export const templates = [ { name: 'sample_flight_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'TICKET_UPDATE', language: 'pt_BR', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { type: 'HEADER', format: 'DOCUMENT' }, { text: 'Esta é a sua confirmação de voo para {{1}}-{{2}} em {{3}}.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Esta mensagem é de uma empresa não verificada.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_issue_resolution', status: 'approved', category: 'ISSUE_RESOLUTION', language: 'pt_BR', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Oi, {{1}}. Nós conseguimos resolver o problema que você estava enfrentando?', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Esta mensagem é de uma empresa não verificada.', type: 'FOOTER', }, { type: 'BUTTONS', buttons: [ { text: 'Sim', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, { text: 'Não', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, ], }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_issue_resolution', status: 'approved', category: 'ISSUE_RESOLUTION', language: 'es', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Hola, {{1}}. ¿Pudiste solucionar el problema que tenías?', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Este mensaje proviene de un negocio no verificado.', type: 'FOOTER', }, { type: 'BUTTONS', buttons: [ { text: 'Sí', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, { text: 'No', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, ], }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_issue_resolution', status: 'approved', category: 'ISSUE_RESOLUTION', language: 'id', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Halo {{1}}, apakah kami bisa mengatasi masalah yang sedang Anda hadapi?', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Pesan ini berasal dari bisnis yang tidak terverifikasi.', type: 'FOOTER', }, { type: 'BUTTONS', buttons: [ { text: 'Ya', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, { text: 'Tidak', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, ], }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_shipping_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', language: 'pt_BR', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Seu pacote foi enviado. Ele será entregue em {{1}} dias úteis.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Esta mensagem é de uma empresa não verificada.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_shipping_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', language: 'id', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Paket Anda sudah dikirim. Paket akan sampai dalam {{1}} hari kerja.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Pesan ini berasal dari bisnis yang tidak terverifikasi.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_shipping_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', language: 'es', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'ó tu paquete. La entrega se realizará en {{1}} dí.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Este mensaje proviene de un negocio no verificado.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_flight_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'TICKET_UPDATE', language: 'id', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { type: 'HEADER', format: 'DOCUMENT' }, { text: 'Ini merupakan konfirmasi penerbangan Anda untuk {{1}}-{{2}} di {{3}}.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Pesan ini berasal dari bisnis yang tidak terverifikasi.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_issue_resolution', status: 'approved', category: 'ISSUE_RESOLUTION', language: 'en_US', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Hi {{1}}, were we able to solve the issue that you were facing?', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'This message is from an unverified business.', type: 'FOOTER' }, { type: 'BUTTONS', buttons: [ { text: 'Yes', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, { text: 'No', type: 'QUICK_REPLY' }, ], }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_flight_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'TICKET_UPDATE', language: 'es', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { type: 'HEADER', format: 'DOCUMENT' }, { text: 'Confirmamos tu vuelo a {{1}}-{{2}} para el {{3}}.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Este mensaje proviene de un negocio no verificado.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_flight_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'TICKET_UPDATE', language: 'en_US', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { type: 'HEADER', format: 'DOCUMENT' }, { text: 'This is your flight confirmation for {{1}}-{{2}} on {{3}}.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'This message is from an unverified business.', type: 'FOOTER' }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'sample_shipping_confirmation', status: 'approved', category: 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', language: 'en_US', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { text: 'Your package has been shipped. It will be delivered in {{1}} business days.', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'This message is from an unverified business.', type: 'FOOTER' }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, { name: 'no_variable_template', status: 'approved', category: 'TICKET_UPDATE', language: 'pt_BR', namespace: 'ed41a221_133a_4558_a1d6_192960e3aee9', components: [ { type: 'HEADER', format: 'DOCUMENT', }, { text: 'This is a test whatsapp template', type: 'BODY', }, { text: 'Esta mensagem é de uma empresa não verificada.', type: 'FOOTER', }, ], rejected_reason: 'NONE', }, ];