libdir . '/clilib.php'); $usage = "Export a certificate PDF Usage: # php get_certificate.php --module= --course= --username= # php get_certificate.php [--help|-h] Options: -h --help Print this help. --paramname= Describe the parameter and the meaning of its values. "; list($options, $unrecognised) = cli_get_params([ 'help' => false, 'module' => null, 'course' => null, 'username' => null, ], [ 'h' => 'help' ]); if ($unrecognised) { $unrecognised = implode(PHP_EOL . ' ', $unrecognised); cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'core_admin', $unrecognised)); } if ($options['help']) { cli_writeln($usage); exit(2); } if (empty($options['course'])) { cli_error('Missing mandatory argument course.', 2); } if (empty($options['username'])) { cli_error('Missing mandatory argument username.', 2); } try { $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $options['username']), "*", MUST_EXIST); } catch (Exception $ex) { cli_error('User ' . $options['username'] . ' does not exist.'); } try { $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('shortcode' => $options['course']), "*", MUST_EXIST); } catch (Exception $ex) { cli_error('Course ' . $options['course'] . ' does not exist.'); } try { $certificate = $DB->get_record($options['module'], array('course' => $course->id), "*", MUST_EXIST); } catch (Exception $ex) { cli_error('Course ' . $options['course'] . ' does not have a ' . $options['module'] . ' certificate.'); } $template = $DB->get_record($options['module'] . '_templates', array('id' => $certificate->templateid), "*", MUST_EXIST); if ($options['module'] == 'customcert') { require_once("../../mod/customcert/classes/template.php"); $template = new \mod_customcert\template($template); } else { require_once("../../mod/htmlcert/classes/template.php"); $template = new \mod_htmlcert\template($template); } try { $issue = $DB->get_record($options['module'] . '_issues', array($options['module'] . 'id' => $certificate->id, $options['userid'] => $user->id), "*", MUST_EXIST); } catch (Exception $ex) { cli_error('User ' . $options['username'] . ' does not have the "' . $certificate->name . '" certificate.'); } $output = $template->generate_pdf(false, $user->id, true); cli_write($output);