125 lines
4.3 KiB
125 lines
4.3 KiB
"NEW_TEAM": "Crează o echipă nouă",
"HEADER": "Echipe",
"SIDEBAR_TXT": "<p><b>Echipele</b></p> <p>vă permit să organizați agenții în grupuri în funcție de responsabilitățile lor. <br /> Un utilizator poate face parte din mai multe echipe. Poți atribui conversații unei echipe atunci când lucrezi colaborativ. </p>",
"LIST": {
"404": "Nu există echipe create în acest cont.",
"EDIT_TEAM": "Editează echipa"
"TITLE": "Crează o echipă nouă",
"DESC": "Adaugă un titlu și o descriere noii tale echipe."
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă agenți în echipă",
"TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}",
"DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. This lets you collaborate as a team on conversations, get notified on new events in the same conversation."
"title": "Creeaza",
"route": "settings_teams_new",
"body": "Create a new team of agents."
"title": "Adaugă Agent",
"route": "settings_teams_add_agents",
"body": "Add agents to the team."
"title": "Finish",
"route": "settings_teams_finish",
"body": "Toate setarile sunt facute!"
"TITLE": "Edit your team details",
"DESC": "Edit title and description to your team.",
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Update team"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Update agents in team",
"TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}",
"DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. All the added agents will be notified when a conversation is assigned to this team."
"title": "Team details",
"route": "settings_teams_edit",
"body": "Change name, description and other details."
"title": "Edit Agents",
"route": "settings_teams_edit_members",
"body": "Edit agents in your team."
"title": "Finish",
"route": "settings_teams_edit_finish",
"body": "Toate setarile sunt facute!"
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't save the team details. Try again."
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă Agent",
"ADD_AGENTS": "Adding Agents to your Team...",
"SELECT": "select",
"SELECT_ALL": "select all agents",
"SELECTED_COUNT": "%{selected} out of %{total} agents selected."
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}",
"DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. This lets you collaborate as a team on conversations, get notified on new events in the same conversation.",
"SELECT": "select",
"SELECT_ALL": "select all agents",
"SELECTED_COUNT": "%{selected} out of %{total} agents selected.",
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă Agent",
"AGENT_VALIDATION_ERROR": "Select atleaset one agent."
"TITLE": "Your team is ready!",
"MESSAGE": "You can now collaborate as a team on conversations. Happy supporting ",
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Finish"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Şterge",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Team deleted successfully.",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't delete the team. Try again."
"TITLE": "Are you sure want to delete - %{teamName}",
"PLACE_HOLDER": "Please type {teamName} to confirm",
"MESSAGE": "Deleting the team will remove the team assignment from the conversations assigned to this team.",
"YES": "Şterge ",
"NO": "Renunță"
"SETTINGS": "Setări",
"FORM": {
"UPDATE": "Update team",
"CREATE": "Create team",
"NAME": {
"LABEL": "Team name",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Example: Sales, Customer Support"
"LABEL": "Team Description",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Short description about this team."
"LABEL": "Allow auto assign for this team."
"SUBMIT_CREATE": "Create team"