2022-08-16 17:06:21 +05:30

220 lines
6.9 KiB

"FILTER": "Filter by",
"SORT": "Sort by",
"SETTINGS_BUTTON": "Ustawienia",
"NEW_BUTTON": "New Article",
"PUBLISHED": "Published",
"DRAFT": "Draft",
"ARCHIVED": "Archived"
"ALL_ARTICLES": "All Articles",
"MINE": "My Articles",
"DRAFT": "Draft Articles",
"ARCHIVED": "Archived Articles"
"PUBLISH_BUTTON": "Publish",
"PREVIEW": "Preview",
"ADD_TRANSLATION": "Add translation",
"OPEN_SIDEBAR": "Open sidebar",
"CLOSE_SIDEBAR": "Close sidebar",
"SAVING": "Draft saving...",
"SAVED": "Draft saved"
"TITLE": "Article Settings",
"FORM": {
"LABEL": "Category",
"TITLE": "Select category",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Select category",
"NO_RESULT": "No category found",
"SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search category"
"LABEL": "Author",
"TITLE": "Select author",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Select author",
"NO_RESULT": "No authors found",
"SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search author"
"LABEL": "Meta title",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Add a meta title"
"LABEL": "Meta description",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Add your meta description for better SEO results..."
"LABEL": "Meta tags",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Add meta tags separated by comma..."
"ARCHIVE": "Archive article",
"DELETE": "Delete article"
"HEADER": "Portals",
"NEW_BUTTON": "New Portal",
"ACTIVE_BADGE": "aktywna",
"CHOOSE_LOCALE_LABEL": "Choose a locale",
"LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading portals...",
"ARTICLES_LABEL": "articles",
"NO_PORTALS_MESSAGE": "There are no available portals",
"ADD_NEW_LOCALE": "Add a new locale",
"TITLE": "Portals",
"PORTAL_SETTINGS": "Portal settings",
"SUBTITLE": "You have multiple portals and can have different locales for each portal.",
"COUNT_LABEL": "articles",
"ADD": "Add locale",
"VISIT": "Visit site",
"SETTINGS": "Ustawienia"
"TITLE": "Portal Configurations",
"ITEMS": {
"NAME": "Nazwa",
"DOMAIN": "Custom domain",
"SLUG": "Slug",
"TITLE": "Portal title",
"THEME": "Theme color",
"SUB_TEXT": "Portal sub text"
"TITLE": "Available locales",
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Locale name",
"CODE": "Locale code",
"ARTICLE_COUNT": "No. of articles",
"CATEGORIES": "No. of categories",
"SWAP": "Swap",
"DELETE": "Usuń",
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Create a portal",
"SUB_TITLE": "A Help Center in Chatwoot is known as a portal. You can have multiple portals and can have different locales for each portal.",
"NAME": {
"LABEL": "Nazwa",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal name",
"HELP_TEXT": "The name will be used in the public facing portal internally",
"ERROR": "Nazwa jest wymagana"
"LABEL": "Page Title",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal page title",
"HELP_TEXT": "The name will be used in the public facing portal",
"ERROR": "Page title is required"
"SLUG": {
"LABEL": "Slug",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal slug for urls",
"HELP_TEXT": "",
"ERROR": "Slug is required"
"LABEL": "Custom Domain",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal custom domain",
"HELP_TEXT": "Add only If you want to use a custom domain for your portals",
"ERROR": "Custom Domain is required"
"LABEL": "Home Page Link",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal home page link",
"HELP_TEXT": "The link used to return from the portal to the home page.",
"ERROR": "Home Page Link is required"
"LABEL": "Header Text",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Portal header text",
"HELP_TEXT": "Portal header text",
"ERROR": "Portal header text is required"
"CREATE": "Create portal",
"CANCEL": "Anuluj"
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Portal created successfully.",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't create the portal. Try again."
"TABLE": {
"LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading articles...",
"404": "No articles matches your search 🔍",
"NO_ARTICLES": "There are no available articles",
"TITLE": "Tytuł",
"CATEGORY": "Category",
"READ_COUNT": "Read count",
"STATUS": "Status",
"LAST_EDITED": "Last edited"
"BY": "by"
"TITLE_PLACEHOLDER": "Article title goes here",
"CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER": "Write your article here"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Search for articles"
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Create a category",
"SUB_TITLE": "The category will be used in the public facing portal to categorize articles.",
"PORTAL": "Portal",
"LOCALE": "Locale",
"NAME": {
"LABEL": "Nazwa",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Category name",
"HELP_TEXT": "The category name will be used in the public facing portal to categorize articles.",
"ERROR": "Nazwa jest wymagana"
"SLUG": {
"LABEL": "Slug",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Category slug for urls",
"HELP_TEXT": "",
"ERROR": "Slug is required"
"LABEL": "Opis",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Give a short description about the category.",
"ERROR": "Opis jest wymagany"
"CREATE": "Create category",
"CANCEL": "Anuluj"
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Category created successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to create category"