###### Attributes Supported by Integration Apps ####### # id: Internal Id for the integrations, used by the hooks # logo: place the image in /public/dashboard/images/integrations and reference here # i18n_key: the key under which translations for the integration is placed in en.yml # action: if integration requires external redirect url # hook_type: ( account / inbox ) # allow_multiple_hooks: whether multiple hooks can be created for the integration # settings_json_schema: the json schema used to validate the settings hash (https://json-schema.org/) # settings_form_schema: the formulate schema used in frontend to render settings form (https://vueformulate.com/) ######################################################## slack: id: slack logo: slack.png i18n_key: slack action: https://slack.com/oauth/v2/authorize?scope=commands,chat:write,channels:read,channels:manage,channels:join,groups:write,im:write,mpim:write,users:read,users:read.email,chat:write.customize,channels:history,groups:history,mpim:history,im:history hook_type: account allow_multiple_hooks: false webhooks: id: webhook logo: cable.svg i18n_key: webhooks action: /webhook hook_type: account allow_multiple_hooks: true dialogflow: id: dialogflow logo: dialogflow.svg i18n_key: dialogflow action: /dialogflow hook_type: inbox allow_multiple_hooks: true settings_json_schema: { "type": "object", "properties": { "project_id": { "type": "string" }, "credentials": { "type": "object" } }, "required": ["project_id", "credentials"], "additionalProperties": false } settings_form_schema: [ { "label": "Dialogflow Project ID", "type": "text", "name": "project_id" }, { "label": "Dialogflow Project Key File", "type": "textarea", "name": "credentials", } ]