76 lines
2.9 KiB
76 lines
2.9 KiB
"HEADER": "Canned Responses",
"HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Tambahkan Canned Response",
"LOADING": "Mengambil Canned Responses",
"SEARCH_404": "Tidak ada item yang cocok dengan kueri ini",
"SIDEBAR_TXT": "<p><b>Canned Responses</b> </p><p> Canned Responses are saved reply templates which can be used to quickly send out a reply to a conversation. </p><p> For creating a Canned Response, just click on the <b>Add Canned Response</b>. You can also edit or delete an existing Canned Response by clicking on the Edit or Delete button </p><p> Canned responses are used with the help of <b>Short Codes</b>. Agents can access canned responses while on a chat by typing <b>'/'</b> followed by the short code. </p>",
"LIST": {
"404": "Tidak ada canned response yang tersedia di akun ini.",
"TITLE": "Kelola canned response",
"DESC": "Canned Response adalah template balasan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya yang dapat digunakan untuk mengirimkan balasan dengan cepat ke tiket.",
"Short Code",
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Tambahkan Canned Response",
"DESC": "Canned Responses are saved reply templates which can be used to quickly send out reply to conversation.",
"FORM": {
"LABEL": "Short Code",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a short code",
"ERROR": "Short Code dibutuhkan"
"LABEL": "Konten",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Harap masukkan sebuah konten",
"ERROR": "Konten dibutuhkan"
"SUBMIT": "Kirim"
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Canned Response berhasil ditambahkan",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke Server Woot, Silahkan coba lagi nanti"
"EDIT": {
"TITLE": "Edit Canned Response",
"FORM": {
"LABEL": "Short Code",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Harap masukkan shortcode",
"ERROR": "Short Code dibutuhkan"
"LABEL": "Konten",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Harap masukkan sebuah konten",
"ERROR": "Konten dibutuhkan"
"SUBMIT": "Kirim"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Edit",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Canned Response berhasil diperbarui",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke Server Woot, Silahkan coba lagi nanti"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Hapus",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Canned Response berhasil dihapus",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke Server Woot, Silahkan coba lagi nanti"
"TITLE": "Konfirmasi Penghapusan",
"MESSAGE": "Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus ",
"YES": "Ya, Hapus ",
"NO": "Tidak, Simpan "