from classes.config import Config from pathlib import Path from io import BytesIO import time from gnupg import GPG if __name__ == "__main__": config = Config.from_file(Path(__file__).parent / "settings.ini") for directory in config.directories: source = Path(directory.source) for newfile in source.iterdir(): if newfile.is_file() and (time.time() - newfile.stat().st_mtime > 60): try: raw = newfile.read_text() encrypted: str = GPG().encrypt(raw, config.server.theirkey, sign=config.server.ourkey) upfl = BytesIO(encrypted.encode()) uppath = Path(config.server.inpath) / f"{}_{}" with config.server.get_sftp_client() as sftp: sftp.putfo(upfl, uppath) if directory.sourcebackup: newfile.rename(Path(directory.sourcebackup) / else: newfile.unlink() except Exception as e: print(f"Something went wrong uploading file {} from {}: {e}") try: with config.server.get_sftp_client() as sftp: for response in sftp.listdir(config.server.outpath): if (time.time() - sftp.stat(response).st_mtime < 60): continue encrypted: bytes = decrypted = GPG().decrypt(encrypted) dirname = Path(outpath).name.split("_")[0] founddir = None for directory in config.directories: if == dirname: founddir = directory break if not founddir: founddir = directory outfile = Path("_".join(Path(outpath).name.split("_")[1:])) assert not outfile.exists() outfile.write_text(decrypted) if founddir.destinationbackup: (Path(founddir.destinationbackup) / sftp.remove(response) except: print(f"Something went wrong downloading files from the server.")