. /** * Strings for component 'customcertelement_daterange', language 'en'. * * @package customcertelement_daterange * @copyright 2018 Dmitrii Metelkin * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); $string['completiondate'] = 'Completion date'; $string['courseenddate'] = 'Course end date'; $string['coursegradedate'] = 'Course grade date'; $string['coursestartdate'] = 'Course start date'; $string['dateitem'] = 'Date item'; $string['dateitem_help'] = 'This will be the date that is printed on the certificate'; $string['dateranges'] = 'Dateranges'; $string['fallbackstring'] = 'Fallback string'; $string['fallbackstring_help'] = 'This string will be displayed if no daterange applies to a date. If Fallback string is not set, then there will be no output at all.'; $string['help'] = 'Configure a string representation for each daterange. Make sure your ranges do not overlap, otherwise the first matched daterange will be applied. If no daterange matched a date, then Fallback string will be displayed. If Fallback string is not set, then there will be no output.
If you mark a date range as Recurring, then the configured year will not be considered. As the year of a recurring date range is not considered, you are not allowed to configure a recurring date range with more than 12 months as it would become ambiguous otherwise.'; $string['placeholders'] = 'Also following placeholders could be used in the string representation or fallback string.
{{range_first_year}} - first year of the matched range,
{{range_last_year}} - last year of the matched range,
{{recurring_range_first_year}} - first year of the matched recurring period,
{{recurring_range_last_year}} - last year of the matched recurring period,
{{current_year}} - the current year,
{{date_year}} - a year of the users\'s date.'; $string['issueddate'] = 'Issued date'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Date range'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Date range plugin does not store any personal data.'; $string['start'] = 'Start'; $string['end'] = 'End'; $string['datestring'] = 'String'; $string['error:atleastone'] = 'You must have at least one date range configured'; $string['error:datestring'] = 'You must provide string representation for the datarange'; $string['error:enddate'] = 'End date must be after Start date'; $string['error:recurring'] = 'Recurring range must not be longer than 12 months'; $string['preview'] = 'Preview {$a}'; $string['recurring'] = 'Recurring?'; $string['setdeleted'] = 'Delete?'; $string['addrange'] = 'Add another range';