[ACADEMON] Host = academon.example.com [ADONIS] CrewPortalBaseURL=http://adonis/AdonisWebServices/CrewPortalWebService.svc/ Login=Adonis_API Password= [REPORTMONSTER] Login = 1 LoginVessel = Login # Define a ReportMonster vessel to use for authentication *only* # To manage that vessel from within AcadeMon set it up in the adimnistration too! # Make sure the vessel name matches LoginVessel in [REPORTMONSTER] above [Vessel Login] Host = Username = moodle_test Password = 1quite_secret*indeed! Database = moodle_test SSH = 1 # Whether or not to tunnel the MySQL connection through SSH # ReportMonster / AcadeMon does not handle SSH auth, so use SSH agent! # [MySQL] # Database = academon # Username = academon # Password = secret123! # Host = localhost # Port = 3306 # [S3] # AccessKey = academon # SecretKey = !!!verysecret!!! # Bucket = academon # Endpoint = https://minio.acade.mon