89 lines
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89 lines
3.9 KiB
"HEADER": "Integrationer",
"SUBSCRIBED_EVENTS": "Subscribed Events",
"FORM": {
"CANCEL": "Annuller",
"DESC": "Webhook-begivenheder giver dig realtidsoplysninger om, hvad der sker på din Chatwoot-konto. Angiv en gyldig URL for at konfigurere et callback.",
"LABEL": "Events",
"CONVERSATION_CREATED": "Conversation Created",
"CONVERSATION_STATUS_CHANGED": "Conversation Status Changed",
"CONVERSATION_UPDATED": "Conversation Updated",
"MESSAGE_CREATED": "Message created",
"MESSAGE_UPDATED": "Message updated",
"WEBWIDGET_TRIGGERED": "Live chat widget opened by the user"
"LABEL": "Webhook URL",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Eksempel: https://example/api/webhook",
"ERROR": "Angiv en gyldig URL"
"EDIT_SUBMIT": "Update webhook",
"ADD_SUBMIT": "Opret webhook"
"TITLE": "Webhook",
"CONFIGURE": "Konfigurer",
"HEADER": "Webhook indstillinger",
"HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Tilføj ny webhook",
"LOADING": "Henter vedhæftede webhooks",
"SEARCH_404": "Der er ingen elementer, der matcher denne forespørgsel",
"SIDEBAR_TXT": "<p><b>Webhooks</b> </p> <p>Webhooks er HTTP tilbagekald som kan defineres for hver konto. De udløses af begivenheder som oprettelse af beskeder i Chatwoot. Du kan oprette mere end én webhook for denne konto. <br /><br /> For at oprette en <b>webhook</b>, klik på <b>Tilføj ny webhook</b> knappen. Du kan også fjerne enhver eksisterende webhook ved at klikke på Slet knappen.</p>",
"LIST": {
"404": "Der er ingen webhooks konfigureret til denne konto.",
"TITLE": "Administrer webhooks",
"Webhook endepunkt",
"EDIT": {
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Rediger",
"TITLE": "Edit webhook",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Webhook configuration updated successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til Woot Server, Prøv igen senere"
"ADD": {
"CANCEL": "Annuller",
"TITLE": "Tilføj ny webhook",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Webhook configuration added successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til Woot Server, Prøv igen senere"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Slet",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Webhook blev slettet",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til Woot Server, Prøv igen senere"
"TITLE": "Bekræft Sletning",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure to delete the webhook? (%{webhookURL})",
"YES": "Ja, Slet ",
"NO": "Nej, behold det"
"SLACK": {
"TITLE": "Using Slack Integration",
"BODY": "<br/><p>Chatwoot will now sync all the incoming conversations into the <b><i>customer-conversations</i></b> channel inside your slack workplace.</p><p>Replying to a conversation thread in <b><i>customer-conversations</i></b> slack channel will create a response back to the customer through chatwoot.</p><p>Start the replies with <b><i>note:</i></b> to create private notes instead of replies.</p><p>If the replier on slack has an agent profile in chatwoot under the same email, the replies will be associated accordingly.</p><p>When the replier doesn't have an associated agent profile, the replies will be made from the bot profile.</p>"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Slet",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Integrationen blev slettet"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Tilslut"