from multiprocessing import Process from typing import NoReturn, Optional from classes.vessel import Vessel from classes.remotefile import RemoteFile from classes.retry import retry from classes.database import Database from classes.logger import Logger from classes.file import File from const import STATUS_COMPLETE, STATUS_START import time class VesselThread(Process): """Thread processing uploads to a single vessel """ def __init__(self, vessel: Vessel, state: dict) -> None: """Initialize a new VesselThread Args: vessel (classes.vessel.Vessel): Vessel object to handle uploads for state (dict): Dictionary containing the current application state """ super().__init__() self.vessel = vessel self._state = state self._logger = Logger() def run(self) -> NoReturn: """Run thread and process uploads to the vessel """ print("Launched Vessel Thread for " + self.assertDirectories() while True: try: self.upload() time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print("An exception occurred in the Vessel Thread for " + print(repr(e)) @retry() def assertDirectories(self) -> None: for directory in self._state["config"].directories: if not in self.vessel._ignoredirs: print( f"Making sure directory {} exists on Vessel {}") self.vessel.connection.assertDirectories(directory) @retry() def upload(self) -> None: """Continue uploading process """ if not (current := (self.vessel.currentUpload() or self.processQueue())): self._logger.debug( f"No file needs to be uploaded to Vessel {} at the moment") return if isinstance(current, tuple): dirname, name, _ = current self._logger.debug( f"Found file {name} in directory {dirname} for vessel {}") directory = None for d in self._state["config"].directories: if == dirname: directory = d break if not directory: self._logger.debug( f"Directory {dirname} not specified in config - deleting File from Vessel {}") self.vessel.clearTempDir() return try: fileobj = File(name, directory) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.debug( f"File {name} does not exist in Directory {dirname} on shore - deleting from Vessel {}") self.vessel.clearTempDir() return else: fileobj = current if in self.vessel._ignoredirs: self._logger.debug( f"Not replicating Directory {} to Vessel {} - marking complete") db = Database() db.logCompletion(fileobj, self.vessel) del(db) self.vessel._uploaded.append(fileobj.uuid) self.checkFileCompletion(fileobj, self.vessel) return remotefile = RemoteFile(fileobj, self.vessel, self._state["config"].chunksize) self._logger.debug( f"Start processing file {} in directory {} on vessel {}") while True: db = Database() if not db.getFileByUUID(fileobj.uuid): self._logger.debug( f"File {} in directory {} does not exist anymore - deleting from {}") self.vessel.clearTempDir() del(db) self.vessel.assertDirectories( status = remotefile.getStatus() if status == STATUS_COMPLETE: self._logger.debug( f"File {} uploaded to vessel {} completely - finalizing") remotefile.finalizeUpload() db = Database() db.logCompletion(fileobj, self.vessel) del(db) self.vessel._uploaded.append(fileobj.uuid) self._logger.debug( f"Moved {} to its final destination on {} - done!") self.checkFileCompletion(fileobj) return nextchunk = 0 if status == STATUS_START else status + 1 self._logger.debug( f"Getting chunk #{nextchunk} for file {} for vessel {}") chunk = remotefile.getChunk(nextchunk) self._logger.debug("Got chunk") # If the Chunk has no data, the selected range is beyond the end # of the file, i.e. the complete file has already been uploaded if self._logger.debug( f"Uploading chunk to vessel {}") self.vessel.pushChunk(chunk) else: self._logger.debug( f"No more data to upload to vessel {} for file {} - compiling") self.vessel.compileComplete(remotefile) def checkFileCompletion(self, fileobj: File) -> None: db = Database() complete = db.getCompletionByFileUUID(fileobj.uuid) del(db) for vessel in self._state["config"].vessels: if not in complete and not in vessel._ignoredirs: return self._logger.debug( f"File {} from Directory {} transferred to all Vessels. Moving out of replication directory.") fileobj.moveCompleted() def processQueue(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return a file from the processing queue """ self._logger.debug( f"Trying to fetch new file for vessel {} from queue") for f in self._state["files"]: if not f.uuid in self.vessel._uploaded: self._logger.debug( f"Using file {} for vessel {}") return f self._logger.debug( f"Disregarding file {} for vessel {} - already uploaded") self._logger.debug( f"Didn't find any new files for vessel {}")