from multiprocessing import Process from typing import NoReturn, Optional from classes.vessel import Vessel from classes.remotefile import RemoteFile from classes.retry import retry from classes.database import Database from const import STATUS_COMPLETE, STATUS_START import time class VesselThread(Process): """Thread processing uploads to a single vessel """ def __init__(self, vessel: Vessel, state: dict) -> None: """Initialize a new VesselThread Args: vessel (classes.vessel.Vessel): Vessel object to handle uploads for state (dict): Dictionary containing the current application state """ super().__init__() self.vessel = vessel self._state = state def run(self) -> NoReturn: """Run thread and process uploads to the vessel """ print("Launched Vessel Thread for " + while True: try: self.upload() except Exception as e: print("An exception occurred in the Vessel Thread for " + print(repr(e)) @retry() def upload(self) -> None: """Continue uploading process """ if not (current := self.vessel.currentUpload() or self.processQueue()): return remotefile = RemoteFile(current, self.vessel, self._state["config"].chunksize) while True: status = remotefile.getStatus() if status == STATUS_COMPLETE: remotefile.finalizeUpload() db = Database() db.logCompletion(current, self.vessel) return nextchunk = 0 if status == STATUS_START else status + 1 chunk = remotefile.getChunk(nextchunk) # If the Chunk has no data, the selected range is beyond the end # of the file, i.e. the complete file has already been uploaded if self.vessel.pushChunk(chunk) else: self.vessel.compileComplete(remotefile) def processQueue(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return a file from the processing queue """ for f in self._state["files"]: if not f.uuid in self.vessel._uploaded: return f