
191 lines
6.7 KiB

from classes.connection import Connection
from classes.database import Database
from classes.file import File
from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
from configparser import SectionProxy
from typing import Optional, Union
import pathlib
class Vessel:
"""Class describing a Vessel (= a replication destination)
def fromConfig(cls, config: SectionProxy):
"""Create Vessel object from a Vessel section in the Config file
config (configparser.SectionProxy): Vessel section defining a
ValueError: Raised if section does not contain Address parameter
classes.vessel.Vessel: Vessel object for the vessel specified in
the config section
tempdir = None
username = None
password = None
passphrase = None
port = 22
timeout = None
ignoredirs = []
if "TempDir" in config.keys():
tempdir = config["TempDir"]
if "Username" in config.keys():
username = config["Username"]
if "Password" in config.keys():
password = config["Password"]
if "Passphrase" in config.keys():
passphrase = config["Passphrase"]
if "Port" in config.keys():
port = config["Port"]
if "Timeout" in config.keys():
timeout = config["Timeout"]
if "IgnoreDirs" in config.keys():
ignoredirs = [d.strip() for d in config["IgnoreDirs"].split(",")]
if "Address" in config.keys():
return cls([1], config["Address"], username,
password, passphrase, port, timeout, tempdir, ignoredirs)
raise ValueError("Definition for Vessel " +[1] + " does not contain Address!")
def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None, passphrase: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None,
tempdir: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None,
ignoredirs: list[Optional[str]] = []) -> None:
"""Initialize new Vessel object
name (str): Name of the Vessel
address (str): Address (IP or resolvable hostname) of the Vessel
tempdir (pathlib.Path, optional): Temporary upload location on the
Vessel, to store Chunks in
""" = name
self.address = address
self.tempdir = pathlib.Path(tempdir or "/tmp/.ContentMonster/")
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.passphrase = passphrase
self.port = port or 22
self.timeout = timeout or 10
self._connection = None
self._uploaded = self.getUploadedFromDB() # Files already uploaded
self._ignoredirs = ignoredirs # Directories not replicated to this vessel
def connection(self) -> Connection:
"""Get a Connection to the Vessel
classes.connection.Connection: SSH/SFTP connection to the Vessel
# If a connection exists
if self._connection:
# ... check if it is up
except (SSHException, OSError):
# ... and throw it away if it isn't
self._connection = None
# If no connection exists (anymore), set up a new one
self._connection = self._connection or Connection(self)
return self._connection
def getUploadedFromDB(self) -> list[str]:
"""Get a list of files that have previously been uploaded to the Vessel
list: List of UUIDs of Files that have been successfully uploaded
db = Database()
return db.getCompletionForVessel(self)
def currentUpload(self) -> Optional[tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""Get the File that is currently being uploaded to this Vessel
tuple: A tuple consisting of (directory, name, checksum), where
"directory" is the name of the Directory object the File is
located in, "name" is the filename (basename) of the File and
checksum is the SHA256 hash of the file at the time of insertion
into the database. None is returned if no such record is found.
self.assertTempDirectory() # After a reboot, the tempdir may be gone
db = Database()
output = db.getFileByUUID(self.connection.getCurrentUploadUUID())
del db
return output
def clearTempDir(self) -> None:
"""Clean up the temporary directory on the Vessel
def pushChunk(self, chunk, path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None) -> None:
"""Push the content of a Chunk object to the Vessel
chunk (classes.chunk.Chunk): Chunk object containing the data to
push to the Vessel
path (str, pathlib.Path, optional): Path at which to store the
Chunk on the Vessel. If None, use default location provided by
Vessel configuration and name provided by Chunk object. Defaults
to None.
self.connection.pushChunk(chunk, str(path) if path else None)
def compileComplete(self, remotefile) -> None:
"""Build a complete File from uploaded Chunks.
remotefile (classes.remotefile.RemoteFile): RemoteFile object
describing the uploaded File
def assertDirectories(self, directory) -> None:
"""Make sure that destination and temp directories exist on the Vessel
directory ( Directory object
representing the directory to check
ValueError: Raised if a path is already in use on the vessel but
not a directory.
IOError: Raised if a directory that does not exist cannot be
def assertTempDirectory(self) -> None:
"""Make sure that the temp directory exists on the Vessel
ValueError: Raised if the path is already in use on the vessel but
is not a directory.
IOError: Raised if the directory does not exist but cannot be