2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
<XMLDB PATH= "mod/customcert/db" VERSION= "20130426" COMMENT= "XMLDB file for Moodle mod/customcert"
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert" COMMENT= "Defines customcerts" NEXT= "customcert_issues" >
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "course" />
<FIELD NAME= "course" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "name" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "course" NEXT= "intro" />
<FIELD NAME= "intro" TYPE= "text" LENGTH= "small" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "name" NEXT= "introformat" />
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "introformat" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "4" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "intro" NEXT= "requiredtime" />
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "requiredtime" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "introformat" NEXT= "protection" />
<FIELD NAME= "protection" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "requiredtime" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "protection" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert" />
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_issues" COMMENT= "Stores each issue of a customcert" PREVIOUS= "customcert" NEXT= "customcert_pages" >
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "userid" />
<FIELD NAME= "userid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "customcertid" />
<FIELD NAME= "customcertid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "userid" NEXT= "code" />
<FIELD NAME= "code" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "40" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "customcertid" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "code" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_issues" NEXT= "customcert" />
<KEY NAME= "customcert" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "customcertid" REFTABLE= "customcert" REFFIELDS= "id" PREVIOUS= "primary" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_pages" COMMENT= "Stores each page of a custom cert" PREVIOUS= "customcert_issues" NEXT= "customcert_elements" >
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "customcertid" />
<FIELD NAME= "customcertid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "width" />
<FIELD NAME= "width" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "customcertid" NEXT= "height" />
<FIELD NAME= "height" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "width" NEXT= "pagenumber" />
<FIELD NAME= "pagenumber" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "height" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "pagenumber" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_pages" NEXT= "customcert" />
<KEY NAME= "customcert" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "customcertid" REFTABLE= "customcert" REFFIELDS= "id" PREVIOUS= "primary" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_elements" COMMENT= "Stores the elements for a given page" PREVIOUS= "customcert_pages" NEXT= "customcert_template" >
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "pageid" />
<FIELD NAME= "pageid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "name" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "pageid" NEXT= "element" />
<FIELD NAME= "element" TYPE= "text" LENGTH= "big" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "name" NEXT= "data" />
<FIELD NAME= "data" TYPE= "text" LENGTH= "big" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "element" NEXT= "font" />
<FIELD NAME= "font" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "data" NEXT= "size" />
<FIELD NAME= "size" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "font" NEXT= "colour" />
<FIELD NAME= "colour" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "50" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "size" NEXT= "posx" />
<FIELD NAME= "posx" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "colour" NEXT= "posy" />
<FIELD NAME= "posy" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "posx" NEXT= "sequence" />
<FIELD NAME= "sequence" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "posy" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "sequence" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_elements" NEXT= "page" />
<KEY NAME= "page" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "pageid" REFTABLE= "customcert_pages" REFFIELDS= "id" PREVIOUS= "primary" />
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_template" COMMENT= "Stores each customcert template" PREVIOUS= "customcert_elements" NEXT= "customcert_template_pages" >
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "name" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "40" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "name" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_template" />
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_template_pages" COMMENT= "Stores each page of a customcert template" PREVIOUS= "customcert_template" NEXT= "customcert_template_elements" >
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "templateid" />
<FIELD NAME= "templateid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "width" />
<FIELD NAME= "width" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "templateid" NEXT= "height" />
<FIELD NAME= "height" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "width" NEXT= "pagenumber" />
<FIELD NAME= "pagenumber" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "height" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "pagenumber" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_template_pages" NEXT= "template" />
<KEY NAME= "template" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "templateid" REFTABLE= "customcert_template" REFFIELDS= "id" PREVIOUS= "primary" />
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<TABLE NAME= "customcert_template_elements" COMMENT= "Stores the elements for a given customcert template page" PREVIOUS= "customcert_template_pages" >
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 08:06:06 +00:00
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" NEXT= "templatepageid" />
<FIELD NAME= "templatepageid" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "id" NEXT= "name" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "templatepageid" NEXT= "element" />
<FIELD NAME= "element" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "name" NEXT= "data" />
<FIELD NAME= "data" TYPE= "text" LENGTH= "big" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "element" NEXT= "font" />
<FIELD NAME= "font" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "255" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "data" NEXT= "size" />
<FIELD NAME= "size" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "font" NEXT= "colour" />
<FIELD NAME= "colour" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "50" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "size" NEXT= "posx" />
<FIELD NAME= "posx" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "colour" NEXT= "posy" />
<FIELD NAME= "posy" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "posx" NEXT= "sequence" />
<FIELD NAME= "sequence" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "posy" NEXT= "timecreated" />
<FIELD NAME= "timecreated" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "sequence" NEXT= "timemodified" />
<FIELD NAME= "timemodified" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" PREVIOUS= "timecreated" />
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2013-07-26 07:49:42 +00:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Primary key for customcert_template_elements" NEXT= "templatepage" />
<KEY NAME= "templatepage" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "templatepageid" REFTABLE= "customcert_template_pages" REFFIELDS= "id" PREVIOUS= "primary" />
2013-05-03 10:51:41 +00:00
2012-12-07 09:34:46 +00:00