* New translations contact.json (Vietnamese) * New translations conversation.json (Vietnamese) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Vietnamese) * New translations settings.json (Vietnamese) * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations contact.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations conversation.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations settings.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations settings.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations contact.json (Persian) * New translations conversation.json (Persian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Persian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Indonesian) * New translations contact.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations conversation.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations integrations.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations settings.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations contact.json (Indonesian) * New translations conversation.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Swedish) * New translations settings.json (Swedish) * New translations conversation.json (Swedish) * New translations en.json (Swedish) * New translations contact.json (Turkish) * New translations conversation.json (Turkish) * New translations contact.json (Swedish) * New translations conversation.json (Slovak) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Slovak) * New translations settings.json (Slovak) * New translations en.json (Slovak) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) * New translations contact.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations settings.json (Ukrainian) * New translations conversation.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations settings.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations settings.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations contact.json (Ukrainian) * New translations conversation.json (Ukrainian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Ukrainian) * New translations settings.json (Persian) * New translations integrationApps.json (French) * New translations en.json (Hebrew) * New translations contact.json (Hebrew) * New translations en.json (Nepali) * New translations conversation.json (Hebrew) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Hebrew) * New translations settings.json (Hebrew) * New translations settings.json (Nepali) * New translations csatMgmt.json (French) * New translations contact.json (Thai) * New translations conversation.json (Thai) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Thai) * New translations settings.json (Thai) * New translations en.json (Thai) * New translations en.json (Tamil) * New translations contact.json (Tamil) * New translations en.json (Persian) * New translations conversation.json (Tamil) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Tamil) * New translations settings.json (Tamil) * New translations settings.json (Malayalam) * New translations en.json (Malayalam) * New translations contact.json (Nepali) * New translations conversation.json (Nepali) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Nepali) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Malayalam) * New translations contact.json (Hindi) * New translations conversation.json (Hindi) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Hindi) * New translations settings.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations contact.json (Malayalam) * New translations conversation.json (Malayalam) * New translations contact.json (Slovak) * New translations contact.json (Danish) * New translations conversation.json (Danish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Danish) * New translations settings.json (Danish) * New translations en.json (Danish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Czech) * New translations contact.json (Czech) * New translations conversation.json (Czech) * New translations settings.json (Czech) * New translations en.json (Czech) * New translations contact.json (German) * New translations settings.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations contact.json (Finnish) * New translations conversation.json (Finnish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Finnish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Greek) * New translations conversation.json (German) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (German) * New translations integrations.json (German) * New translations settings.json (German) * New translations en.yml (German) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations contact.json (Greek) * New translations conversation.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Catalan) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (French) * New translations integrations.json (French) * New translations report.json (French) * New translations settings.json (French) * New translations en.yml (French) * New translations conversation.json (French) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations labelsMgmt.json (French) * New translations teamsSettings.json (French) * New translations campaign.json (French) * New translations contact.json (Spanish) * New translations conversation.json (Spanish) * New translations contact.json (French) * New translations contact.json (Romanian) * New translations conversation.json (Romanian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Romanian) * New translations settings.json (Romanian) * New translations chatlist.json (French) * New translations en.json (Romanian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations contact.json (Catalan) * New translations settings.json (Arabic) * New translations conversation.json (Catalan) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Catalan) * New translations settings.json (Catalan) * New translations settings.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations contact.json (Arabic) * New translations conversation.json (Arabic) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Arabic) * New translations settings.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations contact.json (Polish) * New translations conversation.json (Polish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Polish) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Norwegian) * New translations conversation.json (Dutch) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Dutch) * New translations settings.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations contact.json (Norwegian) * New translations conversation.json (Norwegian) * New translations settings.json (Finnish) * New translations contact.json (Russian) * New translations conversation.json (Russian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Russian) * New translations settings.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations settings.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations contact.json (Portuguese) * New translations conversation.json (Portuguese) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Portuguese) * New translations settings.json (Portuguese) * New translations contact.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations contact.json (Italian) * New translations conversation.json (Italian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Italian) * New translations settings.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Finnish) * New translations contact.json (Hungarian) * New translations conversation.json (Hungarian) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Hungarian) * New translations settings.json (Hungarian) * New translations contact.json (Korean) * New translations conversation.json (Korean) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Korean) * New translations settings.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Japanese) * New translations contact.json (Japanese) * New translations conversation.json (Japanese) * New translations inboxMgmt.json (Japanese) * New translations settings.json (Japanese) * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) * chore: revert key name * Update zh_CN.yml * New translations contact.json (Russian) Co-authored-by: Muhsin Keloth <muhsinkeramam@gmail.com>
237 lines
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237 lines
7.7 KiB
"NOT_AVAILABLE": "No Disponible",
"EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Dirección de correo",
"PHONE_NUMBER": "Número de teléfono",
"COPY_SUCCESSFUL": "Copiado al portapapeles satisfactoriamente",
"COMPANY": "Empresa",
"LOCATION": "Ubicación",
"CONVERSATION_TITLE": "Detalles de la conversación",
"BROWSER": "Navegador",
"OS": "Sistema operativo",
"INITIATED_FROM": "Iniciado desde",
"INITIATED_AT": "Iniciado el",
"IP_ADDRESS": "Dirección IP",
"NEW_MESSAGE": "Nuevo mensaje",
"NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No hay conversaciones previas asociadas a este contacto.",
"TITLE": "Conversaciones anteriores"
"TITLE": "Etiqueta de Contacto",
"ERROR": "No se pudo actualizar etiquetas de contacto"
"TITLE": "Etiquetas de conversación",
"ADD_BUTTON": "Añadir etiquetas"
"TITLE": "Añadir etiquetas",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Buscar etiquetas",
"NO_RESULT": "No se encontraron etiquetas"
"MUTE_CONTACT": "Silenciar Conversación",
"UNMUTE_CONTACT": "Dessilenciar conversación",
"MUTED_SUCCESS": "Ésta conversación está silenciada por 6 horas",
"UNMUTED_SUCCESS": "Ésta conversación ya no está silenciada",
"SEND_TRANSCRIPT": "Enviar Transcripción",
"EDIT_LABEL": "Editar"
"BUTTON_LABEL": "Editar Contacto",
"TITLE": "Editar Contacto",
"DESC": "Editar detalles del contacto"
"BUTTON_LABEL": "Nuevo contacto",
"TITLE": "Crear un contacto nuevo",
"DESC": "Añadir información básica sobre el contacto."
