# == Schema Information # # Table name: channel_whatsapp # # id :bigint not null, primary key # message_templates :jsonb # message_templates_last_updated :datetime # phone_number :string not null # provider :string default("default") # provider_config :jsonb # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # account_id :integer not null # # Indexes # # index_channel_whatsapp_on_phone_number (phone_number) UNIQUE # class Channel::Whatsapp < ApplicationRecord include Channelable self.table_name = 'channel_whatsapp' EDITABLE_ATTRS = [:phone_number, { provider_config: {} }].freeze validates :phone_number, presence: true, uniqueness: true before_save :validate_provider_config def name 'Whatsapp' end # all this should happen in provider service . but hack mode on def api_base_path # provide the environment variable when testing against sandbox : 'https://waba-sandbox.360dialog.io/v1' ENV.fetch('360DIALOG_BASE_URL', 'https://waba.360dialog.io/v1') end # Extract later into provider Service def send_message(phone_number, message) if message.attachments.present? send_attachment_message(phone_number, message) else send_text_message(phone_number, message) end end def send_template(phone_number, template_info) send_template_message(phone_number, template_info) end def media_url(media_id) "#{api_base_path}/media/#{media_id}" end def api_headers { 'D360-API-KEY' => provider_config['api_key'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end def has_24_hour_messaging_window? true end def message_templates sync_templates super end private def send_text_message(phone_number, message) response = HTTParty.post( "#{api_base_path}/messages", headers: api_headers, body: { to: phone_number, text: { body: message.content }, type: 'text' }.to_json ) response.success? ? response['messages'].first['id'] : nil end def send_attachment_message(phone_number, message) attachment = message.attachments.first type = %w[image audio video].include?(attachment.file_type) ? attachment.file_type : 'document' attachment_url = attachment.download_url response = HTTParty.post( "#{api_base_path}/messages", headers: api_headers, body: { 'to' => phone_number, 'type' => type, type.to_s => { 'link': attachment_url, 'caption': message.content } }.to_json ) response.success? ? response['messages'].first['id'] : nil end def send_template_message(phone_number, template_info) response = HTTParty.post( "#{api_base_path}/messages", headers: api_headers, body: { to: phone_number, template: template_body_parameters(template_info), type: 'template' }.to_json ) response.success? ? response['messages'].first['id'] : nil end def template_body_parameters(template_info) { name: template_info[:name], namespace: template_info[:namespace], language: { policy: 'deterministic', code: template_info[:lang_code] }, components: [{ type: 'body', parameters: template_info[:parameters] }] } end def sync_templates # to prevent too many api calls last_updated = message_templates_last_updated || 1.day.ago return if Time.current < (last_updated + 12.hours) response = HTTParty.get("#{api_base_path}/configs/templates", headers: api_headers) update(message_templates: response['waba_templates'], message_templates_last_updated: Time.now.utc) if response.success? end # Extract later into provider Service def validate_provider_config response = HTTParty.post( "#{api_base_path}/configs/webhook", headers: { 'D360-API-KEY': provider_config['api_key'], 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { url: "#{ENV['FRONTEND_URL']}/webhooks/whatsapp/#{phone_number}" }.to_json ) errors.add(:provider_config, 'error setting up the webook') unless response.success? end end