import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { SDK_CSS } from '../widget/assets/scss/sdk'; /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ const bubbleImg = ''; const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const holder = document.createElement('div'); const bubbleHolder = document.createElement('div'); const chatBubble = document.createElement('div'); const closeBubble = document.createElement('div'); const notification_bubble = document.createElement('span'); const bodyOverFlowStyle =; function loadCSS() { const css = document.createElement('style'); css.type = 'text/css'; css.innerHTML = `${SDK_CSS}`; document.body.appendChild(css); } function wootOn(elm, event, fn) { if (document.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(event, fn, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { // <= IE 8 loses scope so need to apply, we add this to object so we // can detach later (can't detach anonymous functions) // eslint-disable-next-line elm[event + fn] = function() { // eslint-disable-next-line return fn.apply(elm, arguments); }; elm.attachEvent(`on${event}`, elm[event + fn]); } } function classHelper(classes, action, elm) { let search; let replace; let i; let has = false; if (classes) { // Trim any whitespace const classarray = classes.split(/\s+/); for (i = 0; i < classarray.length; i += 1) { search = new RegExp(`\\b${classarray[i]}\\b`, 'g'); replace = new RegExp(` *${classarray[i]}\\b`, 'g'); if (action === 'remove') { // eslint-disable-next-line elm.className = elm.className.replace(replace, ''); } else if (action === 'toggle') { // eslint-disable-next-line elm.className = elm.className.match(search) ? elm.className.replace(replace, '') : `${elm.className} ${classarray[i]}`; } else if (action === 'has') { if (elm.className.match(search)) { has = true; break; } } } } return has; } function addClass(elm, classes) { if (classes) { elm.className += ` ${classes}`; } } // Toggle class function toggleClass(elm, classes) { classHelper(classes, 'toggle', elm); } const createBubbleIcon = ({ className, src, target }) => { target.className = className; const bubbleIcon = document.createElement('img'); bubbleIcon.src = src; target.appendChild(bubbleIcon); return target; }; function createBubbleHolder() { addClass(bubbleHolder, 'woot--bubble-holder'); body.appendChild(bubbleHolder); } function createNotificationBubble() { addClass(notification_bubble, 'woot--notification'); return notification_bubble; } function bubbleClickCallback() { toggleClass(chatBubble, 'woot--hide'); toggleClass(closeBubble, 'woot--hide'); toggleClass(holder, 'woot--hide'); } function onClickChatBubble() { wootOn(bubbleHolder, 'click', bubbleClickCallback); } function disableScroll() { = 'hidden'; } function enableScroll() { = bodyOverFlowStyle; } const IFrameHelper = { createFrame: ({ baseUrl, websiteToken }) => { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); const cwCookie = Cookies.get('cw_conversation'); let widgetUrl = `${baseUrl}/widget?website_token=${websiteToken}`; if (cwCookie) { widgetUrl = `${widgetUrl}&cw_conversation=${cwCookie}`; } iframe.src = widgetUrl; = 'chatwoot_live_chat_widget'; = 'hidden'; holder.className = 'woot-widget-holder woot--hide'; holder.appendChild(iframe); body.appendChild(holder); IFrameHelper.initPostMessageCommunication(); IFrameHelper.initLocationListener(); }, getAppFrame: () => document.getElementById('chatwoot_live_chat_widget'), sendMessage: (key, value) => { const element = IFrameHelper.getAppFrame(); element.contentWindow.postMessage( `chatwoot-widget:${JSON.stringify({ event: key, ...value })}`, '*' ); }, events: { loaded: message => { Cookies.set('cw_conversation', message.config.authToken); IFrameHelper.sendMessage('config-set', {}); IFrameHelper.onLoad(message.config.channelConfig); IFrameHelper.setCurrentUrl(); }, set_auth_token: message => { Cookies.set('cw_conversation', message.authToken); }, toggleBubble: () => { bubbleClickCallback(); }, }, initPostMessageCommunication: () => { window.onmessage = e => { if ( typeof !== 'string' ||'chatwoot-widget:') !== 0 ) { return; } const message = JSON.parse('chatwoot-widget:', '')); if (typeof[message.event] === 'function') {[message.event](message); } }; }, initLocationListener: () => { window.onhashchange = () => { IFrameHelper.setCurrentUrl(); }; }, onLoad: ({ widget_color: widgetColor }) => { const iframe = IFrameHelper.getAppFrame(); = ''; iframe.setAttribute('id', `chatwoot_live_chat_widget`); iframe.onmouseenter = disableScroll; iframe.onmouseleave = enableScroll; loadCSS(); createBubbleHolder(); const chatIcon = createBubbleIcon({ className: 'woot-widget-bubble', src: bubbleImg, target: chatBubble, }); const closeIcon = closeBubble; closeIcon.className = 'woot-widget-bubble woot--close woot--hide'; = widgetColor; = widgetColor; bubbleHolder.appendChild(chatIcon); bubbleHolder.appendChild(closeIcon); bubbleHolder.appendChild(createNotificationBubble()); onClickChatBubble(); }, setCurrentUrl: () => { IFrameHelper.sendMessage('set-current-url', { refererURL: window.location.href, }); }, }; function loadIframe({ baseUrl, websiteToken }) { IFrameHelper.createFrame({ baseUrl, websiteToken, }); } window.chatwootSDK = { run: loadIframe, };