at.
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($cellwidth, $cellheight, $w - $decpos, 3, $w);
// Get the location we are going to draw the line and then draw it.
$wline = $w + ($inc / 2);
$pdf->Line($wline, 0, $wline, $page->height);
$pdf->Output($pdfname . '.pdf', 'D');
* Generate the PDF for the specified customcert and user.
* @param stdClass $customcert
* @param bool $preview true if it is a preview, false otherwise
function customcert_generate_pdf($customcert, $preview = false) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pdflib.php');
// Get the pages for the customcert, there should always be at least one page for each customcert.
if ($pages = $DB->get_records('customcert_pages', array('customcertid' => $customcert->id), 'pagenumber ASC')) {
// Create the pdf object.
$pdf = new pdf();
if (!empty($customcert->protection)) {
$protection = explode(', ', $customcert->protection);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0);
// Remove full-stop at the end, if it exists, to avoid "..pdf" being created and being filtered by clean_filename.
$filename = rtrim($customcert->name, '.');
$filename = clean_filename($filename . '.pdf');
// Loop through the pages and display their content.
foreach ($pages as $page) {
// Add the page to the PDF.
if ($page->width > $page->height) {
$orientation = 'L';
} else {
$orientation = 'P';
$pdf->AddPage($orientation, array($page->width, $page->height));
$pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, $page->margin);
// Get the elements for the page.
if ($elements = $DB->get_records('customcert_elements', array('pageid' => $page->id), 'sequence ASC')) {
// Loop through and display.
foreach ($elements as $element) {
// Get an instance of the element class.
if ($e = customcert_get_element_instance($element)) {
$e->render($pdf, $preview);
$pdf->Output($filename, 'D');
* Generate the report.
* @param stdClass $customcert
* @param stdClass $users the list of users who have had a customcert issued
* @param string $type
function customcert_generate_report_file($customcert, $users, $type) {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
if ($type == 'ods') {
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/odslib.class.php');
$workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook('-');
} else if ($type == 'xls') {
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/excellib.class.php');
$workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
$filename = clean_filename($COURSE->shortname . ' ' . rtrim($customcert->name, '.') . '.' . $type);
// Send HTTP headers.
// Creating the first worksheet.
$myxls = $workbook->add_worksheet(get_string('report', 'customcert'));
// Print names of all the fields.
$myxls->write_string(0, 0, get_string('lastname'));
$myxls->write_string(0, 1, get_string('firstname'));
$myxls->write_string(0, 2, get_string('idnumber'));
$myxls->write_string(0, 3, get_string('group'));
$myxls->write_string(0, 4, get_string('receiveddate', 'customcert'));
$myxls->write_string(0, 5, get_string('code', 'customcert'));
// Generate the data for the body of the spreadsheet.
$row = 1;
if ($users) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$myxls->write_string($row, 0, $user->lastname);
$myxls->write_string($row, 1, $user->firstname);
$studentid = (!empty($user->idnumber)) ? $user->idnumber : ' ';
$myxls->write_string($row, 2, $studentid);
$ug2 = '';
if ($usergrps = groups_get_all_groups($COURSE->id, $user->id)) {
foreach ($usergrps as $ug) {
$ug2 = $ug2 . $ug->name;
$myxls->write_string($row, 3, $ug2);
$myxls->write_string($row, 4, userdate($user->timecreated));
$myxls->write_string($row, 5, $user->code);
// Close the workbook.