from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, get_user_model from pyrad import dictionary, packet, server from radius.models import ( RadiusAccountingSession, RadiusUser, RadiusAccountingEvent, RadiusWebAuthentication, ) from authentication.helpers.otp import has_otp from authentication.models import TOTPSecret import uuid class RadiusServer(server.Server): def HandleAuthPacket(self, pkt): """Handle an authentication packet Args: pkt (packet.Packet): The packet to handle """ if state: # Handle the challenge response if self.validate_challenge_response(packet): # Consider the challenge successfully passed reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessAccept else: # Challenge failed reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessReject self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, reply) return # No state implies this may be the first packet for authentication # So we need to generate a challenge if necessary # First check if the user exists user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is None: # User does not exist or password is incorrect reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessReject self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, reply) return if user.radiususer.challenge == "none": # No challenge is required reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessAccept self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, reply) return # Generate a challenge state = str(uuid.uuid4()) if user.radiususer.challenge == "totp": if not has_otp(user): # This user is not configured for TOTP...? # TODO: Make sure this is handled in the admin reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessReject self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, reply) return challenge_reply = self.CreateReplyPacket( pkt, **{"State": state, "Reply-Message": "Please enter your TOTP token."} ) challenge_reply.code = packet.AccessChallenge self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, challenge_reply) return if user.radiususer.challenge == "web": challenge_reply = self.CreateReplyPacket( pkt, **{ "State": state, "Reply-Message": "Please visit http://kumidc.local/auth to authenticate.", # TODO: Replace with a URL to our authentication page } ) challenge_reply.code = packet.AccessChallenge self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, challenge_reply) return # We should never get here. If we do, something has gone wrong. reply = self.CreateReplyPacket(pkt) reply.code = packet.AccessReject self.SendReplyPacket(pkt.fd, reply) def validate_challenge_response(self, packet, password): state = packet["State"][0] username = packet["User-Name"][0] challenge_response = packet.get("User-Password", [None])[0] user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=username) if not user: # This user... doesn't exist? return False if not user.radiususer.challenge: # This user is not configured for challenge-response. Where did this response come from? return False if user.radiususer.challenge == "totp": if not has_otp(user): # This user is not configured for TOTP... return False totp = TOTPSecret.objects.get(user=user) return totp.verify( challenge_response ) # Returns True if the token is valid, False otherwise if user.radiususer.challenge == "web": ip = packet["NAS-IP-Address"][0] auth = RadiusWebAuthentication.objects.filter( user=user, ip=ip, ) auth.delete() # Delete any existing authentication sessions for this user return True def HandleAcctPacket(self, pkt: packet.Packet): """Handle an accounting packet Args: pkt (packet.Packet): The packet to handle """ status_type = pkt["Acct-Status-Type"][0] username = pkt["User-Name"][0] session_id = pkt["Acct-Session-Id"][0] user = RadiusUser.objects.get(user__username=username) session, created = RadiusAccountingSession.objects.get_or_create( id=session_id, defaults={ user: user, }, ) if status_type == "Start": session.start() elif status_type == "Stop": session.stop() RadiusAccountingEvent.objects.create( session=session, event_type=status_type, raw_data=pkt.packet )