import sys from threading import Event, RLock, Thread from types import TracebackType from typing import IO, Any, Callable, List, Optional, TextIO, Type, cast from . import get_console from .console import Console, ConsoleRenderable, RenderableType, RenderHook from .control import Control from .file_proxy import FileProxy from .jupyter import JupyterMixin from .live_render import LiveRender, VerticalOverflowMethod from .screen import Screen from .text import Text class _RefreshThread(Thread): """A thread that calls refresh() at regular intervals.""" def __init__(self, live: "Live", refresh_per_second: float) -> None: = live self.refresh_per_second = refresh_per_second self.done = Event() super().__init__(daemon=True) def stop(self) -> None: self.done.set() def run(self) -> None: while not self.done.wait(1 / self.refresh_per_second): with if not self.done.is_set(): class Live(JupyterMixin, RenderHook): """Renders an auto-updating live display of any given renderable. Args: renderable (RenderableType, optional): The renderable to live display. Defaults to displaying nothing. console (Console, optional): Optional Console instance. Default will an internal Console instance writing to stdout. screen (bool, optional): Enable alternate screen mode. Defaults to False. auto_refresh (bool, optional): Enable auto refresh. If disabled, you will need to call `refresh()` or `update()` with refresh flag. Defaults to True refresh_per_second (float, optional): Number of times per second to refresh the live display. Defaults to 4. transient (bool, optional): Clear the renderable on exit (has no effect when screen=True). Defaults to False. redirect_stdout (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stdout, so ``print`` may be used. Defaults to True. redirect_stderr (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stderr. Defaults to True. vertical_overflow (VerticalOverflowMethod, optional): How to handle renderable when it is too tall for the console. Defaults to "ellipsis". get_renderable (Callable[[], RenderableType], optional): Optional callable to get renderable. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, renderable: Optional[RenderableType] = None, *, console: Optional[Console] = None, screen: bool = False, auto_refresh: bool = True, refresh_per_second: float = 4, transient: bool = False, redirect_stdout: bool = True, redirect_stderr: bool = True, vertical_overflow: VerticalOverflowMethod = "ellipsis", get_renderable: Optional[Callable[[], RenderableType]] = None, ) -> None: assert refresh_per_second > 0, "refresh_per_second must be > 0" self._renderable = renderable self.console = console if console is not None else get_console() self._screen = screen self._alt_screen = False self._redirect_stdout = redirect_stdout self._redirect_stderr = redirect_stderr self._restore_stdout: Optional[IO[str]] = None self._restore_stderr: Optional[IO[str]] = None self._lock = RLock() self.ipy_widget: Optional[Any] = None self.auto_refresh = auto_refresh self._started: bool = False self.transient = True if screen else transient self._refresh_thread: Optional[_RefreshThread] = None self.refresh_per_second = refresh_per_second self.vertical_overflow = vertical_overflow self._get_renderable = get_renderable self._live_render = LiveRender( self.get_renderable(), vertical_overflow=vertical_overflow ) @property def is_started(self) -> bool: """Check if live display has been started.""" return self._started def get_renderable(self) -> RenderableType: renderable = ( self._get_renderable() if self._get_renderable is not None else self._renderable ) return renderable or "" def start(self, refresh: bool = False) -> None: """Start live rendering display. Args: refresh (bool, optional): Also refresh. Defaults to False. """ with self._lock: if self._started: return self.console.set_live(self) self._started = True if self._screen: self._alt_screen = self.console.set_alt_screen(True) self.console.show_cursor(False) self._enable_redirect_io() self.console.push_render_hook(self) if refresh: try: self.refresh() except Exception: # If refresh fails, we want to stop the redirection of sys.stderr, # so the error stacktrace is properly displayed in the terminal. # (or, if the code that calls Rich captures the exception and wants to display something, # let this be displayed in the terminal). self.stop() raise if self.auto_refresh: self._refresh_thread = _RefreshThread(self, self.refresh_per_second) self._refresh_thread.start() def stop(self) -> None: """Stop live rendering display.""" with self._lock: if not self._started: return self.console.clear_live() self._started = False if self.auto_refresh and self._refresh_thread is not None: self._refresh_thread.stop() self._refresh_thread = None # allow it to fully render on the last even if overflow self.vertical_overflow = "visible" with self.console: try: if not self._alt_screen and not self.console.is_jupyter: self.refresh() finally: self._disable_redirect_io() self.console.pop_render_hook() if not self._alt_screen and self.console.is_terminal: self.console.line() self.console.show_cursor(True) if self._alt_screen: self.console.set_alt_screen(False) if self.transient and not self._alt_screen: self.console.control(self._live_render.restore_cursor()) if self.ipy_widget is not None and self.transient: self.ipy_widget.close() # pragma: