Kumi 52fbb394ed
Enhanced requirement comments for clarity
Added meaningful inline comments to each dependency in requirements.txt to explain their purpose, improving maintainability. Also introduced 'pyrad' for RADIUS support and 'django-cidrfield' to handle subnet storage requirements. These additions equip the application for better network authentication and IP address management.
2024-01-28 18:07:59 +01:00

26 lines
959 B

Django # Duh.
git+https://kumig.it/kumitterer/django-oidc-provider/ # OIDC Provider
git+https://kumig.it/kumitterer/django-cas-server/ # CAS Provider
git+https://github.com/OTA-Insight/djangosaml2idp/ # SAML2 Provider
dbsettings # For settings in the database
django-autosecretkey # For generating a secret key
cryptography # For working with key pairs
pysaml2 # For interacting with SAML2
ldaptor # For interacting with LDAP
pyotp # For validating OTPs
django-timezone-field # For storing timezones
django-phonenumber-field[phonenumbers] # For storing phone numbers
django-annoying # AutoOneToOneField
django-crispy-forms # For pretty forms
crispy-bootstrap4 # Bootstrap4 theme for crispy forms
pyqrcode # For generating QR codes
pypng # Needed by pyqrcode for PNG generation
django-ajax-datatable # For pretty tables
pyjwt # Working with JWTs
pyrad # For everything RADIUS
django-cidrfield # For storing subnets
mysqlclient # For using MySQL as database