"FORM": {
"SUBMIT": "Enviar",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"LABEL": "Avatar"
"NAME": {
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el nombre completo del contacto",
"LABEL": "Nombre completo"
"BIO": {
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba la bio del contacto",
"LABEL": "Biografía"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba la dirección email del contacto",
"LABEL": "Dirección de correo"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el número de teléfono del contacto",
"LABEL": "Número telefónico",
"HELP": "El número telefónico debe tener el formato E.164, por ejemplo: +753001234567 [+][código del país][código de área][número teléfonico]",
"ERROR": "El número telefónico debe estar vacío o en formato E.164"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba la ubicación del contacto",
"LABEL": "Ubicación"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el nombre de la empresa",
"LABEL": "Empresa"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el usuario de Facebook",
"LABEL": "Facebook"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el usuario de Twitter",
"LABEL": "Twitter"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el usuario de LinkedIn",
"LABEL": "LinkedIn"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba el usuario de Github",
"LABEL": "Github"
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Contacto guardado correctamente",
"CONTACT_ALREADY_EXIST": "Ésta dirección de correo está siendo utilizada por otro contacto.",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Hubo un error, por favor inténtelo de nuevo"
"BUTTON_LABEL": "Iniciar conversación",
"TITLE": "Nueva conversación",
"DESC": "Iniciar una conversación enviando un mensaje nuevo.",
"NO_INBOX": "No se encontró la bandeja de entrada para iniciar una nueva conversación con este contacto.",
"FORM": {
"TO": {
"LABEL": "Para"
"INBOX": {
"LABEL": "Bandeja de entrada",
"ERROR": "Seleccione una bandeja de entrada"
"LABEL": "Mensaje",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Escriba su mensaje aquí",
"ERROR": "El mensaje no puede estar vacío"
"SUBMIT": "Enviar mensaje",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "¡Mensaje enviado!",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "¡No se pudo enviar! intente nuevamente"
"HEADER": "Contactos",
"FIELDS": "Contact fields",
"SEARCH_BUTTON": "Buscar",
"SEARCH_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Buscar contactos",
"LIST": {
"LOADING_MESSAGE": "Cargando contactos...",
"404": "No hay contactos que coincidan con tu búsqueda 🔍",
"NO_CONTACTS": "No hay contactos disponibles",
"NAME": "Nombre",
"PHONE_NUMBER": "Número telefónico",
"CONVERSATIONS": "Conversaciones",
"LAST_ACTIVITY": "Última actividad",
"COUNTRY": "País",
"CITY": "Ciudad",
"SOCIAL_PROFILES": "Perfiles Sociales",
"COMPANY": "Empresa",
"EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Dirección de correo"
"VIEW_DETAILS": "Ver detalles"
"BUTTON": "Añadir",
"TITLE": "Shift + Enter para crear una tarea"
"DUE_DATE": "Fecha límite",
"LABEL_TITLE": "Establecer el tipo"
"NOTES": {
"TITLE": "Notas"
"ADD": {
"BUTTON": "Añadir",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Añadir nota",
"TITLE": "Shift + Enter para crear una nota"
"BUTTON": "Ver todas las notas"
"TITLE": "Actividades"
"PILL_BUTTON_CONVO": "conversaciones"
"TITLE": "Atributos personalizados",
"BUTTON": "Add custom attribute",
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Create custom attribute",
"DESC": "Add custom information to this contact."
"FORM": {
"CREATE": "Add attribute",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"NAME": {
"LABEL": "Custom attribute name",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Eg: shopify id",
"ERROR": "Invalid custom attribute name"
"VALUE": {
"LABEL": "Attribute value",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Eg: 11901 "
"TITLE": "Merge contacts",
"DESCRIPTION": "Merge contact is helpful when you have duplicated entries of the same contact. Merging action takes a primary contact and a child contact. After merging, all details in the primary contact will remain the same. If the primary contact doesn't have a field, then the value from the child contact will be used after merging. If a conflict happens, fields in primary contact will remain unaffected, but fields from secondary will be copied to the custom attributes in the primary contact.",
"TITLE": "Primary contact"
"CHILD": {
"TITLE": "Contact to merge",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Choose a contact"
"TITLE": "Summary",
"DELETE_WARNING": "Contact of <strong>%{childContactName}</strong>will be deleted.",
"ATTRIBUTE_WARNING": "Contact details of <strong>%{childContactName}</strong> will be copied to <strong>%{primaryContactName}</strong>."
"FORM": {
"SUBMIT": " Merge contacts",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"ERROR": "Select a child contact to merge"
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Contact merged successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not merge contcts, try again!"