no cover def __enter__(self) -> "Live": self.start(refresh=self._renderable is not None) return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.stop() def _enable_redirect_io(self) -> None: """Enable redirecting of stdout / stderr.""" if self.console.is_terminal or self.console.is_jupyter: if self._redirect_stdout and not isinstance(sys.stdout, FileProxy): self._restore_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = cast("TextIO", FileProxy(self.console, sys.stdout)) if self._redirect_stderr and not isinstance(sys.stderr, FileProxy): self._restore_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = cast("TextIO", FileProxy(self.console, sys.stderr)) def _disable_redirect_io(self) -> None: """Disable redirecting of stdout / stderr.""" if self._restore_stdout: sys.stdout = cast("TextIO", self._restore_stdout) self._restore_stdout = None if self._restore_stderr: sys.stderr = cast("TextIO", self._restore_stderr) self._restore_stderr = None @property def renderable(self) -> RenderableType: """Get the renderable that is being displayed Returns: RenderableType: Displayed renderable. """ renderable = self.get_renderable() return Screen(renderable) if self._alt_screen else renderable def update(self, renderable: RenderableType, *, refresh: bool = False) -> None: """Update the renderable that is being displayed Args: renderable (RenderableType): New renderable to use. refresh (bool, optional): Refresh the display. Defaults to False. """ with self._lock: self._renderable = renderable if refresh: self.refresh() def refresh(self) -> None: """Update the display of the Live Render.""" with self._lock: self._live_render.set_renderable(self.renderable) if self.console.is_jupyter: # pragma: no cover try: from IPython.display import display from ipywidgets import Output except ImportError: import warnings warnings.warn('install "ipywidgets" for Jupyter support') else: if self.ipy_widget is None: self.ipy_widget = Output() display(self.ipy_widget) with self.ipy_widget: self.ipy_widget.clear_output(wait=True) self.console.print(self._live_render.renderable) elif self.console.is_terminal and not self.console.is_dumb_terminal: with self.console: self.console.print(Control()) elif ( not self._started and not self.transient ): # if it is finished allow files or dumb-terminals to see final result with self.console: self.console.print(Control()) def process_renderables( self, renderables: List[ConsoleRenderable] ) -> List[ConsoleRenderable]: """Process renderables to restore cursor and display progress.""" self._live_render.vertical_overflow = self.vertical_overflow if self.console.is_interactive: # lock needs acquiring as user can modify live_render renderable at any time unlike in Progress. with self._lock: reset = ( Control.home() if self._alt_screen else self._live_render.position_cursor() ) renderables = [reset, *renderables, self._live_render] elif ( not self._started and not self.transient ): # if it is finished render the final output for files or dumb_terminals renderables = [*renderables, self._live_render] return renderables if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import random import time from itertools import cycle from typing import Dict, List, Tuple from .align import Align from .console import Console from .live import Live as Live from .panel import Panel from .rule import Rule from .syntax import Syntax from .table import Table console = Console() syntax = Syntax( '''def loop_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, T]]: """Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for last value.""" iter_values = iter(values) try: previous_value = next(iter_values) except StopIteration: return for value in iter_values: yield False, previous_value previous_value = value yield True, previous_value''', "python", line_numbers=True, ) table = Table("foo", "bar", "baz") table.add_row("1", "2", "3") progress_renderables = [ "You can make the terminal shorter and taller to see the live table hide" "Text may be printed while the progress bars are rendering.", Panel("In fact, [i]any[/i] renderable will work"), "Such as [magenta]tables[/]...", table, "Pretty printed structures...", {"type": "example", "text": "Pretty printed"}, "Syntax...", syntax, Rule("Give it a try!"), ] examples = cycle(progress_renderables) exchanges = [ "SGD", "MYR", "EUR", "USD", "AUD", "JPY", "CNH", "HKD", "CAD", "INR", "DKK", "GBP", "RUB", "NZD", "MXN", "IDR", "TWD", "THB", "VND", ] with Live(console=console) as live_table: exchange_rate_dict: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] = {} for index in range(100): select_exchange = exchanges[index % len(exchanges)] for exchange in exchanges: if exchange == select_exchange: continue time.sleep(0.4) if random.randint(0, 10) < 1: console.log(next(examples)) exchange_rate_dict[(select_exchange, exchange)] = 200 / ( (random.random() * 320) + 1 ) if len(exchange_rate_dict) > len(exchanges) - 1: exchange_rate_dict.pop(list(exchange_rate_dict.keys())[0]) table = Table(title="Exchange Rates") table.add_column("Source Currency") table.add_column("Destination Currency") table.add_column("Exchange Rate") for ((source, dest), exchange_rate) in exchange_rate_dict.items(): table.add_row( source, dest, Text( f"{exchange_rate:.4f}", style="red" if exchange_rate < 1.0 else "green", ), ) live_table.update(