Klaus-Uwe Mitterer
Added option to assign cid to attachments Made HTML and plain text retrieval use File class Removed now unused helpers.php Updated OpenAPI documentation
96 lines
3.4 KiB
96 lines
3.4 KiB
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'File.class.php';
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
$mailer = new PHPMailer(true);
try {
if (!$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true)) throw new Exception("There is nothing here.");
if (!$json["key"]) throw new Exception("What's the code word?");
if (!in_array($json["key"], $API_KEYS)) throw new Exception("Who are you?");
if ($json["html"]) {
$html = $json["html"];
} else if ($json["htmlurl"]) {
try {
$htmlfile = new File($json["htmlurl"]);
$html = $htmlfile->fetch_file();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Could not fetch URL for HTML message: " . $e->getMessage());
if ($json["text"]) {
$text = $json["text"];
} else if ($json["texturl"]) {
try {
$textfile = new File($json["texturl"]);
$text = $textfile->fetch_file();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Could not fetch URL for plain text message: " . $e->getMessage());
foreach ($json["placeholders"] as $placeholder) {
$html = str_replace("{".strtoupper($placeholder["name"])."}", $placeholder["value"], $html);
$text = str_replace("{".strtoupper($placeholder["name"])."}", $placeholder["value"], $text);
$mailer->Host = $MAIL_HOST;
$mailer->SMTPAuth = (bool) $MAIL_USER;
$mailer->Username = $MAIL_USER;
$mailer->Password = $MAIL_PASS;
$mailer->Port = ($MAIL_PORT ? $MAIL_PORT : ($MAIL_SMTPS ? 465 : 587));
$mailer->XMailer = "Kumi Systems Mailer 0.1 (https://kumi.systems/)";
if ($json["sender"]["email"]) {
$mailer->setFrom($json["sender"]["email"], $json["sender"]["name"]);
} else {
foreach ($json["recipients"] as $recipient) $mailer->addAddress($recipient["email"], $recipient["name"]);
foreach ($json["ccs"] as $cc) $mailer->addCC($cc["email"], $cc["name"]);
foreach ($json["bccs"] as $bcc) $mailer->addBCC($bcc["email"], $bcc["name"]);
foreach ($ALWAYS_TO as $recipient) $mailer->addAddress($recipient);
foreach ($ALWAYS_CC as $cc) $mailer->addCC($cc);
foreach ($ALWAYS_BCC as $bcc) $mailer->addBCC($bcc);
$mailer->isHTML((bool) $html);
$mailer->Subject = $json["subject"];
$mailer->Body = ($html ? $html : $text);
$mailer->AltBody = ($html ? $text : null);
foreach ($json["attachments"] as $attachment) {
$file = new File($attachment["url"]);
if ($file->get_status() >= 400) throw new Exception("Error downloading " . $attachment["url"] . " - Status: " . $file->get_status());
$content = $file->fetch_file();
$filename = ($attachment["filename"] ? $attachment["filename"] : $file->get_filename());
$cid = ($attachment["cid"] ? $attachment["cid"] : 0);
$mailer->addStringEmbeddedImage($content, $cid, $filename);
$response = array(
"status" => "success"
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$response = array(
"status" => "error",
"error" => "{$e->getMessage()}"
echo json_encode($response);