{ "TEAMS_SETTINGS": { "NEW_TEAM": "Crează o echipă nouă", "HEADER": "Echipe", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "


vă permit să organizați agenții în grupuri în funcție de responsabilitățile lor.
Un utilizator poate face parte din mai multe echipe. Poți atribui conversații unei echipe atunci când lucrezi colaborativ.

", "LIST": { "404": "Nu există echipe create în acest cont.", "EDIT_TEAM": "Editează echipa" }, "CREATE_FLOW": { "CREATE": { "TITLE": "Crează o echipă nouă", "DESC": "Adaugă un titlu și o descriere noii tale echipe." }, "AGENTS": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă agenți în echipă", "TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}", "DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. This lets you collaborate as a team on conversations, get notified on new events in the same conversation." }, "WIZARD": [ { "title": "Creeaza", "route": "settings_teams_new", "body": "Create a new team of agents." }, { "title": "Adaugă Agent", "route": "settings_teams_add_agents", "body": "Add agents to the team." }, { "title": "Finish", "route": "settings_teams_finish", "body": "Toate setarile sunt facute!" } ] }, "EDIT_FLOW": { "CREATE": { "TITLE": "Edit your team details", "DESC": "Edit title and description to your team.", "BUTTON_TEXT": "Update team" }, "AGENTS": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Update agents in team", "TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}", "DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. All the added agents will be notified when a conversation is assigned to this team." }, "WIZARD": [ { "title": "Team details", "route": "settings_teams_edit", "body": "Change name, description and other details." }, { "title": "Edit Agents", "route": "settings_teams_edit_members", "body": "Edit agents in your team." }, { "title": "Finish", "route": "settings_teams_edit_finish", "body": "Toate setarile sunt facute!" } ] }, "TEAM_FORM": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't save the team details. Try again." }, "AGENTS": { "AGENT": "AGENT", "EMAIL": "E-MAIL", "BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă Agent", "ADD_AGENTS": "Adding Agents to your Team...", "SELECT": "select", "SELECT_ALL": "select all agents", "SELECTED_COUNT": "%{selected} out of %{total} agents selected." }, "ADD": { "TITLE": "Adăugați agenți în echipă - %{teamName}", "DESC": "Add Agents to your newly created team. This lets you collaborate as a team on conversations, get notified on new events in the same conversation.", "SELECT": "select", "SELECT_ALL": "select all agents", "SELECTED_COUNT": "%{selected} out of %{total} agents selected.", "BUTTON_TEXT": "Adaugă Agent", "AGENT_VALIDATION_ERROR": "Select atleaset one agent." }, "FINISH": { "TITLE": "Your team is ready!", "MESSAGE": "You can now collaborate as a team on conversations. Happy supporting ", "BUTTON_TEXT": "Finish" }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Şterge", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Team deleted successfully.", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't delete the team. Try again." }, "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "Are you sure want to delete - %{teamName}", "PLACE_HOLDER": "Please type {teamName} to confirm", "MESSAGE": "Deleting the team will remove the team assignment from the conversations assigned to this team.", "YES": "Şterge ", "NO": "Renunță" } }, "SETTINGS": "Setări", "FORM": { "UPDATE": "Update team", "CREATE": "Create team", "NAME": { "LABEL": "Team name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Example: Sales, Customer Support" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Team Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "Short description about this team." }, "AUTO_ASSIGN": { "LABEL": "Allow auto assign for this team." }, "SUBMIT_CREATE": "Create team" } } }