from classes.file import File import os import pathlib from configparser import SectionProxy from typing import Union, Optional class Directory: """Class representing a Directory on the local filesystem """ @classmethod def fromConfig(cls, config: SectionProxy): """Create Directory object from a Directory section in the Config file Args: config (configparser.SectionProxy): Configuration section defining a Directory Raises: ValueError: Raised if section does not contain Location parameter Returns: Directory object for the location specified in the config section """ if "Location" in config.keys(): return cls([1], config["Location"]) else: raise ValueError("Definition for Directory " +[1] + " does not contain Location!") def __init__(self, name: str, location: Union[str, pathlib.Path]): """Initialize a new Directory object Args: name (str): Name of the Directory object location (str, pathlib.Path): Filesystem location of the Directory Raises: ValueError: Raised if passed location does not exist or is not a directory """ = name if os.path.isdir(location): self.location = pathlib.Path(location) self.assertCompletedDirectory() else: location = str(location) raise ValueError( f"Location {location} for Directory {name} does not exist or is not a directory.") @property def completeddir(self): return self.location / "completed" def assertCompletedDirectory(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.completeddir): if os.path.isfile(self.completeddir): raise FileExistsError("Cannot create directory %s - path exists but is not a directory!" % str(self.completeddir)) os.path.mkdir(self.completeddir) def getFiles(self) -> list[File]: """Get all Files in Directory N.B.: Returns only Files that have a size greater than 0 Returns: list: List of File objects for files within the Directory """ files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.location) if os.path.isfile( self.location / f) and os.path.getsize(self.location / f)] return [File(f, self) for f in files] def getFile(self, name: str) -> Optional[File]: """Get a file in the Directory by name Args: name (str): Filename of the File to get Returns: File, optional: File object if the file was found, else None """ try: return File(name, self) except FileNotFoundError: return None